There's a lot of Nonviolent characters = thief in this thread
I've always liked games with non-violent solutions, but sneaking past shouldn't be the only way. don't get me wrong, I don't care if its the community's preferred way, but don't neglect the monk, or the merchant or the priest or the wizard.
Hand to hand -- Beaten opps shouldn't just stand up and keep fighting. there should be consequences to being downed (for PC too.)
Weapons (a mace CAN kill, rather easily, but a man that's knows he is out classed by a swordsman wouldn't fight to the death. )
Magic - damage fatigue, mind control, blindness, burden. spells should be viable.
Reason - convince him its in his best interest to stop fighting or educate about pacifism (would add a lot to pilgrimage or religious quest lines.)
Intimidation - wolves usually won't attack something unless they're confident they can bring it down or their starving.
Sneaking - of course
Some quests shouldn't be peaceful. If your hired to kill someone, you should kill him. Tricking the quest giver into thinking the mark is dead is an option, but shouldn't be possible in every circumstance, and I would rather see an option to report him to the authorities than to see "here 'mark' take this money and leave town" or "give me your signet ring as proof your dead and I wont kill you" some (read MOST) quest givers should want to see a head. If you join the DB its too late to grow a conscience, kill or be killed.
Yeah, all those suggestions are great! :goodjob:
Especially you mentioned "Mind Control" and instantly I remembered the first star wars film when in Tatooin, Ben Knooby told those storm troopers that "This is not the droid you were seeking.". or some such, and the troopers decided that they can let the group continue their way into the town.
I love perks, and I love to be able to learn skill perks by paying a teacher and maybe do some task so that he would teach me a perk for his specialized skill, but those lessons would be have so stiff payment fees that you had to choose which perk you need more and pay for that.
And perks required some requirements that your character should fill before he could learn the perk, so for instance you have to be a journeyman of the skill, and you would have to have a specific amount of an attribute, and maybe know some previous perks as well, so the perk "Dual weapon parry" should depend on you knowing "Dual weapon attack" perk beforehand.
The higher level perks would have higher level requirements, and would be a lot more powerful and rewarding than lower level perks, and this way you are encouraged to specialize in your perk selection and this would result in a lot of replay-ability.
OK, I will write a thread and will gather all my ideal about character development, soon, but
why do I bring this matter up here?
If we could have such a perk system, I would love to have a branch of perks for illusion, that would be called "Mind Control" in different stages of power, that would give us options in dialogs to let us control the mind of our opponents.
Some of those would be specially designed by quest designers, in certain stages of the quests to give a powerful illusionist to twist the mind of opponents to get away by a more peaceful method.
Or some general dialog options that could become generally available for us to practice on anybody
fulfilling the requirements for those dialog lines, like this:
- I can sleep here, you know, you have shared it with me, don't you remember?
- Hey guard, I'm your superior and you are called away to the main guard room to report for the day.
- Do you see that man over there, I saw him pick your pocket, and made a gesture at your back after that.
- Hey guard, this is a warrant that orders you to follow me around as a body guard for a while.
- We are old friend, pal, give me a more reasonable prices. HmmKay?
- Why do you want to rob me, don't you remember me? I'm one of yours.
- Open the gates for me right now! .... You are dismissed.
- Thanks for keeping my mount in a fit condition. You can give it to me now.

And these dialog options do have some requirements, and would not appear in those requirements are not met, so you might be able to manipulate those weak minded persons, but not the stronger ones, and obviously, you could not order a passing commoner to open the castle gates for you, and so on...