Okay here we go:
(EDIT FOR THE DOC: Sorry, I copy and paste straight from Deviantart!! ^^" I tend to wait until I've done it once before I go through and check it out properly. I have description issues, ahm afraid ^^" I svck. Going to fix naow~)
(SECOND DOC EDIT: Okay so I'm having issues. Do you want me to line break between each line of dialogue? I'll just do paragraphing for now

Prologue: Escape!
"Let's see... are you a boy, or a girl?...
A girl? It's a girl, we've got a daughter, Catherine!
A beautiful healthy baby girl!"
"Oh... Oh James, we did it! Our daughter... Our Beautiful daughter..."
"You've got a bright future ahead of you...
I'm sure of it. Look at you! Look at you... Hi there! I'm your Daddy! Daddy!
It's a big world out there. Full of all sorts of people. What about you?
What kind of person are you going to be?"
"James? James?! Something's..."
"Catherine?! She's in cardiac arrest...! Get the baby out of here, move...! Move...!"
One Year Later
"We need a doctor..."
"Fail to meet my expectations and there will be..."
"Don't look straight into..."
"Just like home!"
"Come on, over here, sweetheart! Come on! Walk to Daddy! There you go. My goodness! Just a year old and already walking like a pro! Your mother would have been so proud... Listen, kiddo. I know you don't like it when Daddy leaves you alone, but I need you to take care of yourself for a minute. You just stay here while Daddy runs to his office for a minute. You'll be alright I'll be back in a bit..."
"Hahaha! You are quite the little explorer, aren't you? Serves me right for trying to pen you in... Come on over here. I want to show you something. See that? It was your mother's favourite passage. It's from the bible. Revelations 21:6.
... I am Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end...
... I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely...
She always loved that. Alright, come on. Let's go see if your little friend Amata wants to play..."
Nine Years Later
"These experiments are a waste of time..."
"Damn fool..."
"Gonna cry?! Awwww..."
"Stanley, you turned the lights on too fast, you blinded the poor kid!"
"Happy birthday!!"~
"Can you believe it? She's growing up soo fast..."
"Happy birthday, honey! I can't believe you're already ten! I'm so proud of you. If only your mother..."
"Congratulations, young lady! I don't have to tell you how special this day is, do I?"
The Overseer. Shilo scowled. The two of them had an unspoken understanding – they did not communicate unless absolutely necessary.
"Down here in the Vault, the day you turn ten, well, you're ready to take on your first Vault responsibilities. So here you are. As overseer, I hereby present to you your very own Pip Boy 3000. Get used to it. You'll be getting your first work assignment tomorrow... ahhaha."
Dad patted her shoulder. "Enjoy your party, honey. You're only ten once, so make the most of it."
"Happy Birthday, Shilo!"
"Oh, hi Amata!"
"Haha! Your dad was afraid you were onto us, but I told him not to worry. You're so easy to fool!"
"N-no... You didn't fool me, I just pretended not to know!"
"Oh yeah? Well if you're so smart, what did I get you for your birthday?"
Shilo grinned. "Urrrrm. A date with Freddy Gomez."
"Ewwww! I didn't even know you liked boys, especially not Freddy the Freak! Gross! Maybe I should give this to someone else, who would like it more than Freddy Gomez...! Haha!"
Amata handed over a copy of Grognak the Barbarian, issue 14.
"No pages missing?!"
"Of course not!"
Shilo said thank you, but Amata had gone to watch Andy cut the cake. Shilo wondered if it would be rude to nip off somewhere to read it.
"Oh, hello dear!"
"Hello, Mrs Palmer." Maybe not.
"Are you having a nice time?"
"I sure am. Wasn't it nice that Dad and the others did all this?"
"It certainly is! My, you're so polite. Here you go, dear – your birthday present – a nice fresh sweetroll I baked for you just this morning."
Wow, maybe Grognak can wait after all!
There was a splatter, a shriek and a robotic groaning sound. Shilo turned to see Amata covered in cake.
"I am mortified, Mister Fox. So sorry." Said Andy, lowering his saw blade. Andy was a pretty old model and his co-ordination wasn't so great anymore. Shilo couldn't help laughing at her friend covered in pink icing. Amata's chestnut hair was coated in the stuff and although she was laughing too, her father looked furious. That only made Shilo laugh harder.
"Hey, punk! I'm hungry, and that stupid robot destroyed the cake! Gimme that sweetroll!"
Who the hell invited this guy?! "Go soak your head, Butch, you're not getting any of it."
"I said give me the sweetroll!"
Shilo took a deep breath and a seconds' preparation and spat on the sweetroll. She held it out to him with a sweet smile, head cocked to one side. "Here you go, Butch!"
"You're gonna pay for that!"
"What's going on here?"
Butch's mouth snapped shut.
"Nothing Officer Gomez." Shilo smirked.
"I'm glad to hear it. As soon as you let someone start pushing you around, they'll never stop." He looked pointedly at Butch and sat back at the counter with Dad and Stanley.
"Shilo?" Dad pulled her to one side, "Could you meet Jonas and me on the reactor level in a second? We've got a surprise for you."
Shilo nodded and skipped off, making sure Butch could see her grinning. What a loser. The cafeteria door opened with a hiss and she stepped out into the grey metal corridor and began walking towards the lit red sign pointing to the reactor. Posters were stuck up every few feet; "All hail the Overseer!" "Procreation is your duty!" and a small scribble in a corner: "Tunel Snakes Rule!"
Is procreation my duty? Shilo pondered. She knew all about procreation, they'd had a class on it once. Butch said his mother told him Christine Kendall's mother procreates with everyone. Mr Brotch said if that was true, then perhaps Mrs Kendall was having bad luck having a baby. Butch said Mrs Kendall was a [censored]. Class was dismissed then.
Jonas was waiting by the storage room door. "Hey, sport! I thought kids weren't allowed down here?"
"Can it, Jonas! I'm ten!"
"You are too. Your own Pip Boy and everything. Wait just a sec – I think your dad will want to give you the surprise himself."
Dad arrived a few seconds later.
"Where's this thing?"
"Right here, sweetheart – your very own BB gun! It was tough to get into working order... good job Butch 'misplaced' that switchblade of his!"
Shilo took it and turned it around in her hands. "We can't shoot it here though, right?"
"Right. Not unless we want the Overseer knocking down our door."
Jonas opened the storage room door revealing a homemade firing range with tin targets. Shilo looked at Dad. He nodded. "Go ahead, take a shot!"
She aimed and fired off three perfect shots. The tin circles spun around on their poles.
"Careful honey – there's a Radroach. See if you can take it out with your BB gun."
The radroach: A badly mutated form of the pre-war cockroach. If it were held vertical, it would be at least half Shilo's height. It took three shots to the head to kill it.
"Well done, honey! Jonas – get a picture of me with the big game hunter, will you...?"
Five Years Later
"You're a perfectly healthy fifteen year old girl and you're more than capable of taking the GOAT."
"Aw... but I'm sick... really!"
"No. You're not. Really. The first thing I learned as a doctor was how to spot a kid trying to skip a test. It's not hard. I'm sure you'll do well. Although... try your best, won't you? The last thing I need is your mother's ghost haunting me because her only child became a garbage collector..."
Jonas passed by as Shilo stormed out of the office. He looked at James. James shrugged.
Outside the classroom, Amata stood in the centre of Butch's gang.
"Leave me alone you stupid Tunnel Snakes!"
"I'll show you a real tunnel snake, Amata."
"Ohhh! Go away!"
Good comeback, Amata. Shilo thought. She sighed and gave Butch a shove.
"What's going on here?"
"What's it to you, punk?"
"Beat it."
"Who's gonna make me?"
Shilo knew she couldn't take Butch on, but the others were easy targets. She turned to Wally Mack, who openly stared from her briasts to her face and back. There was a crunch as Shilo's face broke teeth.
Butch seemed to sober up. He kicked off from the wall and walked away. "Come on guys. This little [censored] ain't worth our time."
"Butch... she-she hit me-!"
"YEAH?! Well I'll hit you if you embarrass me like that again...!"
"You okay, Amata?"
"Yeah... thanks. Those [censored]s. I don't know why they won't leave me alone! Just because I'm the Overseer's daughter I guess."
"Maybe. I'd forgotten all about that. Not." Shilo muttered to herself.
"Nothing. Come on, we'll be late."
From Seymour Brotch's records, no date marked
... however, I allowed Shilo to fill in her own answers. She is more than capable of any job down here, and I don't doubt she knows the GOAT is a complete farce. As if we aren't choked with Overseer nonsense enough, there has to be a test devoted to brainwashing children into following him? I don't agree with it. Shilo's result was marriage counsellor – I'm not surprised. A nice halfway between the medical and the political. James will be proud. Almost makes me wish I was married, so I could avail myself of her services...
Four Years Later
"Get up! You have to get up!"
"Uhhh? Amata... I was just dreaming about you..."
"Gross! Shilo, be serious!! Your dad has left the vault and my father's men are looking for you!"
This statement didn't register in Shilo's sleepy mind. All she heard was 'my father'. She chuckled and turned over.
"Shilo!!!" Amata yanked her upright and shook her, "Listen to me! Your father is gone!"
"What do you mean, gone? The door's sealed, what are you talking about?"
"It's not anymore! He opened it, and he's gone. Listen – you have to get out of here. My father's men have killed Jonas, and I'm afraid they'll kill you too! Take these bobby pins, they'll get you into my father's office. You'll need a password for his terminal – you might find it in a locker in the office. I'll meet you there. Go, go!!"she dropped her father's 10mm onto the desk, "Only use this in an emergency!"
Shilo shook her head and tried to focus. The alarm was blaring, cutting through her head and making her ears ring. Dad can't be gone! He can't leave! We're born in the Vault-
"We die in the Vault," she muttered. Jonas.
Taking up the gun, her baseball bat and a pack of stimpacks, she crept out of her room and into the corridor. An officer was distracted by a group of roaches – Shilo ran past him, ignoring his cries and demands that she come back. She ran with no real thought for where she was going, her feet were as confused as her mind. All around her, roaches seemed to come out of the walls. A blast of flame made her scream.
"Sorry about that, Madam! Blasted roaches!" Andy said cheerily. Thank god he doesn't have a security mode, Shilo thought. She took the stairs upwards two at a time. As she passed a medical room, a resident banged on the window yelling that it was her fault, it was all her fault.
"Shilo?! You gotta help me!"
Speechless, Shilo just gawped at Butch.
"I know, I know I give you [censored], but it's my ma, she's stuck in there with roaches! I can't get her out, I need your help!"
She looked at the 10mm. Just like the BB gun. You can do it, Shilo.
She took a deep breath, went into the DeLoria residence, pointed the gun – she couldn't fire. What if she hit Ellen? The roaches were jumping and biting and she was on the floor. Shilo screamed, closed her eyes and fired. Purely by luck, she hit the roaches. Ellen was breathless.
"You did it! You're the best friend I ever had, man! Here – take my Tunnel Snakes jacket!" Butch shoved it at her and helped his mother to her feet.
Unfortunately, not everyone wanted to congratulate her; the sound of gunfire had attracted guards. Shots rang out as she ran. A man she vaguely remembered being called Tom seemed to want to take advantage of the madness and was running for the main exit. He was quickly dispatched by the waiting Officers. Horrified, Shilo got onto her knees and began trying to pick the lock to the Overseer's office. It came open on her second try. She felt strangely detached as her hands found the cold metal lockers, took out stimpacks and the terminal password. Her hands shook as she typed it in, but her mind felt miles away. She was stranger, watching this poor, frightened girl from afar.
The desk in the middle of the room began to slide upwards on metal supports. Shilo slid underneath, jumped the stairs and frantically hit the button at the bottom until the desk slid back into place behind her.
This must be... a way out? Can I really leave? If dad did... why didn't he tell me? What the hell's going on anyway?!
She didn't know whether to scream or cry. At the end of the corridor and through a door not unlike the storage ones on the reactor level, was the Vault door control panel. She hit the buttons at random. An ear splitting screech announced she'd found the right one.
"Oh my god... you did it... you opened it..."
Amata and two of her father's officers stood, mouths hanging open, watching the cog-shaped door roll to one side.
"Come with me Amata. Please?" Shilo didn't know anymore who would actually gain from that.
"I can't. It's tempting but... I can't..."
A ruined wooden door was all that lay between Shilo and god knew what.
She looked back at her home. Then she turned her back on it, her friends, and Amata and pushed the door open.