I've got a few routes to go:
1. get just a new CPU and videocard, because I think the AMD cpu's are backwards compatible and I have pci-express
2. get a new motherboard/cpu and videocard
a. AMD 1090t and motherboard for $300
b. intel i875 and motherboard for $450
3. just get a new videocard (radeon 6850 for $200) and wait on the cpu's to come down.
I'm leaning toward getting the AMD combo and a new 6850, but is there any reason I should go with the intel i875 instead? They receive almost identical benchmarks on Passmark. Getting a new motherboard would give me USB-3, pci-e 2 and unlock the full potential of the cpu and videocard.
No, I'm not wonky enough to need the BEST hardware available, I just want to be able to run programs and games for the next three years without issues.