super mutants and ghouls

Post » Sat Dec 25, 2010 4:59 am

so a ghoul outside of underworld mentions that Super Mutants don't mess with the ghouls, possibly because they're sort of "kin", but do you think its more likely that they can't turn ghouls into super mutants?...just a thought
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kristy dunn
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Post » Sat Dec 25, 2010 2:08 am

The ghouls in the Underworld are those that they have not turned feral. They were simply caught outside when the blast hit and lived in the irratiated wasteland.
They are much closer to us then the Super Mutants, and did not lose their intelligence like the Muties who underwent the FEV.

A ghoul from Underworld certainly doesnt want to be labelled a monster, and will see themselves as superior as a result.
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Blessed DIVA
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Post » Sat Dec 25, 2010 1:50 am

so a ghoul outside of underworld mentions that Super Mutants don't mess with the ghouls, possibly because they're sort of "kin", but do you think its more likely that they can't turn ghouls into super mutants?...just a thought

That is possible. On both counts. They are both mutants, just with different methods of creation. And the process of ghoulification might render one immune to FEV. Or perhaps just insure that you die if exposed to it rather than mutate further?

However, Super Mutants will attack Brahmins, who are also mutants. So mutant solidarity only seems to go so far. I am not sure about other mutated animals though.
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Post » Sat Dec 25, 2010 3:36 am

That is possible. On both counts. They are both mutants, just with different methods of creation. And the process of ghoulification might render one immune to FEV. Or perhaps just insure that you die if exposed to it rather than mutate further?

However, Super Mutants will attack Brahmins, who are also mutants. So mutant solidarity only seems to go so far. I am not sure about other mutated animals though.

They eat Brahmin though I believe - Brahmin isn't really sentient like humans eat cows even though we're both biological
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Post » Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:33 pm

so a ghoul outside of underworld mentions that Super Mutants don't mess with the ghouls

That is because ghouls know that they are intelligent and aggressive.

but do you think its more likely that they can't turn ghouls into super mutants?...just a thought

I always thought the reason they grabbed humans was because they see them as a soft target.

I dont see them as 'kin.' Super Mutants have been biologically changed due to the FEV process. Ghouls just have very bad sunburn.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Sat Dec 25, 2010 2:52 am

That is possible. On both counts. They are both mutants, just with different methods of creation. And the process of ghoulification might render one immune to FEV. Or perhaps just insure that you die if exposed to it rather than mutate further?

If you talk to Tulip in Underworld, she will tell you that whatever makes them what they are, doesn't work on them. This leads me to believe that it may have been tried before and didn't work, Don't know anything about the dying part though.
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Post » Sat Dec 25, 2010 7:39 am

so a ghoul outside of underworld mentions that Super Mutants don't mess with the ghouls, possibly because they're sort of "kin",

That's only partly true. Super Mutants will still attack Feral Ghouls, just not the ones that still have their wits about them.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Fri Dec 24, 2010 7:41 pm

That's only partly true. Super Mutants will still attack Feral Ghouls, just not the ones that still have their wits about them.

Yeah but they're just doing that cuz the ferrals are crazed and would attack them anyways- they're not looking for ferrals to fight just fighting them when they have to
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:11 am

If you talk to Tulip in Underworld, she will tell you that whatever makes them what they are, doesn't work on them. This leads me to believe that it may have been tried before and didn't work, Don't know anything about the dying part though.

its a reference to Fallout 1. FEV (original strain) only works on non-mutated Humans
However, creating new Super Mutants proved to be a hit-or-miss process. The great majority of Super Mutants produced by the Master, and later his lieutenant, in the Mariposa base's FEV vats were big, dumb brutes. Physically, they were vastly superior to pure-strain humans, but they possessed the intelligence of children. The Master was certain this mutational randomness was related to the amount of radiation damage suffered by an individual: humans who had not been exposed to much of the post-nuclear environment's radiation produced more intelligent Mutants after their FEV infection (see his personal diary for his thoughts on this). His lieutenant, however, had a different theory. When the Chinese nuclear bombs hit the original West Tek Research Facility and turned it into the region known only as the Glow, the impact of the nuclear shockwave cracked open a few nutrient solution tanks filled with FEV. The nuclear bombs' radiation then mutated this FEV into an airborne strain of the original virus, but this new airborne strain of the FEV did not have any real mutagenic effects on human beings. All it did was inoculate any person infected with it against the original, mutational strain of the FEV, acting as a form of vaccine and giving exposed creatures some limited resistance to the FEV's mutational effects

But since there has been no airborne FEV on this coast i can only surmise that the Vault 87 strain of FEV just breeds Dumb mutants
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:18 am

Yeah but they're just doing that cuz the ferrals are crazed and would attack them anyways- they're not looking for ferrals to fight just fighting them when they have to

They're still Ghouls, so simply being mutated has nothing to do with it.
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Post » Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:11 pm

Tulip says whatever they do to make humans into supermutants does'nt work on ghouls.
So they leave them alone.
And the ghouls are just as well armed as any other group, so supermutants are not going to waste ammo trying to take people they cannot turn or eat.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Fri Dec 24, 2010 7:33 pm

It could be possible, considering ghouls don't go under the FEV virus to become a ghoul. So yes, maybe it could be some sort of deformed super mutant.
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