Requires OBSE and Shivering Isles to function correctly
This Project creation was created on the account to how rare both Varla and Welkynd Stones are.
In this plug-in there is 2 new spells:
Transmute Welkynd Stones: Uses one Common Soul Gem and your Health Magic and fatigue are cut in half.
Transmute Varla Stones: Uses one Grand Soul Gem and all your Health Magic and fatigue dropping them all down to 1 across so that you have to be fully healed to cast the spell
Right Now I am working on the scripts for the two new spells and perhaps in the final release I will just combine the two spells into one.
I have both the spell scripts written just need to figure out a way to implement them in game and how to do so like should I add them as scrolls or journals in which you find while exploring or have a NPC created who can teach you hidden in a random ruins
Progress report
Welkynd Stone Conjurer Spell Script 100% Complete
Welkynd Stone Conjurer Activator Script 100% Complete
Varla Stone Conjurer Spell Script 100% Complete
Varla Stone Conjurer Activator Script 100% Complete
Soul Gem Conjurer Spell Script 100% Complete
Soul Gem Conjurer Activator Script 100% Complete
Soul Gem Combine Spell Script 100% Complete
Soul Gem Combine Actavator Script 100% Complete
Soul Gem Discharger Spell Script 100% Complete
Soul Gem Discharger Actavator Script 100% Complete
Leveled List 100% Complete
Containers 100% Complete
Custom Area 100% Complete
6 Custom Spell Tombs 0% Complete
6 Custom Spell Tombs Scripts 0% Complete
Escape Spell script 100% Complete
Soul Gem Discharger:
This spell was created for the sol purpose of discharging all the soul gems you find through out the game that already have souls in them of a lower grade then of the soul gem they are trapped in.
Combine Soul Gem:
This spell was created to combine like soul gems into a more powerful Version
Transmute Soul Gem:
This spell is created in which you channel a certain amount of health fatigue and magicka into a Silver Nugget based on what type of Soul Gem you want to create. Petty soul gems take the least amount as Grand Soul Gems take the most.
*Note: Since there is a quest for the Black Soul gems in which you can use the alter as many times as needed to make more I left them out from the transmute process.
Transmute Welkynd Stone:
This spell is created in which you channel a certain amount of health fatigue and magicka into a Common Soul Gem creating a Welkynd Stone
Transmute Varla Stone:
This spell is created in which you channel all of health fatigue and magicka into a Grand Soul Gem creating a Varla Stone
Escape Spell:
This spell when cast takes the user to the beginning of the dungeon they are in.
*Note: some quest may break if used in them so take this in account when in a quest zone in which you are suppose to be trapped