The best race / birthsign that allows for the 'glass' part of the equation is Altmer / Apprentice (if Female, than both Endurance and Strength are at 30).
The build can get interesting if you develop some sort of stealthy dagger-wielding assassin: a Daedric Dagger does 19 damage and has highest speed; Daedric Claymore does 26 damage but is almost half the speed. Oh, and you
cannot do the x6 Sneak multiplier with a two-hand weapon (claymore), unless you mod (but hey, you can mod for dual-wield daggers with different enchantments

A sneak with dagger 6 * 19 =
114, while power attack with claymore = 2,5 * 26 =
65 ( :rofl: )
If this appeals to you, I'd go like this:
Sneak, Blade, Alchemy (poisons), Illusion, Acrobatics and the other two... who knows, Armorer to keep daggers sharp? Restoration (which btw has a deadly spell effect that works only on Touch, Absorb Health, and can be use as Area of Effect for multiple 'wictims')... Maybe Mysticism to allow you to Detect Life, and not be surprised?
Hehe... NO Armour? yes - caught in the act, use Acrobatics Dodge function or invisibility / Paralyse (Illusion spells).
So... This is not exactly a cannon, but it should be thrilling to approach enemies much more powerful, in a risky situation where you either execute your strategies with precision or suffer the consequences :nuke:
