However after nearly 16 months working on this and proably having passed the halfway mark I thought I'd at least do some teasers for Veloth's Child
Anyone who follows the screenshot thread has pobably seen some of my NPC face shots and some clothing ones - they've been samples of what I've been working on for this mod
So what does the mod contain? Over 86 new faces, numerous new clothes and leather armour, Factions, Quests, Romance, cutscenes and really good mazte
The mod is set in a small working village and has over 50 unique NPC's all with unique backstories and less generic dialogue
Dialogue and trying to tell a good story is the main focus of this mod and the NPC's use conversation tree's where the player can often pick from a selction of choices to respond to NPC's and thus open or close quests, build or ignore friendships and thus add some replayability (assuming anyone ever plays it apart form myself that is)
For those interested in pursuing romance with some of the NPC's there is an opportunity for that however there are plenty of options in dialogue to back out of a romantic option if not wanted
Dialogue avoids looping as much as possible - so that a PC cannot decide they didn't like their choice and try and repeat the conversation to get a better choice - this is more like real life where if you don't think before you speak the consequences are not always good
Oops - this post is starting to sound like a WIP when all I really wanted to do was show some trailers
This first one is the replacement to the opening movie to the game and introduces two of the key characters in a dream sequence for the player
This second one just shows off some of the NPC's in the mod - to try and give an idea of the scope of the mod - none of these are filler NPC's they all have a unique reason for being in the story and many who have individual stories of their own that slowly link into the main story - small edits of a romance scene are involved - they are well within forum rules for maturity - quality was a bit grainy due to the conversion process - but I'm sure you'll get the idea
I still have a long way to go on this but just felt an overwhelming need to show I'm still contributing to the moding scene.
Edit: I was unhappy with the conversion quality of The Cast of Veloth's Child so have uploaded newer version - it's a bit longer but I think the image quality is improved