True. Like I said, I'm probably wanting there to be a connection where there is none, since I'm tired of talking about Ayleids. LOL.
Anyway, as I understand it...
Beothiah is the ancestor of the dunmer in that he/she/it guided Veloth in his founding of the Chimeri way of life. It is, in that respect, that Veloth is considered a "Boethianic Messiah" (I made this phrase up; feel free to laugh, but bile rises in the back of my throat everytime I start to say the word "Beothiahrine" so I won't) for his people, and therefore related, if only in spirit, to the great daedroth. Possibly Beothiah walked like Veloth...

Which would mean that since the Chimeri (and therefore Dunmeri) culture descended from Veltoh, the dunmeri people "descended" from Beothiah. Ancestor in a non-literal sense.
I'm just saying if you read on it, it makes it sound literal, rather than figurative. I was just wondering if there was more to it that I haven't picked up on.
Or, maybe, I just wanted to start a new thread since all the ones on the first page have been done to death. LOL. Whatever. My question's answered. Thanks guys.
P.S. Just in case you were wondering, yes, Boethiah is my favorite daedric prince, even though we know little about him/her. I'm a dunmeriphile, so of course I like the "good" daedra, but Bo-bo's my favorite. Dunno why.