Could do it like The Return of the Ayleids mod (IIRC) does and place a script on the weapon that uses an onadd player block to remove the weapon from inventory and displays a message to the effect that the weapon crumbles in your hand or similar.
Could do it like The Return of the Ayleids mod (IIRC) does and place a script on the weapon that uses an onadd player block to remove the weapon from inventory and displays a message to the effect that the weapon crumbles in your hand or similar.
This. I'm using a script that does just that in a mod I'm working on. Here it is:
scn WeaponDisableScriptBegin OnActivate If IsActionRef Player == 1 MessageBox "The weapon crumbles to dust in your hands." Disable Else Activate EndIfEnd
Note: This is an Object script, not an enchantment. It needs to be attached to the Object itself.
But that counts as the weapon drops on the ground. If the weapon is disarmed, does it trigger "OnUnequip"?
No, but that can be solved by using this script instead:
Begin OnUnEquipdisableend
Another problem is that the weapon can still be obtained if the NPC doesn't drop it on 'death'. That could be solved with a script attached to the NPC using it:
No, but that can be solved by using this script instead:
Begin OnUnEquipdisableend
As always, thanks Vyper. That's just what I think I'll use. The death part isn't a problem since the NPC is disabled after death anyways. My only problem was disarming them. Thanks also for the response JDFan.
Hmm, for some reason this didn't work. I was still able to disarm the NPC and force him to drop his weapon, which promptly then stayed on the ground even after the NPC continued to fight and die.
Hmm, for some reason this didn't work. I was still able to disarm the NPC and force him to drop his weapon, which promptly then stayed on the ground even after the NPC continued to fight and die.
Unequip will only run when they sheath the weapon - maybe an OnDrop block instead ? :shrug: