I'm trying to get a custom minion to mount a horse but it's not working. What kind of AI or scripts do I need to set up for this purpose? I've tried both the Travel and Follow package with Use Horse ticked. Even tested it out with setting a horse directly owned by the minion. And if it manages to get up on the horse I'm going to need it to dismount on command too. Maybe there is a forced mount function in obse that I could use and preselect the horse I want the minion to mount and dismount. Thanks for any help

You do that with AI packages and by setting up a horse to use. I hope with 'minion' you mean a NPC, it doesn't work with creatures. You have to do the following:
Place a horse in the render window and set the minion as the owner. Place the minion directly next to the horse and select the horse as 'travel horse'. Both can be done by double clicking on the horse and minion in the render window (you'll see the tabs you need). Now you need to give the minion an AI package with 'use horse' ticked. You might also need a package that reunites them if they were separated. Best is if you look at the Imperial Legion Patrols to see how it's done.
If you want the minion to mount or dismount you need to make conditions for the various AI packages you add and script it so the conditions become true or untrue on command.