How can I make a chest that gives me items (tesing a couple

Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:08 pm

I have a house that had 3 chests, In the window that shows what's in cells I changed their IDs and the names of the chests.
Next I found them in the Object Window. I have 3 chests, one that gives me oblivion only tools and items, one that gives me sigil stones (OBLIVION + EXNEM RUNESKULLS) and one that gives me various ingredients (COBL/OBLIVION/MIDAS/some others). The script I used looks like this:

the only one that works is the Oblivion Items chest.

The house mod is loaded last in the load order.
I have all the necessary parent mods loaded and the house mod is set as active.
When I go into it and open the chests, only the items chest gives me stuff, not the other two chests?

Scriptname MySStone
Begin OnActivate
additem xnmRuneSkull001 1
additem xnmRuneSkull002 1
additem xnmRuneSkull003 1
additem xnmRuneSkull004 1
additem xnmRuneSkull005 1
additem xnmRuneSkull006 1
additem xnmRuneSkull007 1
additem xnmRuneSkull008 1
additem xnmRuneSkull009 1
additem xnmRuneSkull010 1
additem xnmRuneSkull011 1
additem xnmRuneSkull012 1
additem xnmRuneSkull013 1
additem xnmRuneSkull014 1
additem xnmRuneSkull015 1
additem xnmRuneSkull016 1
additem xnmRuneSkull017 1
additem xnmRuneSkull018 1
additem xnmRuneSkull019 1
additem xnmRuneSkull020 1
additem xnmRuneSkull021 1
additem xnmRuneSkull022 1
additem xnmRuneSkull023 1
additem xnmRuneSkull024 1
additem xnmRuneSkull025 1
additem xnmRuneSkull026 1
additem xnmRuneSkull027 1
additem xnmRuneSkull028 1
additem xnmRuneSkull029 1
additem xnmRuneSkull030 1
additem xnmRuneSkull031 1
additem xnmRuneSkull032 1
additem xnmRuneSkull033 1
additem xnmRuneSkull034 1
additem xnmRuneSkull035 1
additem xnmRuneSkull036 1
additem xnmRuneSkull037 1
additem xnmRuneSkull038 1
additem xnmRuneSkull039 1
additem xnmRuneSkull040 1
additem xnmRuneSkull041 1
additem xnmRuneSkull042 1
additem xnmRuneSkull043 1
additem xnmRuneSkull044 1
additem xnmRuneSkull045 1
additem xnmRuneSkull046 1
additem xnmRuneSkull047 1
additem xnmRuneSkull048 1
additem xnmRuneSkull049 1
additem xnmRuneSkull050 1
additem xnmRuneSkull051 1
additem xnmRuneSkull052 1
additem SSAbsSTRForSTR5 1
additem SSAbsINTFORINT5 1
additem SSAbsAGIForAGI5 1
additem SSAbsENDResistDis5 1
additem SSAbsSPDFortSPD5 1
additem SSAbsFATForFAT5 1
additem SSAbsHLTHForHLTH5 1
additem SSAbsMAGForMAG5 1
additem SSBrdnFeath5 1
additem SSDamFATResFat5 1
additem SSDamHLTHResHLTH5 1
additem SSDamMAGResMAG5 1
additem SSDemoFortWIL5 1
additem SSDisARMShield5 1
additem SSDisWEAPForBLADE5 1
additem SSDisWEAPForBLUNT5 1
additem SSDispelSplAbs5 1
additem SSFireDmgRstFire5 1
additem SSFireDmgFireShld5 1
additem SSFireDmgLight5 1
additem SSFrostDmgRstFrost5 1
additem SSFrostDmgFrostShld5 1
additem SSFrostDmgWaterWalk5 1
additem SSShockDmgRstShock5 1
additem SSShockDmgShockShld5 1
additem SSShockDmgNiEye5 1
additem SSSilenceResistMAG5 1
additem SSSilenceInvis5 1
additem SSSoulTrapResistMAG5 1
additem SSTurnUnDetLife5 1

Scriptname MyItem
Begin OnActivate
additem AlembicMaster 1
additem CalcinatorMaster 1
additem MortarPestleMaster 1
additem RetortMaster 1
additem VarlaStone 25
additem WelkyndStone 25
additem Lockpick 200
additem RepairHammer 200
additem BlackSoulGemFilled 50
additem BlackSoulGem 50
additem JewelryRing6Ebony6Diamond 100
additem JewelryAmulet5Gold 100

Scriptname ZIngred
Begin OnActivate
additem AlkanetFlower 10
additem AloeVeraLeaves 10
additem Ambrosia 10
additem Apple 10
additem ArrowRoot 10
additem Beef 10
additem BergamotSeeds 10
additem Blackberry 10
additem Bloodgrass 10
additem BoarMeat 10
additem BogBeaconAscoCap01 10
additem Bonemeal 10
additem Breadloaf 10
additem CairnBoleteCap 10
additem Carrot 10
additem CheeseWedge 10
additem CheeseWheel 10
additem CinnabarPolyporeCap01 10
additem CinnabarPolyporeCap02 10
additem ClannfearClaws 10
additem CloudedFunnelCap 10
additem ColumbineRootPulp 10
additem Corn 10
additem CrabMeat 10
additem DaedraHeart 10
additem DaedraSilk 10
additem DaedraVenin 10
additem DaedrothTeeth 10
additem DarkCarrot 10
additem DarkHumanheart 10
additem DarkHumanSkin 10
additem DragonsTongue 10
additem DreughWax 10
additem DryadSaddlePolyporeCap 10
additem Ectoplasm 10
additem ElfCupCap 10
additem EmeticRussulaCap 10
additem FennelSeeds 10
additem FireSalts 10
additem FlaxSeeds 10
additem Flour 10
additem FlyAmanitaCap 10
additem FoxgloveNectar 10
additem FrostSalts 10
additem Garlic 10
additem GinkgoLeaf 10
additem Ginseng 10
additem GoldenRodSeedPod 10
additem GlowDust 10
additem Graqes 10
additem GreenStainCupCap 10
additem GreenStainShelfCap 10
additem Ham 10
additem Harrada 10
additem HouseServantPie 10
additem HumanHeart 10
additem ImpGall 10
additem IronwoodNut 10
additem LadysMantleLeaves 10
additem LadysSmockLeaves 10
additem LavenderSprig 10
additem Leek 10
additem Lettuce 10
additem Lichor 10
additem MandrakeRoot 10
additem MilkThistleSeeds 10
additem MinotaurHorn 10
additem MonkshoodRootPulp 10
additem MorningGloryRootPulp 10
additem MortFlesh 10
additem MotherwortSprig 10
additem MugwortSeeds 10
additem Mutton 10
additem Nightshade 10
additem OgresTeeth 10
additem Onion 10
additem Orange 10
additem PaintedTrollFat 10
additem Pear 10
additem PeonySeeds 10
additem Potato 10
additem PrimroseLeaves 10
additem Pumpkin 10
additem Radish 10
additem Ratmeat 10
additem RedwortFlower 10
additem Rice 10
additem RootPulp 10
additem SacredLotusSeeds 10
additem Scales 10
additem ScampSkin 10
additem SomnaliusFrond 10
additem SpiddalStick 10
additem SteelBlueEntolomaCap 10
additem StinkhornCap 10
additem StJohnsWortNectar 10
additem Strawberry 10
additem SummerBoleteCap 10
additem Sweetcake 10
additem Sweetroll 10
additem Taproot 10
additem TigerLilyNectar 10
additem TinderPolyporeCap 10
additem Tobacco 10
additem Tomato 10
additem TrollFat 10
additem VampireDust 10
additem Venison 10
additem VipersBuglossLeaves 10
additem VoidSalts 10
additem WaterHyacinthNectar 10
additem Watermelon 10
additem WheatGrain 10
additem WispStalkCaps 10
additem WormwoodLeaves 10
additem cobColBakedPotato 10
additem cobColBogwaterBread 10
additem cobColCheeseHam 10
additem cobColCornpie 10
additem cobColFishChowder 10
additem cobColFishFillet 10
additem cobColFruitCustard 10
additem cobColGrilledCrabMeat 10
additem cobColGrummiteCustard 10
additem cobColMadfruitPie 10
additem cobColRawBalliwog 10
additem cobColRoastBoar 10
additem cobColRoastCorn 10
additem cobColRoastRat 10
additem cobColRoastVenison 10
additem cobColSalad 10
additem cobColVegetableBread 10
additem cobColVegetablePie 10
additem cobGeoDiamondDust 10
additem cobGeoEmeraldDust 10
additem cobGeoGoldDust 10
additem cobGeoPearlDust 10
additem cobGeoRubyDust 10
additem cobGeoSapphireDust 10
additem cobGeoSilverDust 10
additem cobGeoTopazDust 10
additem cobSalAleswellBread 10
additem cobSalAnvilBread 10
additem cobSalApplePie 10
additem cobSalBeefPastry 10
additem cobSalBlackberryPie 10
additem cobSalBlackberryTart 10
additem cobSalBlueCheeseWheel 10
additem cobSalBreadDough 10
additem cobSalBreadroll 10
additem cobSalBrownSugar 10
additem cobSalButter 10
additem cobSalCheddarCheeseWheel 10
additem cobSalCheydinhalCheese 10
additem cobSalChillinghamCheese 10
additem cobSalChocolateCake 10
additem cobSalCornbread 10
additem cobSalEgg 10
additem cobSalEggCustard 10
additem cobSalFlatbread 10
additem cobSalGypsyTart 10
additem cobSalImperialCheese 10
additem cobSalJellyCookie 10
additem cobSalMuffin 10
additem cobSalMuttonPastry 10
additem cobSalOrangeCake 10
additem cobSalPotatoBreadLoaf 10
additem cobSalPumpkinPie 10
additem cobSalSheepBread 10
additem cobSalShortbread 10
additem cobSalStrawberryPie 10
additem cobSalStrawberryTart 10
additem cobSalSugarCookie 10
additem cobSalWeynonPrioryCheese 10
additem cobTiAdamantiumFilings 10
additem cobTiAmpoulePod 10
additem cobTiArsenic 10
additem cobTiAshSalts 10
additem cobTiAshYam 10
additem cobTiBambooShoot 10
additem cobTiBasiliskEye 10
additem cobTiBCSporePod 10
additem cobTiBearMeat 10
additem cobTiBelladonna 10
additem cobTiBittergreenPetals 10
additem cobTiBlackAnther 10
additem cobTiBlackLichen 10
additem cobTiBlackPoppySeeds 10
additem cobTiBlackRose 10
additem cobTiBloat 10
additem cobTiBunglersBane 10
additem cobTiCactus 10
additem cobTiCharcoal 10
additem cobTiChokeweed 10
additem cobTiCloverLeaf 10
additem cobTiCodaFlower 10
additem cobTiComberry 10
additem cobTiCopperFilings 10
additem cobTiCorkbulbRoot 10
additem cobTiCorprusWeepings 10
additem cobTiDaedraSkin 10
additem cobTiDrothweed 10
additem cobTiDurzogMeat 10
additem cobTiDwemerFilings 10
additem cobTiEbonyFilings 10
additem cobTiElixirVitae 10
additem cobTiFairyDragonScales 10
additem cobTiFig 10
additem cobTiFireFernPetals 10
additem cobTiGargoyleHorn 10
additem cobTiGhoulHeart 10
additem cobTiGhoulTongue 10
additem cobTiGiantBlood 10
additem cobTiGlassPowder 10
additem cobTiGoldenPoppy 10
additem cobTiGoldenSedge 10
additem cobTiGoldKanet 10
additem cobTiGrahlEyeball 10
additem cobTiGraveDust 10
additem cobTiGravetar 10
additem cobTiGreenLichen 10
additem cobTiGryphonFeather 10
additem cobTiGuarMeat 10
additem cobTiHackleLoLeaf 10
additem cobTiHeartwood 10
additem cobTiHeather 10
additem cobTiHemlockBranch 10
additem cobTiHollyBerries 10
additem cobTiHorkerTusk 10
additem cobTiHornLilyBulb 10
additem cobTiHorsemeat 10
additem cobTiHyphaFacia 10
additem cobTiIronFilings 10
additem cobTiIvory 10
additem cobTiKreshFiber 10
additem cobTiKwamaCuttle 10
additem cobTiKwamaEgg 10
additem cobTiLeadFilings 10
additem cobTiLichDust 10
additem cobTiLloramorSpines 10
additem cobTiLodestone 10
additem cobTiLuminousRussula 10
additem cobTiMagesBane 10
additem cobTiMalachite 10
additem cobTiMarshmerrow 10
additem cobTiMeadowRye 10
additem cobTiMercury 10
additem cobTiMoonseed 10
additem cobTiMoonSugar 10
additem cobTiMuck 10
additem cobTiMummyWrappings 10
additem cobTiNirthflyStalks 10
additem cobTiNixHoundMeat 10
additem cobTiNobleSedge 10
additem cobTiNymphHair 10
additem cobTiPalmHeart 10
additem cobTiPineSap 10
additem cobTiPureWater 10
additem cobTiPyrrhicAcid 10
additem cobTiRacerPlume 10
additem cobTiRedLichen 10
additem cobTiRedPoppyBlossom 10
additem cobTiResin 10
additem cobTiRoobrush 10
additem cobTiSaltpetre 10
additem cobTiSaltrice 10
additem cobTiScathecraw 10
additem cobTiScorpionStinger 10
additem cobTiScribCabbage 10
additem cobTiScribJelly 10
additem cobTiScribJerky 10
additem cobTiScuttle 10
additem cobTiShalkResin 10
additem cobTiSloadSoap 10
additem cobTiSnakeVenom 10
additem cobTiStalhrimFilings 10
additem cobTiStoneflowerPetals 10
additem cobTiSulfur 10
additem cobTiSweetpulp 10
additem cobTiThyrwort 10
additem cobTiTimsaFlowers 10
additem cobTiTinFilings 10
additem cobTiTramaRoot 10
additem cobTiTrollBlood 10
additem cobTiTurquoise 10
additem cobTiVioletCoprinus 10
additem cobTiWereboarTusk 10
additem cobTiWhiteRoseNectar 10
additem cobTiWickwheat 10
additem cobTiWillowAnther 10
additem cobTiWolfMeat 10
additem cobTiWolfsbane 10
additem cobTiWraithEssence 10
additem cobTiWwolfBlood 10
additem cobTiYellowRosePetals 10
additem FranAddOnAdreughWax 10
additem FranAddOnElderScampSkin 10
additem FranAddOnEleSalts 10
additem FranAddOnFrostGiantHeart 10
additem FranAddOnFrostImpGall 10
additem FranAddOnGargoyleHorn 10
additem FranAddOnGClannfearClaws 10
additem FranAddOnGDaedrothTeeth 10
additem FranAddOnGoatHorn 10
additem FranAddOnMeatBear 10
additem FranAddOnMeatDog 10
additem FranAddOnMeatLeopard 10
additem FranAddOnMeatLeopardSnow 10
additem FranAddOnMeatLion 10
additem FranAddOnMeatLionSnow 10
additem FranAddOnMeatPanther 10
additem FranAddOnMeatWolf 10
additem FranAddOnMeatWolfFire 10
additem FranAddOnMeatWolfIce 10
additem FranAddOnSpiderSilk 10
additem FranAddOnWyvernHeart 10
additem FranAddOnWyvernScales 10
additem MidasAstralBeaconCap01 10
additem MidasBalrogHorn 10
additem MidasBeholderEye 10
additem MidasBeholderQueenEye 10
additem MidasGoldenSeeds 10
additem MidasGoodBerry 10
additem MidasHumanHeart 10
additem MidasKelpLeaf 10
additem MidasLichDust 10
additem MidasMagmaSalts 10
additem MidasPotato 10
additem MidasScorpionStinger 10
additem MidasSharkLiver 10
additem MidasSlimeHeart 10
additem MidasSlimeJelly 10
additem MidasTar 10
additem MidasTentacleMeat 10
additem MidasUberJelly 10
additem MidasUberMandible 10
additem SE43DogFood 10
additem SEAshenRemains 10
additem SEBoneShard 10
additem SEBruscusDannusApple 10
additem SEDBlackTar 10
additem SEDBlisterPodCap 10
additem SEDCongealedPutrescence 10
additem SEDDigestiveSlime 10
additem SEDFungusStalk 10
additem SEDGrummiteEggs 10
additem SEDPodPit 10
additem SEDRotScale 10
additem SEDSwampTentacleIngred 10
additem SEDThornHook 10
additem SEDWitheringMoon 10
additem SEElytraIchor 10
additem SEGnarlBark 10
additem SEHungerTongue 10
additem SEKnightHeart 10
additem SEMAlocasiaFruit 10
additem SEMasterBloomCore 10
additem SEMFlameStalk 10
additem SEMFlameStalkBruscusDannus 10
additem SEMHydnumAzureGiantSpore 10
additem SEMScreamingMaw 10
additem SEMWatchersEye 10
additem SEMWormsHeadCap 10
additem SERootWisp01 10
additem SEScalonFin 10
additem SEShamblesMarrow 10
additem SESkeletalHoundTooth 10
additem SESmokedBaliwogLeg 10
additem SEVoidEssence 10

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Benito Martinez
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:30 pm

You're not going to be able to use items from other mods unless the other mods are an ESM, and not just an ESP. You can read up on the problem An ESP cannot alter the content of another ESP, unless you ESMify it first, which is described in the article I linked.

Also, why are you using a script to add all those items to the container instead of just adding the items into the containers inventory?
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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:35 pm

You're not going to be able to use items from other mods unless the other mods are an ESM, and not just an ESP. You can read up on the problem An ESP cannot alter the content of another ESP, unless you ESMify it first, which is described in the article I linked.

Also, why are you using a script to add all those items to the container instead of just adding the items into the containers inventory?

Will I still need to esmify the mods if I do that?
Also, if I just add the items to the inventory, can I make the chest respawning? I activate take stuff out and reactivate it and its full again?
But wont adding items to a container take forever?
That's why i scripted, seemed faster.
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Quick Draw
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:03 am

If you add the items directly to the chests, you will not have to "ESMify" your plugins. Just load up all the plugins that have the loot you want, but keep yours as the active plugin.

Also you can make the chest respawn the loot by checking the box beside respawns on the base chest. As for the speed of adding the items to the chest, you can select multiple items and drag them to the chest inventory all at once. Conveniently looking at your scripts, a rather large portion of what you want in the chests will be right beside each other in the items list, making it even easier to drag em over. Granted you will have to modify the quantity for each item individually.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:34 pm

If you add the items directly to the chests, you will not have to "ESMify" your plugins. Just load up all the plugins that have the loot you want, but keep yours as the active plugin.

Also you can make the chest respawn the loot by checking the box beside respawns on the base chest. As for the speed of adding the items to the chest, you can select multiple items and drag them to the chest inventory all at once. Conveniently looking at your scripts, a rather large portion of what you want in the chests will be right beside each other in the items list, making it even easier to drag em over. Granted you will have to modify the quantity for each item individually.

How often does the chest respawn?
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:07 am

How often does the chest respawn?

That depends on what mods you have. I believe 24 hours is vanilla Oblivion and OOO is anywhere between 24-64 I think. not sure on the final number there are a lot of mods that change this but they ask you what you want for respawn times.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:40 pm

That depends on what mods you have. I believe 24 hours is vanilla Oblivion and OOO is anywhere between 24-64 I think. not sure on the final number there are a lot of mods that change this but they ask you what you want for respawn times.

vanilla is 3 days - with the chest unloaded
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Jesus Sanchez
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