i'll complain about whatever i want, just because everyone else likes something doesnt mean i have to......besides, i wasnt complaining about twitter itself, i was complaining how i just dont seem to see any messages... then again, i dunno what twitter is supposed to look like, cause honestly, i have NEVER visited the site before except for these few links people are throwing around... are the pages supposed to be mostly blank with just short messages in large letters?i expected full-blown messages like what im typing now...also, this is for trying to tell me what to do... :slap: i'll complain all i like... but not for no reason at all, of course.
You're not allowed to use an entire post to complain in this thread as it'd be off-topic, and going off-topic is against the rules.

But FYI, people have been linking to specific tweets, otherwise it's impossible to tell what information they are linking to. In my last post I quoted a tweet just for you, though. =p
Are people so surprised that those mountains are rendered in-game? They look like 3D, not a painting - really, really nice 3D, but not unbelievable.Look at the rock formations on page 57, or the ice wraiths screenshot. Looks like the same graphical quality as the mountainscape to me.
No, they really don't. There is no discernible geometry, meaning I can't see any perfectly straight lines from triangles in the mesh. At that zoom level (it's in the background) it should be at a lower LOD, I've speculated maybe that it's a DX11 screenshot from the PC and they're using Tessellation and just upped the Tessellation Factor for effect, or they're devoting an enormous amount of triangles per frame just to render these faraway mountains.
Not even the Hawx 2 mountains (with Tessellation ON) are as detailed. Look at some videos.
And the clouds/fog... It's very dense and... grey. It looks nice, but it looks painterly. They said they've improved their fog, but it still all looks like a painting to me. Game fog doesn't usually look that good, it's usually done with lots of layers of 2D textures to fake volumetric properties. But I assume when they say they've improved the fog they mean they're using soft particles. Which I thought was really only possible with the advent of DirectX 10, but they must have found a way to do it on DirectX 9 and Xbox. But not even soft particles look that good, and dense.
If I saw it as a full res photo on my screen, I might be able to discern the geometry.
As for the other views of mountainous areas, that's the very reason that picture doesn't seem like in-game to me, solely because that mountain doesn't look anything like the other examples of in-game mountains from what I can tell. I can pick out the geometry of the closer mountain shots. You'd think if it was so detailed from far away that it would be MORE detailed up close, which is commonly referred to just as "LOD" (Level of Detail) ... But it seems the opposite is occurring, or they simply show the full LOD for mountains at all times, which seems taxing, and possibly impossible for consoles to handle.
For now I'll believe it's "in-game" but I'll need to see a screen on my monitor and not in a magazine to actually be able to tell with my own eyes that it's in-game.