Finally, I'd suggest a limited size spellbook. This'd stop players making 50 copies of a long cooldown spell and cycling through them in a fight. Instead a player might have a varied selection of spells including self buffs and spam attacks, or they could opt to create a series of semi-duplicate "high yield, long cooldown" spells that they'd call upon at regular intervals, but not often and sacrifce spellcasting flexibility in doing so. Alternatively some kind of global cooldown could be employed, so casting a high power spell with a cooldown artached would exghuast the caster and prevent him casting ANY more spells for the chosen period.
Fundamentally being able to design your own spells was awesome and is something they should definatly hold over,but it could use a bit of expanding upon.
Fundamentally being able to design your own spells was awesome and is something they should definatly hold over,but it could use a bit of expanding upon.
I don't know about a "limited spell book" BUT I REALLY REALLY HATED how my spell book got clutered and there was nothing I could do about it. I might make a bad spell by accident, or make a lower spell obsolete, or make a test spell. Please please please let us delete spells.