Hopefully it will be announced tomorrow or on thursday.
I seriously can't wait anymore! I've been waiting for TESV for years and I just can't stand it anymore!
I seriously can't wait anymore! I've been waiting for TESV for years and I just can't stand it anymore!
It's most likely not gonna happen. Seriously, you'd probably have better luck buying a lottery ticket.
The E3 announcement could be a 20 mins long trailer demonstrating new combat and incredible exterior scenes !
It could also be a black screen for 20 minutes...maybe IGN's feed is the actual gameplay footage?

I speculate that halfway through next year people on this page will still be speculating.
...and I speculate we'll still be dealing useless posts such as this.
I still don't think we can absolutely rule out Dragon Age II being revealed at E3.
http://exophase.com/ps3/bioware-prepping-multiple-reveals-for-e3-2010-13654.htm What have they revealed so far? More of The Old Republic. Anything else?
http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2010/06/11/ea-quashes-mass-effect-3-dragon-age-2-rumor.aspx They didn't exactly rule them out, they said that "the listing of Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2 was indeed an error". They didn't say, "Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2 will not be showing up at E3". They only said that the listing was a mistake.
http://exophase.com/ps3/bioware-prepping-multiple-reveals-for-e3-2010-13654.htm What have they revealed so far? More of The Old Republic. Anything else?
http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2010/06/11/ea-quashes-mass-effect-3-dragon-age-2-rumor.aspx They didn't exactly rule them out, they said that "the listing of Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2 was indeed an error". They didn't say, "Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2 will not be showing up at E3". They only said that the listing was a mistake.
Yeah, I agree we can't completely rule it out...but I'm having a hard time seriously expecting DAII so soon. :shrug: