Well she did say that she really enjoys talking to me, and that she would love to travel around the world with me.
Doesn't mean a thing. Or it could mean everything. Generally, as a girl, I can say it's more in how you say it and in what circumstance. She could seriously just enjoy talking to you, and thinks of you as a good friend and wanted you to know that. Girls are pretty subtle about these sorts of things, usually.

If you ask her out and she says yes, you might have a great relationship. If that ends, you'll most likely not have even a friendship anymore. In most cases, being friends with your ex doesn't work. Of course, there are a lot of exceptions ("my aunt Sally and her husband had a friend who had a friend who had a dog whose previous owner's daughter stayed friends with their ex and in the end they fell in love again and got married!") and it depends a lot on the circumstances you break up in. If you ask her out and she says no, you might have an awkward phase but it'll most likely be workaoundable, since you're already good friends. If she says she enjoys talking to you, she probably wants to stay friends with you, and will stay friends even if you ask her out and she doesn't feel the same way. So you either a.) lose her as a friend; b.) find the love of your life or c.) strain your relationship a little / a lot.
Pretty much, I'd say it boils down to whether you value your friendship or the prospect of a relationship with her more.