I want to keep my limit of mods down - we can have only 256 or something right? The vibrant textures one has like, 10 I want to use. I've got sooo many already just for the basic changes I want to make to Oblivion - I want to have room with this character to load what I need without worrying about bumping up against the restriction. (I will merge some of the once I can merge later). Plus I already know which of the Vibrant Texture ones I want and would turn them all on or all off. I don''t mind waiting - I'm used to it.

First of all, an OMOD is not a mod itself. It may contain one module or many. The number limits only relate to plugins (ESPs and ESMs) and BSAs. There is a hard cap of 255 active plugins, and there is a soft cap of 300-400 plugins AND BSAs total. You can install texture files until your computer keels over, but there is not a real limit on loose data files. Your preference for one OMOD over ten has nothing to do with that mod limit to which you are referring. I have nearly 400 plugins installed, 150 or so of them are merged, 210 are active, 50 imported into the bashed patch. I probably have about 425
mods installed because the plugins do not account for all of the texture replacers installed.