Hopefully it's just a map marker. I hope there's no quest marker that goes so in depth that you can where exactly you need to be on the local map(assuming there is one) A map marker like Morrowind was perfectly fine and works without much hand holding.
But there's HUD free first person gameplay so it doesn't really matter to me. No magic compass pointing me to the exact location. I can go at my own pace and figure it out myself. IMO, if you need a quest marker pin pointing
exact locations either A. Insufficient directions were given, usually you're given a good general direction to start. But hopefully Skyrim will improve on this. Instead of making you rely on the marker. B. Assuming you have a general direction to start than your intelligence simply isn't high enough to figure it out yourself. C. You don't have interest/patience to do the quest, in which you should be playing a more linear game not TES. A map marker telling you where the cave/ruin/town and general insight on your quest should be good enough(like what was in Morrowind essentially minus the bad directions

Sorry if that's offensive to anyone, it's not exactly my intention, but it's one of the major points that irk me. It was a major immersion breaker for me to have that magic compass telling me where everything was. Everybody's opinion is different, but that's mine.