[WIP]Interactive Grass

Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:35 pm

I don't want to beg for someone to upload a working ingame.fx, but I totally will.

I know that it is not that I am making the edits wrong, or if it is then I have absolutely no idea what it might be. I've checked my edits so many times against the code in this thread I could probably make the changes from memory and it still wouldn't work x.x

For reference, MGE gives me an error message "failed to load distant effects file" or something like that. Shaders work (like SSAO), but distant land (including grass) doesn't render and I'm stuck with using Morrowind's stock fog and water. This only happens when I try the new changes to ingame.fx myself: the ingame.fx included in phal's v5 works fine.

Instead post yours, I will check it for the errors.
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jennie xhx
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Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:56 pm

Here is my ingame.fx which includes vivic and molag mar sewer waves for those that use Piratelords redesigned vivic as well as those wanting interactive grass..........
// Original by Timeslip and LizTail, mods by harlanrm, phal and krzymar// To be used with MGE 3.8.2 rev. 175 and derivatives///////////////// SETTINGS: /////////////////// Change below to 1 to enable Vivec and Molag Mar sewer waves// WARNING massive fps hit!#define SEWERWAVE 1/////////////////////// END OF SETTINGS ///////////////////////Matrix TexProj;Matrix view;Matrix proj;Matrix world;float4x4 MatrixPalette [4] : MATRIXPALETTE;float3 SunVec;float3 SunCol;float3 EyePos;float3 SunAmb;float3 SkyCol;float ticks;float2 offset;float TexBlend;float2 rcpres;int FogCol;float3 FogCol2;float FogStart;float FogRange;float BlendStart;float BlendEnd;float GrassDist;float2 WindVec;float PixelWidth;float PixelHeight;float3 SunPos;float SunVis;float3 PlayerPos;float2 RippleOrigin;float WaterLevel;float AlphaMultiplier;float CausticIntens;texture tex0;texture tex1;texture tex2;texture tex3;texture tex4;texture tex5;sampler s0 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; addressu = clamp; addressv = clamp; };sampler s1 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; addressw = wrap; };sampler s2 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };sampler s3 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };sampler s4 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; addressu = clamp; addressv = clamp; };// For sampling the far water texturesampler s5 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = none; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };sampler s6 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = none; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };sampler s7 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; addressu = clamp; addressv = clamp; };sampler s8 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; bordercolor = 0x80808080 ; addressu = border; addressv = border; };//------------------------------------------------------------// water & dynamic ripples settings#if WAVEHEIGHT > 0	const bool fineWaterMesh = true;		// use tesselated circular water mesh? false uses simple mesh#else	const bool fineWaterMesh = false;	// use tesselated circular water mesh? false uses simple mesh#endifconst int waveTexResolution = 512;		// texture resolution for rain ripples and player wavesconst float waveTexWorldResolution = 2.50f;	// world size of each player wave texture pixelfloat waveTexWorldSize;	// set by MGEfloat waveTexRcpRes;	// set by MGEstatic const float3 watercolour = { 0.4, 0.45, 0.5 };static const float FLT_MAX = 340282346600000000000000000000000000000.0f;static const float FogRangeMinusStart = FogRange - FogStart;//Vivec sewer locationsstatic const float2 wLoc[70] = {{ 31264,-76720},{ 33984,-76720},{ 36475,-77984},{ 36475,-80874},{ 34353,-82760},{ 30896,-82760},{ 28680,-81402},{ 28680,-78402},{ 26691,-83885},{ 31532,-83885},{ 32660,-85299},{ 32660,-88532},{ 31738,-89185},{ 26742,-89185},{ 25889,-88253},{ 25889,-84932},{ 27184,-90285},{ 31763,-90285},{ 32660,-91785},{ 32660,-95020},{ 31602,-95570},{ 26855,-95570},{ 25850,-94616},{ 25850,-91243},{ 35480,-99921},{ 35480,-97983},{ 34643,-96940},{ 31180,-96940},{ 30195,-97817},{ 30195,-100692},{ 34486,-83885},{ 38970,-83885},{ 39820,-85033},{ 39820,-88125},{ 38376,-89185},{ 35170,-89185},{ 33000,-88139},{ 33000,-84723},{ 34051,-95575},{ 38922,-95575},{ 40080,-94434},{ 40080,-91394},{ 39058,-90285},{ 34122,-90285},{ 33260,-91206},{ 33260,-94578},{ 42231,-87890},{ 45301,-87890},{ 46452,-86788},{ 46452,-81930},{ 45493,-81103},{ 42112,-81103},{ 41195,-81970},{ 41195,-86650},{ 20311,-87940},{ 24228,-87940},{ 24880,-86725},{ 24880,-81855},{ 24065,-81030},{ 20300,-81030},{ 19545,-81962},{ 19545,-86767},//Molag Mar{ 107090, -59875},{ 107090, -63820},{ 114215, -59905},{ 114215, -63780},{ 108085, -58800},{ 113170, -58800},{ 108110, -64890},{ 113110, -64890}};//------------------------------------------------------------static const float _lightfactor = 1 - pow (1 - SunVis, 2);static const float3 _depthcolor = _lightfactor * SunCol * float3 (0.03, 0.04, 0.05) + (SkyCol + 0.5*FogCol2) * float3 (0.075, 0.08, 0.085);static const float cauststr = 0.0001f * CausticIntens * saturate (0.75 * _lightfactor + 0.35 * length (FogCol2));#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300	static const float _windfactor = length (WindVec) + 1.5;	static const float TwiceWaterLevel = 2 * WaterLevel;	#define PS_SM ps_3_0	#define VS_SM vs_3_0#else	#define PS_SM ps_2_0	#define VS_SM vs_2_0#endif//------------------------------------------------------------#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300	#ifdef EXPFOG		#define SCATTER 1	#endif#endif#ifdef SCATTER	#define FOGTYPE float4	#define REFFOGTYPE float4	float niceWeatherFactor;	//static const float ExpFogStart = max(0, FogStart);	//static const float ExpFogMult = saturate( FogRange/(FogRangeMinusStart) );	//static const float ExpFogRangeMinusStart = FogRange - ExpFogStart;	//float getFog(float dist)	//{		//return saturate( 1.01832*exp(-(dist-ExpFogStart)/(ExpFogRangeMinusStart))-0.01832 ) * ExpFogMult;	//	return saturate( exp(-(dist-ExpFogStart)/(ExpFogRangeMinusStart))  ) * ExpFogMult;	//}		//#define getFogAlpha(dist) (saturate( exp(-((dist)-ExpFogStart)/(ExpFogRangeMinusStart))  ) * ExpFogMult)		#define getFogAlpha(dist) (saturate( exp(-(dist)/FogRange)  ))			static const float3 scatter = {0.07, 0.27, 0.67};	static const float sunaltitude = pow(1.0+SunPos.z,10);	static const float sunaltitude_a = 2.8+1.2/sunaltitude;	//static const float sunaltitude_b = 0.75*sunaltitude;	static const float sunaltitude_b = 1 - exp2( -1.9*sunaltitude );	static const float sunaltitude2 = saturate(exp(-2*SunPos.z))*saturate(sunaltitude);	static const float3 newskycol = 0.35*SkyCol+float3(0.22,0.40,0.70);	float4 _getFog(float3 dir, float dist, bool coloradjust)	{		float fogdist;		float fog;		if(dist < 0) {			fogdist = 1;			fog = 0;			dist = 1E6;		} else {			fogdist = dist/FogRange;			fog = saturate( exp(-fogdist) );			fogdist = saturate(fogdist/4);		}					float3 fFogCol2 = ( lerp (FogCol2, SkyCol, 1 - pow (saturate (1 - 2.22 * saturate (dir.z - 0.075)), 1.15)) )*(1-fog);				if(niceWeatherFactor > 0.001 && (dist<0 || EyePos.z>WaterLevel-4)) {			float cos = dot(dir,SunPos);			float mie = (1.080/(1.2-cos))*sunaltitude2;			float rayl = 1-0.09*mie;						float atmdep = saturate(exp(-1.5*dir.z));						float3 att = atmdep*(scatter*(sunaltitude_a+mie));			att = (1-exp(-fogdist*att))/(att);						//float3 color = 0.125*mie + lerp(newskycol, float3(1,1,1), 0.75*fog)*rayl;			float3 color = 0.125*mie + newskycol*rayl;			color *= (1.4*atmdep+0.6) * saturate(sunaltitude_B);			color *= att;						color = lerp(fFogCol2,color,niceWeatherFactor);			return float4( color, fog );		} else {			return float4( fFogCol2, fog );		}	}//	static const bool underwater = (EyePos.z < WaterLevel-4);//	float4 getFog(float3 dir, float dist)//	{ 		//if(underwater && dist >= 0) {		//	float fog = saturate( ( FogRange - dist ) / (FogRangeMinusStart) )*(1-fog);		//	return float4( FogCol2*(1-fog), fog );		//} else {//			return _getFog(dir,dist,true); 		//}	//}	//float4 getFog_refl(float3 dir, float dist) { return _getFog(dir,dist,false); }	//float3 applyfog(float3 col, float4 fog) { return lerp(fog.rgb, col, fog.a); }	//float3 applyfog(float3 col, float4 fog) { return col*fog.a+fog.rgb; }		#define getFog(dir,dist) (_getFog((dir),(dist),true))	#define getFog_refl(dir,dist) (_getFog((dir),(dist),false))	#define applyfog(col,fog) ((col)*(fog).a + (fog).rgb)			static const float3 SunCollf = lerp(SunCol,getFog(SunPos,-1).rgb,niceWeatherFactor*sunaltitude2) * _lightfactor;			struct SkyVertOut {		float4 position: POSITION;		float4 pos: TEXCOORD0;	};	SkyVertOut SkyVS( float4 pos: POSITION ) {		SkyVertOut OUT;				OUT.pos = float4(pos.x,pos.y,-550-pos.z,1);		OUT.position = OUT.pos;		OUT.position.xyz = mul(OUT.position.xyz, (float3x3)view);		OUT.position = mul(OUT.position, proj);					return OUT;	}	float4 SkyPS( in SkyVertOut IN ) : COLOR0 {		float3 fog = getFog(normalize(IN.pos.xyz),-1).rgb;		return float4(fog,1);	}#else //no scatter	static const float3 SunCollf = SunCol * _lightfactor;		#ifdef EXPFOG		#define FOGTYPE float4		#define REFFOGTYPE float		//static const float ExpFogStart = max (0, FogStart);		//static const float ExpFogMult = saturate (FogRange / FogRangeMinusStart);		//static const float ExpFogRangeMinusStart = FogRange - ExpFogStart;		#define skyfogblend(z) (lerp (FogCol2, SkyCol, 1 - pow (saturate (1 - 2.22 * saturate ((z) - 0.075)), 1.15)))		#define applyfog(col,fog) (lerp ((fog).rgb, (col), (fog).a))		//#define getFog(dist) (saturate (exp (-((dist) - ExpFogStart) / ExpFogRangeMinusStart)) * ExpFogMult)		#define getFog(dist) (saturate (exp (-(dist)/FogRange)))		#define getFogAlpha(dist) (getFog((dist)))	#else		#define FOGTYPE float		#define REFFOGTYPE float		#define getFog(dist) (saturate ((FogRange - (dist)) / FogRangeMinusStart))		#define getFogAlpha(dist) (getFog((dist)))	#endif#endif//------------------------------------------------------------float4 RenderShader (in float2 TexCoords : TEXCOORD0, in float3 Light : TEXCOORD1, in float4 Height : TEXCOORD2) : COLOR0 {	clip (Height);	float3 Result = tex2D (s3, TexCoords).rgb * Light;	return float4 (Result, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------struct StatVertIn {	float4 pos : POSITION;	float4 normal : NORMAL;	float4 color : COLOR0;	float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;};//------------------------------------------------------------struct StatVertOut {	float4 pos : POSITION;	float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;	float4 color : TEXCOORD1;	float3 normal : TEXCOORD2;	FOGTYPE fog : TEXCOORD3;	float blend : TEXCOORD5;	float emissive : TEXCOORD6;};//------------------------------------------------------------StatVertOut StaticVS (StatVertIn IN) {	StatVertOut OUT;	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;	// Define % to Fog	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);	#ifdef EXPFOG		float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		#ifdef SCATTER			OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);		#else			OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));		#endif	#else		float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);		OUT.fog = getFog (dist);	#endif	// Define % to Blend	OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	// Lighting	OUT.normal = normalize (IN.normal.xyz * 2 - 1); // Decompress	OUT.normal = normalize (mul (OUT.normal.xyz, (float3x3)world)); // Rotate normals but don't translate them	OUT.color = IN.color;	OUT.emissive = IN.normal.w; // Emissive stored in 4th value in normal vector	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------struct StatInstVertIn {	float4 pos : POSITION;	float4 normal : NORMAL;	float4 color : COLOR0;	float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;	float4 m1 : TEXCOORD1;	float4 m2 : TEXCOORD2;	float4 m3 : TEXCOORD3;	float4 m4 : TEXCOORD4;};//------------------------------------------------------------StatVertOut StaticInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {	StatVertOut OUT;	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;	// Pack instance transform	float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);	// Define % to Fog	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);	#ifdef EXPFOG		float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		#ifdef SCATTER			OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);		#else			OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));		#endif	#else		float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);		OUT.fog = getFog (dist);	#endif	// Define % to Blend	OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	// Lighting	OUT.normal = normalize (IN.normal.xyz * 2 - 1); // Decompress	OUT.normal = normalize (mul (OUT.normal.xyz, (float3x3)world)); // Rotate normals but don't translate them	OUT.color = IN.color;	OUT.emissive = IN.normal.w; // Emissive stored in 4th value in normal vector	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 StaticPS (StatVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	float4 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords);	// Lighting	float3 normal = normalize (IN.normal);	float3 diffuse = saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol * IN.color.rgb;	float3 ambient = SunAmb * IN.color.rgb;	Result.rgb *= saturate (diffuse + ambient + IN.emissive);	// Fogging	#ifdef EXPFOG		#ifdef SCATTER			Result.rgb = applyfog( Result.rgb, IN.fog );		#else			Result.rgb = lerp (IN.fog.rgb, Result.rgb, IN.fog.a);		#endif	#else		Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);	#endif	// Blending	Result.a = saturate (IN.color.a * Result.a * AlphaMultiplier) * IN.blend;	return Result;}//------------------------------------------------------------struct StatRefVertOut {	float4 pos : POSITION;	float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;	float4 color : TEXCOORD1;	float3 normal : TEXCOORD2;	REFFOGTYPE fog : TEXCOORD3;	float height : TEXCOORD6;};//------------------------------------------------------------StatRefVertOut StaticReflectionVS (StatVertIn IN) {	StatRefVertOut OUT;	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);	// Define % to Fog	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		float3 EyeVec = float3 (worldpos.xy, TwiceWaterLevel - worldpos.z) - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		#ifdef EXPFOG			#ifdef SCATTER				OUT.fog = getFog_refl(EyeVec*float3(1,1,-1),dist);			#else				//OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / ExpFogRangeMinusStart));				OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart));			#endif		#else			OUT.fog = saturate (				getFog (dist) / 				(0.001 + saturate ((FogRange - (EyePos.z - WaterLevel) / (0.001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / (FogRangeMinusStart)))			);		#endif	#else		float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);		OUT.fog = getFog (dist);	#endif	//// Define % to Blend	//OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	// Lighting	OUT.normal = normalize (IN.normal.xyz * 2 - 1); // Decompress	OUT.normal = normalize (mul (OUT.normal, (float3x3)world)); // Rotate normals but don't translate them	OUT.color = IN.color;	// Figure hight of pixel in world coordinates	OUT.height = worldpos.z;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------StatRefVertOut StaticReflectionInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {	StatRefVertOut OUT;	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;	// Pack instance transform	float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);	// Define % to Fog	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		float3 EyeVec = float3 (worldpos.xy, TwiceWaterLevel - worldpos.z) - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		#ifdef EXPFOG			#ifdef SCATTER				OUT.fog = getFog_refl(EyeVec*float3(1,1,-1),dist);			#else				//OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / ExpFogRangeMinusStart));				OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart));			#endif		#else			OUT.fog = saturate (				getFog (dist) / 				(0.001 + saturate ((FogRange - (EyePos.z - WaterLevel) / (0.001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / (FogRangeMinusStart)))			);		#endif	#else		float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);		OUT.fog = getFog (dist);	#endif	//// Define % to Blend	//OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	// Lighting	OUT.normal = normalize (mul (IN.normal.xyz, (float3x3)worldmat));	OUT.color = IN.color;	// Figure height of pixel in world coordinates	OUT.height = worldpos.z;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 StaticReflectionPS (StatRefVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Clip to water plane	clip (IN.height + 4 - WaterLevel);	#ifdef SCATTER		clip (IN.fog.a - 0.001);	#else		clip (IN.fog - 0.001);	#endif	float4 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords);	clip (Result.a - 0.5);	// Lighting	float3 normal = normalize (IN.normal);	Result.rgb *= saturate ((saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol + SunAmb) * IN.color.rgb);	// Fogging	#ifdef SCATTER		Result.rgb = applyfog(Result.rgb,IN.fog);	#else		Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);	#endif	return float4 (Result.rgb, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------struct LowestLandVertOut {	float4 position : POSITION;	float4 pos : TEXCOORD0;	float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD1;	float3 light : COLOR0;};//------------------------------------------------------------LowestLandVertOut LowestLandVS (in float4 pos : POSITION) {	LowestLandVertOut OUT;	OUT.position = mul (pos, world);	OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, view);	OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, proj);	OUT.pos = float4 (pos.xy - offset, pos.zw);	// Calculate texture coordinates	OUT.texcoords = OUT.pos.xy / 600;	// Lighting	OUT.light = saturate(-SunVec.z * SunCol);	OUT.light = saturate (OUT.light + SunAmb);	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 LowestLandPS (in LowestLandVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Define % to Fog	float dist = length (IN.pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);	float3 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords).rgb;	Result *= IN.light;	// Fogging	float fog;	fog = getFogAlpha (dist);			Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, fog);	return float4 (Result, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------struct WaterVertOut {	float4 position : POSITION;	float4 pos : TEXCOORD0;	float2 texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1;	float2 texcoord2 : TEXCOORD2;	float2 texcoord3 : TEXCOORD3;	float4 screenpos : TEXCOORD5;	#if WAVEHEIGHT > 0		float4 screenposclamp : TEXCOORD7;	#endif	float w : TEXCOORD6;};//------------------------------------------------------------WaterVertOut WaterVS (in float4 pos : POSITION) {	WaterVertOut OUT;	OUT.pos = float4 (pos.xy - offset, pos.zw);	// Calculate various texture coordinates	OUT.texcoord1 = OUT.pos.xy / 3900;	OUT.texcoord2 = OUT.pos.xy / 1104;	OUT.texcoord3 = OUT.pos.xy / 892;	#if WAVEHEIGHT > 0		float time = ticks / 2;		float height = tex3Dlod (s1, float4 (OUT.texcoord2, time, 0)).a - 0.5f;		float height2 = tex3Dlod (s1, float4 (OUT.texcoord1, time*0.56, 0)).a - 0.5f;		float dist = length (EyePos.xyz - OUT.pos.xyz);		//float addheight = WAVEHEIGHT * (lerp (height, height2, saturate (dist / 8000)) - 0.5f) * saturate (1 - dist / 6400) * saturate (dist / 200);		float addheight = WAVEHEIGHT * (0.65*height * saturate (1 - dist / 8000)  + height2) * saturate (1 - dist / 6400) * saturate (dist / 200);		float4 newPos = pos + float4 (0, 0, addheight, 0);		OUT.pos.zw = newPos.zw;		OUT.position = mul (newPos, world);		OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, view);		OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, proj);		OUT.w = OUT.position.w;		OUT.screenpos = mul (newPos , TexProj);		newPos = pos - float4 (0, 0, abs (addheight), 0);		OUT.screenposclamp = mul (newPos , TexProj);	#else		OUT.position = mul (pos, world);		OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, view);		OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, proj);		OUT.w = OUT.position.w;		OUT.screenpos = mul (pos, TexProj);	#endif	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float3 GetFinalWaterNormal (float2 texcoord1, float2 texcoord2, float2 texcoord3, float dist, float2 IN_pos_xy) : NORMAL {	// Calculate the W texture coordinate based on the time that has passed	float time = ticks / 2;	float3 tex1 = float3(texcoord1, time*0.56);	float3 tex2 = float3(texcoord2, time);		// Blend together the normals from different sized areas of the same texture.	float2 far_normal = tex3D (s5, tex1).rg;	float2 close_normal = tex3D (s5, tex2).rg;	#ifdef MGE_DYNAMICRIPPLES		// add ripples		#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300			close_normal.rg += tex2D (s2, texcoord3).ba; // rain			close_normal.rg += tex2D (s8, (IN_pos_xy - RippleOrigin) / waveTexWorldSize).ba * 2 - 1.5; // player		#else			close_normal.rg += (tex2D (s2, texcoord3).ba // rain			 + tex2D (s8, (IN_pos_xy - RippleOrigin) / waveTexWorldSize).ba) * 2 - 2; // player		#endif	#endif	//float2 normal_R = lerp (close_normal, far_normal, saturate (dist / 8000)) * 2 - 1;	float2 normal_R =  0.65*(close_normal * 2 - 1) * saturate (1 - dist / 8000) + (far_normal * 2 - 1);#if SEWERWAVE == 1 && SHADER_MODEL >= 300	//Add wave effect for each sewer location	for (int i=0; i<70; i++) {	// float2 tempCalc = IN_pos_xy-wLoc[i];	// if (length(tempCalc)<1280) {	//performing this calculation once per iteration (instead of twice) dramatically improves performance	float2 tempCalc = pow(IN_pos_xy.x-wLoc[i].x,2)+pow(IN_pos_xy.y-wLoc[i].y,2);	normal_R.rg += sin(fmod(sqrt(tempCalc),128)/(128/6.283185307) - 8*ticks)/max((tempCalc)/20480,4);	// float2 tempCalc2 = pow(tempCalc.x,2)+pow(tempCalc.y,2);	// normal_R.rg += sin(fmod(sqrt(tempCalc2),128)/(128/6.283185307) - 8*ticks)/max((tempCalc2)/20480,4);	// }}	//Big waves headed toward ghostgate	normal_R.rg += sin(fmod(sqrt(pow(IN_pos_xy.x-20000,2) + pow(IN_pos_xy.y-40000,2)),6144)/(6144/6.283185307) + ticks)/12;#endif	return normalize(float3(normal_R,1));}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 ReflectionShader (in WaterVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Calculate eye vector	float3 EyeVec = EyePos.xyz - IN.pos.xyz;	float dist = length (EyeVec);	EyeVec /= dist;	// Define % to Fog	#ifdef SCATTER		float4 fog = getFog_refl(-EyeVec, dist);	#else		float fog = getFog (dist);	#endif		// Calculate water normal	float3 normal = GetFinalWaterNormal (IN.texcoord1, IN.texcoord2, IN.texcoord3, dist, IN.pos.xy);	float2 Tex = IN.screenpos.xy / IN.w;		// reflection / refraction strength factor, wind strength increases distortion	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		//float2 reffactor = ((dist / 100 * _windfactor) + 0.1) * (normal.xy);		//float3 reffactor;				//reffactor.x = dot(-normal, float3(view[0][0],view[1][0],view[2][0]));		//reffactor.y = dot(-normal, float3(view[0][2],view[1][2],view[2][2]));		//reffactor.z = 1 - reffactor.y;		//reffactor *= ((dist / 100 * _windfactor) + 0.1).xxx;				// Distort refraction dependent on depth		float2 reffactor = 0.01 * _windfactor * normal.xy;	#else		// Distort refraction dependent on depth		float2 reffactor = 0.02 * normal.xy;	#endif	float2 newscrpos = Tex + reffactor.yx;			// Sample depth texture	float depth = tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w;	newscrpos = Tex + saturate (depth / 100) * reffactor.yx;	// Sample refraction texture	float3 Refract = tex2D (s4, newscrpos).rgb;	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		// Get distorted depth		//depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w);		depth = tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w;		if(depth < -1) depth = 1E6;		depth /= dot (-EyeVec, float3 (view [0][2], view [1][2], view [2][2]));		float depthscale = saturate (exp (-(depth) / 800));		float shorefactor = pow (depthscale, 25);		#ifdef SCATTER			float3 depthcolor = applyfog(_depthcolor,fog);		#else			float3 depthcolor = lerp (FogCol2, _depthcolor, fog);		#endif		// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on water depth		Refract = lerp (depthcolor, Refract, 0.8 * depthscale + 0.2 * shorefactor);		// Sample reflection texture		float3 Reflect = {0, 0, 0};		// float totalalpha;		if (EyePos.z < WaterLevel - 4) {			Reflect = _depthcolor;		} else {			#ifdef WATERBLUR				float blurwidth = (1 - EyeVec.z) * 0.005;								float2 scrpos = 				#if WAVEHEIGHT > 0					IN.screenposclamp.xy / IN.w				#else					Tex				#endif				 + float2(-2.5 * reffactor.x, 0.0015+abs (reffactor.y));				// unfolded blurring allows for better optimization				float2 shift = blurwidth * float2 (1, 0);				Reflect += 0.100 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb				 + tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);				shift = blurwidth * float2 (0.67, 0.33);				Reflect += 0.115 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb				 + tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);				shift = blurwidth * float2 (0.33, -0.33);				Reflect += 0.135 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb				 + tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);				shift = float2 (0.0, blurwidth * 0.67);				Reflect += 0.150 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb				 + tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);				 			#else				Reflect = tex2D (s0, 				#if WAVEHEIGHT > 0					IN.screenposclamp.xy / IN.w				#else					Tex				#endif				+ float2 (-2.5 * reffactor.x, 0.0015+abs (reffactor.y)));			#endif		}		#ifdef SCATTER			//Reflect = applyfog(Reflect, fog);			Reflect = lerp (Reflect, applyfog(Reflect, fog),saturate((EyePos.z-WaterLevel)/7168.0));			float3 adjustnormal = lerp (float3 (0, 0, 0.1), normal, pow (saturate (1.05 * fog.a), 2));		#else			Reflect = lerp (FogCol2, Reflect, fog);			float3 adjustnormal = lerp (float3 (0, 0, 0.1), normal, pow (saturate (1.05 * fog), 2));		#endif		adjustnormal = lerp (adjustnormal, float3 (0, 0, 1.0), (1 - EyeVec.z) * (1 - saturate (1 / (dist / 1000 + 1))));		float fresnel = dot (EyeVec, adjustnormal);		fresnel = 0.02 + pow (saturate (0.9988 - 0.28 * fresnel), 16);		float3 Result = lerp (Refract, Reflect, fresnel);		// Specular lighting		float reflection = saturate (1.0025 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));		float3 spec = SunCollf * (pow (reflection, 150) + 0.07 * pow (reflection, 4));		// smooth transition at shore line		#ifdef SCATTER			Result = lerp (Result + spec * fog.a, Refract, shorefactor * fog.a);		#else			Result = lerp (Result + spec * fog, Refract, shorefactor * fog);		#endif	#else		// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on water depth		Refract = lerp (Refract, _depthcolor, saturate (depth / 1500 + 0.3));		float3 Reflect = tex2D (s0, Tex - float2 (2.5 * reffactor.x, -abs (reffactor.y))) / 2;		float fresnel = saturate (dot (EyeVec, float3 (0, 0, 1)) * 1.5);		float3 Result = lerp (Reflect, Refract, fresnel);		//Specular lighting		float reflection = saturate (dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));		float3 spec = SunCollf * pow (reflection, 150);		// Additional Specular		spec += pow (dot (normal, float3 (0, 0, 1)), 100) * SunAmb / 12; // gives water a shiny look		// smooth transition at shore line		Result += spec;		Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, fog);	#endif		return float4 (Result, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 NonReflectionShader (in WaterVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Calculate eye vector	float3 EyeVec = (EyePos - IN.pos.xyz);	float dist = length (EyeVec);	EyeVec /= dist;	// Define % to Fog	//float fog = saturate ((FogRange - dist) / FogRangeMinusStart);	float fog = getFogAlpha (dist);		// Calculate water normal	float3 normal = GetFinalWaterNormal (IN.texcoord1, IN.texcoord2, IN.texcoord3, dist, IN.pos.xy);	float2 Tex = IN.screenpos.xy / IN.w;		// reflection / refraction strength factor, wind strength increases distortion	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		float2 reffactor = 0.008 * _windfactor * normal.xy;	#else		float2 reffactor = 0.02 * normal.xy;	#endif	// Distort refraction dependent on depth	float2 newscrpos = Tex + reffactor.yx;	// Sample depth texture	float depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w);	newscrpos = Tex + saturate (depth / 100) * reffactor.yx;	// Sample refraction texture	float3 Refract = tex2D (s4, newscrpos).rgb;	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		// Get distorted depth		depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w);		depth /= dot (-EyeVec, float3 (view [0][2], view [1][2], view [2][2]));		float depthscale = saturate (exp (-depth / 800));		float shorefactor = pow (depthscale, 25);		// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on water depth		Refract = lerp (_depthcolor, Refract, 0.8 * depthscale + 0.2 * shorefactor);		float fresnel = dot (EyeVec, lerp (normal, float3 (0, 0, 1), (1 - EyeVec.z) * (1 - exp (-dist / 2500)))) * fog;		fresnel = 0.02 + pow (saturate (0.9988 - 0.28 * fresnel), 16);		float3 Reflect = (FogCol2 + SkyCol) * 0.4;		if (SunVec.z > 0.9) {			Reflect = FogCol2 * 0.55;		}		Reflect = lerp (FogCol2, Reflect, fog);		float3 Result = lerp (Refract, Reflect, fresnel);		// Specular lighting		float reflection = saturate (1.0025 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));		float3 spec = SunCollf * (pow (reflection, 150) + 0.07 * pow (reflection, 4)) * fog;		Result = lerp (Result + spec, Refract, shorefactor * fog);	#else		// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on water depth		Refract = lerp (Refract, _depthcolor, saturate (depth / 1500 + 0.3));		float fresnel = saturate(dot(EyeVec,float3(0,0,1)));		float3 Reflect = SkyCol / 2;		float3 Result = lerp (Reflect, Refract, saturate(fresnel*(depth+2)));		//Specular lighting		float reflection = saturate (1.0025 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));		float3 spec = SunCollf * pow (reflection, 150);		// Additional Specular		spec += pow (dot (normal, float3 (0, 0, 1)), 100) * SunAmb / 12; // gives water a shiny look		Result += spec;		//Fogging		Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, fog);	#endif	return float4 (Result, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 UnderWaterPS (in WaterVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Calculate eye vector	float3 EyeVec = (EyePos - IN.pos.xyz);	float dist = length (EyeVec);	EyeVec /= dist;	// Calculate water normal	float3 normal = -GetFinalWaterNormal (IN.texcoord1, IN.texcoord2, IN.texcoord3, dist, IN.pos.xy);	float2 Tex = IN.screenpos.xy / IN.w;		// Define % to Fog	// #ifdef EXPFOG	// 	float fog = exp (-2 * dist / FogRange);	// #else	// 	float fog = saturate (1 - (dist / FogRange));	// 	fog *= fog;	// #endif	float fog = getFogAlpha (dist);	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		// reflection / refraction strength factor, wind strength increases distortion		// float2 reffactor = -((dist / 20 * (_windfactor)) + 0.25) * float2 (		//	dot (normal, float3 (view [0][0], view [1][0], view [2][0])), 		//	dot (normal, float3 (view [0][1], view [1][1], view [2][1]))		// );		float2 reffactor = 0.016 * _windfactor * normal.xy;	#else		float2 reffactor = 0.05 * normal.xy;	#endif	// Sample depth texture	float depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, Tex + reffactor.xy).r - IN.w);	float depthfactor = saturate (depth / 150);	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, Tex + depthfactor * reffactor.xy).r - IN.w);	#else		depth = tex2D (s7, Tex + depthfactor * reffactor.xy).r - IN.w;	#endif	// Sample refraction texture	float3 Refract = tex2D (s4, Tex + depthfactor * reffactor.xy).rgb;	depthfactor = saturate (depth / 150);	// Specular lighting	float reflection = saturate (1.005 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (float3 (-SunPos.x, -SunPos.y, SunPos.z), normal)));	float3 Specular = saturate (1.5 * SunCollf) * (pow (reflection, 120) + 0.07 * pow (reflection, 2));	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		Refract += Specular * depthfactor * fog;	#else		Refract += Specular;	#endif	// fresnel factor	// float fresnel = saturate (dot (EyeVec, normal / float3 ((1.0 + 0.5 * normal.z).xx, 1)));	float fresnel = saturate (dot (EyeVec, normal));	fresnel = 0.4 * pow (saturate (1.3 - fresnel), 8) * fog;	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		if (SunVec.z > 0.9) fresnel *= 0.6;	#endif	float3 Result = Refract * (1 - fresnel * depthfactor);	// Realistic Fresnel	// fresnel = saturate (0.015 / max (0.01, fresnel - 0.645) - 0.02);	// Refract = tex2Dproj (s4, IN.screenpos + float4 (reffactor.xy, 0, 0) / (1.001 - fresnel)).rgb;	// float3 Result = lerp (Refract, FogCol2, fresnel);	return float4 (Result, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------struct LandVertOut {	float4 pos: POSITION;	float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD1;	float3 position: TEXCOORD2;	FOGTYPE fog : TEXCOORD3;};//------------------------------------------------------------LandVertOut LandscapeVertexShader (float4 pos: POSITION, float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0) {	LandVertOut OUT;	// Define % to Fog	#ifdef EXPFOG		float3 EyeVec = pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		#ifdef SCATTER			OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);		#else			OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));		#endif	#else		float dist = length (pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);		OUT.fog = getFog (dist);	#endif	// Lower vertices that are close to the camera to ensure they are always below it	float disp = lerp (200, 0, saturate (dist / 2000));	pos.z -= disp;	// OUT.pos = mul (pos, worldviewproj);	OUT.pos = mul (pos, world);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	OUT.texcoord = texcoord;	OUT.position = pos.xyz;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 LandscapePixelShader (in LandVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Normalize incoming normal	float3 normal = normalize (tex2D (s1, IN.texcoord).rgb * 2 - 1);	// World Texture	float3 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoord).rgb;	// Detail Texture	float detail = tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 1064).g + 0.5;	detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 333).g + 0.5;	detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 90).g + 0.5;	// Lighting	Result *= detail * saturate ((saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol) + SunAmb);	// Define % to Fog	#ifdef EXPFOG		#ifdef SCATTER			Result = applyfog( Result, IN.fog );		#else			Result = lerp (IN.fog.rgb, Result, IN.fog.a);		#endif		return float4 (Result, 1 - IN.fog.a);	#else		Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, IN.fog);		return float4 (Result, 1 - IN.fog);	#endif}//------------------------------------------------------------struct LandRefVertOut {	float4 pos: POSITION;	float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD1;	REFFOGTYPE fog : TEXCOORD2;	float height : TEXCOORD3;};//------------------------------------------------------------LandRefVertOut LandscapeRefVS (float4 pos: POSITION, float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0) {	LandRefVertOut OUT;	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		//// Lower vertices so there are fewer seams visible in the reflection		// pos.z -= 20 * saturate (1 - (pos.z / 100));		float3 EyeVec = float3 (pos.xy, TwiceWaterLevel - pos.z) - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		// Define % to Fog		#ifdef EXPFOG			#ifdef SCATTER				OUT.fog = getFog_refl(EyeVec*float3(1,1,-1),dist);			#else				//OUT.fog = saturate (exp ( -(max (0, pos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / ExpFogRangeMinusStart));				OUT.fog = saturate (exp ( -(max (0, pos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart));			#endif						#else			OUT.fog = saturate (				getFog (dist) / 				(0.001 + saturate ((FogRange - (EyePos.z - WaterLevel) / (0.001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart))			);		#endif	#else		// Lower vertices so there are fewer seams visible in the reflection		// pos.z -= 100;		// Define % to Fog		OUT.fog = getFog (length (pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz));	#endif	// OUT.pos = mul (pos, worldviewproj);	OUT.pos = mul (pos, world);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	OUT.texcoord = texcoord;	// Define height of pixel for clipping to water plane	OUT.height = pos.z;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 LandscapeRefPS (in LandRefVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Clip to water plane	clip (IN.height + 4 - WaterLevel);	#ifdef SCATTER		clip (IN.fog.a - 0.001);	#else		clip (IN.fog - 0.001);	#endif	// Normalize incoming normal	float3 normal = normalize (tex2D (s1, IN.texcoord).rgb * 2 - 1);	// World Texture	float3 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoord).rgb;	// Detail Texture	float detail = tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 1064).g + 0.5;	detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 333).g + 0.5;	detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 90).g + 0.5;	// Lighting	Result *= detail * saturate ((saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol) + SunAmb);	// let reflections fade to water color	#ifdef SCATTER		Result.rgb = applyfog(Result.rgb,IN.fog);	#else		Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);	#endif	//return float4 (Result, saturate (3.5 * IN.fog));	return float4 (Result, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------struct GrassVertIn {	float4 pos : POSITION;	float3 normal : NORMAL;	float4 color : COLOR0;	float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;};//------------------------------------------------------------struct GrassVertOut {	float4 pos : POSITION;	float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;	float3 color : COLOR0;	FOGTYPE fog : TEXCOORD1;	float4 screenpos: TEXCOORD4;	float blend : TEXCOORD5;};//------------------------------------------------------------GrassVertOut GrassVS (GrassVertIn IN) {	GrassVertOut OUT;	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;// Animate grass	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);	//distance to grass for range	float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);	float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;	float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;	float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;	float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;	float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;	float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;	//grass offset for bendingfloat2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);//interactive grassif ( gdist < 100 ) {	//bend	worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/(25+gdist) * 3500;	worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;} else {	worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;}	// Define % to Fog	#ifdef EXPFOG		float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		#ifdef SCATTER			OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);		#else			OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));		#endif	#else		float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);		OUT.fog = getFog (dist);	#endif	// Define % to Blend	OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	// Texture Projection	OUT.screenpos = mul (worldpos, TexProj);	// Lighting	OUT.color = (SunCol * 0.25) + SunAmb;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------GrassVertOut GrassInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {	GrassVertOut OUT;	// Pack instance transform	float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;	// Define % to Fog	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);	#ifdef EXPFOG		float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		#ifdef SCATTER			OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);		#else			OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));		#endif	#else		float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);		OUT.fog = getFog (dist);	#endif	OUT.blend = 1 - (saturate ((GrassDist - dist) / (GrassDist / 5)));	OUT.blend += 0.4;	OUT.screenpos = 0;// Animate grass	//distance to grass for range	float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);	float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;	float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;	float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;	float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;	float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;	float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;	//grass offset for bendingfloat2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);//interactive grassif ( gdist < 100 ) {	//bend	worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/(25+gdist) * 3500;	worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;} else {	worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;}	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	// Lighting	OUT.color = (SunCol * 0.25) + SunAmb;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 GrassPS (GrassVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	float4 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords);	// clip (Result.a - 0.4);	// Lighting	Result.rgb *= IN.color;	// Fogging	#ifdef EXPFOG		#ifdef SCATTER			Result.rgb = applyfog( Result.rgb, IN.fog );		#else			Result.rgb = lerp (IN.fog.rgb, Result.rgb, IN.fog.a);		#endif	#else		Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);	#endif	// Blending	Result.a = saturate (Result.a * AlphaMultiplier) * IN.blend;	return float4 (Result.rgb, Result.a);}//------------------------------------------------------------struct BlendDepthVertIn {	float4 pos : POSITION;	float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;};//------------------------------------------------------------struct ScreenVertOut {	float4 pos: POSITION;	float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;};//------------------------------------------------------------ScreenVertOut ScreenQuadVS (in BlendDepthVertIn IN) {	ScreenVertOut OUT;	OUT.pos = mul (IN.pos, world);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	OUT.texcoord = IN.texcoord;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 BlendDepthPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// return float4 (tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord).rgb, 1);	float3 color = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord).rgb;	float depth = tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord).r;	depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(PixelWidth, 0)).r, depth);	depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(-PixelWidth, 0)).r, depth);	depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(0, PixelHeight)).r, depth);	depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(0, -PixelHeight)).r, depth);	//// Display depth buffer for testing	// depth = 1 - saturate (depth / FogRange);	// return float4 (depth, depth, depth, 1);	// Define % to Blend	float blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - depth) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));	//// Display blend for testing	//return float4( blend, blend, blend, 1 );	return float4 (color, 1 - blend);}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 ClearDepthPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	return float4 (FLT_MAX / 2, 1, 1, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------// float blur_weights [4] = { 0.47442968, 0.23392642, 0.02804153, 0.00081723 };float blur_weights [7] = { 0.199471, 0.176033, 0.120985, 0.064759, 0.026995, 0.008764, 0.002216 };float2 TwelveKernel [12];//------------------------------------------------------------float4 HorizontalBlurPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	float4 Original = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord);	float3 Blurred = 0;	float total_weight = 0;	// Early out to prevent night sky blur - tetchy	if (Original.a >= 0.9999) {		return Original;	} else {		for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {			float4 Current = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + TwelveKernel [i]);			float weight = saturate (Original.a * Current.a);			Blurred += Current.rgb * weight;			total_weight += weight;		}		Blurred = (Blurred + Original.rgb) / (total_weight + 1.0);		return float4 (Blurred, Original.a);	}}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 VerticalBlurPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	float4 orig_color = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord);	// return float4 (orig_color.a, orig_color.a, orig_color.a, orig_color.a);	// Early out to prevent night sky blur - tetchy	if (orig_color.a >= 0.9999) {		return orig_color;	} else {		float2 offset = float2 (0, PixelHeight);		float4 color = 0;		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 6) * blur_weights [6];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 5) * blur_weights [5];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 4) * blur_weights [4];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 3) * blur_weights [3];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 2) * blur_weights [2];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset) * blur_weights [1];		color += orig_color * blur_weights [0];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset) * blur_weights [1];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 2) * blur_weights [2];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 3) * blur_weights [3];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 4) * blur_weights [4];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 5) * blur_weights [5];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 6) * blur_weights [6];		float blur = saturate (color.a * orig_color.a);	//// Don't let the sky get too blurry// test no longer needed - tetchy	// if (orig_color.a <= 0.0001) {	// blur = max (0.75, blur);	// }		color.rgb = lerp (color.rgb, orig_color.rgb, blur);		return float4 (color.rgb, orig_color.a);	}}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 CopyAndSetAlphaPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	float3 color = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord).rgb;	return float4 (color, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------struct RenderDepthVertOut {	float4 pos: POSITION;	float4 position: TEXCOORD0;	// float4 col: COLOR0;	float2 texcoords: TEXCOORD1;};//------------------------------------------------------------RenderDepthVertOut GrassDepthVS (GrassVertIn IN) {	RenderDepthVertOut OUT;	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;// Animate grass	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);	//distance to grass for range	float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);	float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;	float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;	float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;	float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;	float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;	float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;	//grass offset for bendingfloat2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);//interactive grassif ( gdist < 100 ) {	//bend	worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/(25+gdist) * 3500;	worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;} else {	worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;}	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	OUT.position = OUT.pos;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 GrassDepthPS (RenderDepthVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Apply alpha testing	float alpha = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords).a;	clip (alpha - 0.5);	return float4 (IN.position.w, 1, 1, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------RenderDepthVertOut GrassDepthInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {	RenderDepthVertOut OUT;	// Pack instance transform	float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;// Animate grass	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);	//distance to grass for range	float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);	float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;	float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;	float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;	float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;	float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;	float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;	//grass offset for bendingfloat2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);//interactive grassif ( gdist < 100 ) {	//bend	worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/(25+gdist) * 3500;	worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;} else {	worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;}	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	OUT.position = OUT.pos;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------struct CausticsVertOut {	float4 pos: POSITION;	float2 tex : TEXCOORD0;};//------------------------------------------------------------CausticsVertOut CausticsVS (in BlendDepthVertIn IN) {	CausticsVertOut OUT;	OUT.pos = mul (IN.pos, proj);	OUT.tex = IN.texcoord;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 CausticsPS (in CausticsVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	float3 color = tex2D(s4, IN.tex);		float depth = tex2D( s7, IN.tex ).r;	float fog = getFogAlpha(depth);	float blend = saturate( (BlendEnd - depth) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart) );		float3 eyevec = float3(view[0][2],view[1][2],view[2][2]);	eyevec += (1/proj[0][0] * (2*IN.tex.x-1)).xxx * float3(view[0][0],view[1][0],view[2][0]);	eyevec += (-1/proj[1][1] * (2*IN.tex.y-1)).xxx * float3(view[0][1],view[1][1],view[2][1]);		float3 uwpos = EyePos + eyevec * depth;	uwpos.z -= WaterLevel;	float sunraypath = (uwpos.z / SunVec.z);	float caust = tex3D (s5, float3( (uwpos - SunVec * sunraypath).xy / 1104, ticks/2) ).b;	color *= 1.00 + caust * blend * ( max (-uwpos.z, 0) * saturate(exp (uwpos.z / 400)) ) * fog * fog * cauststr;		return float4(color,1);}//------------------------------------------------------------ScreenVertOut WaveVS (in BlendDepthVertIn IN) {	ScreenVertOut OUT;	OUT.pos = mul (IN.pos, proj);	OUT.texcoord = IN.texcoord;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------static const float waveTexRcpRes2 = 1.5 * waveTexRcpRes;//------------------------------------------------------------float4 WavePS (in float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0): COLOR0 {	float4 c = 2 * tex2D (s6, Tex) - (1.0).xxxx;	float4 ret = {0, c.r, 0, 0};	float4 n = {		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (waveTexRcpRes, 0)).r, 		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (-waveTexRcpRes, 0)).r, 		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, waveTexRcpRes)).r, 		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, -waveTexRcpRes)).r	};	float4 n2 = {		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (waveTexRcpRes2, 0)).r, 		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (-waveTexRcpRes2, 0)).r, 		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, waveTexRcpRes2)).r, 		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, -waveTexRcpRes2)).r	};	n = 2 * n - (1.0).xxxx;	// n2 = 2 * n2 - (1.0).xxxx;	float nsum = n.x + n.y + n.z + n.w;	// dampened discrete two - dimensional wave equation	// red channel: u (t)	// green channel: u (t - 1)	// u (t + 1) = (1 - udamp) * u (t) + a * (nsum - 4 * u (t)) + (1 - vdamp) * (u (t) - u (t - 1))	//		= a * nsum + ((2 - udamp - vdamp) - 4 * a) * u (t) - (1 - vdamp) * u (t - 1);	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		ret.r = 0.14 * nsum + (1.96 - 0.56) * c.r - 0.98 * c.g;	#else		ret.r = 0.10 * nsum + (1.96 - 0.40) * c.r - 0.98 * c.g;	#endif	// if (abs (ret.r) < 0.01) ret.r = 0;	// if (abs (ret.g) < 0.01) ret.g = 0;	// calculate normal map	ret.ba = 2 * (n.xy - n.zw) + (n2.xy - n2.zw);	ret = 0.5f * ret + (0.5f).xxxx;	return ret;}//------------------------------------------------------------static const float playerWaveSize = 12.0f / waveTexWorldSize; // 12 world units radius//------------------------------------------------------------float4 PlayerWavePS (in float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0): COLOR0 {	float4 ret = tex2D (s6, Tex);	float wavesize = (1.0 + 0.055 * sin (16 * ticks) + 0.065 * sin (12.87645 * ticks)) * playerWaveSize;	ret.rg *= saturate (2 * abs (length (Tex - RippleOrigin) / wavesize - 1));	return ret;}//------------------------------------------------------------Technique T0 {	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used to render the reflected landscape	Pass P00 {		#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300			AlphaBlendEnable = true;			SRCBLEND = SRCALPHA;			DESTBLEND = INVSRCALPHA;		#else			AlphaBlendEnable = false;		#endif		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300			CullMode = CCW;		#else			CullMode = None;		#endif		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM LandscapeRefVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM LandscapeRefPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used to render the landscape	Pass P01 {		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		CullMode = CW;		FogEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM LandscapeVertexShader ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM LandscapePixelShader ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used to render the water in SM 2.0 mode	Pass P02 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		CullMode = CW;		FogEnable = false;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM ReflectionShader ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used to render the water in SM 3.0 mode	Pass P03 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		CullMode = CW;		FogEnable = false;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM ReflectionShader ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering distant statics	Pass P04 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = CW;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering the water from underneath	Pass P05 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		CullMode = CCW;		FogEnable = false;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM UnderWaterPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering water in non - reflective mode	Pass P06 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		CullMode = CW;		FogEnable = false;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM NonReflectionShader ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering reflected statics	Pass P07 {		#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300			AlphaBlendEnable = true;			SRCBLEND = SRCALPHA;			DESTBLEND = INVSRCALPHA;			AlphaTestEnable = false;		#else			AlphaBlendEnable = false;		#endif		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = CCW;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticReflectionVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticReflectionPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering the lowest possible land out into infinity	Pass P08 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300			AlphaTestEnable = false;		#endif		CullMode = CW;		FogEnable = false;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = false;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM LowestLandVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM LowestLandPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering distant statics with HW instancing	Pass P09 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = CW;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticInstVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering reflected distant statics with HW instancing	Pass P10 {		#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300			AlphaBlendEnable = true;			SRCBLEND = SRCALPHA;			DESTBLEND = INVSRCALPHA;			AlphaTestEnable = false;		#else			AlphaBlendEnable = false;		#endif		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = CCW;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticReflectionInstVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticReflectionPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering grass	Pass P11 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering grass with instancing	Pass P12 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassInstVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for blending what Morrowind draws with what MGE draws	Pass P13 {		AlphaBlendEnable = true;		SRCBLEND = SRCALPHA;		DESTBLEND = INVSRCALPHA;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = false;		ZWriteEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM BlendDepthPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for horizontal blurring	Pass P14 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = false;		ZWriteEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM HorizontalBlurPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for vertical blurring	Pass P15 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = false;		ZWriteEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM VerticalBlurPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used to copy a texture to the screen while also setting alpha to 0	Pass P16 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = false;		ZWriteEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM CopyAndSetAlphaPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering grass depth	Pass P17 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassDepthVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassDepthPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering grass depth with instancing	Pass P18 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassDepthInstVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassDepthPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering the underwater caustic lighting	Pass P19 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = false;		ZWriteEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM CausticsVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM CausticsPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for calculating waves	Pass P20 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = false;		ZWriteEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaveVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM WavePS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for creating ripples around PC	Pass P21 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = false;		ZWriteEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaveVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM PlayerWavePS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used to set up the render state	Pass Zero { // 22		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		FogColor = ;		ColorVertex = false;		Lighting = false;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		StencilEnable = false;		ColorWriteEnable = red | green | blue;		CullMode = CCW;		ShadeMode = gouraud;		ColorOp [0] = selectarg1;		ColorOp [1] = disable;		AlphaOp [0] = disable;		AlphaOp [1] = disable;		ResultArg [0] = current;		Texture [0] = null;		Texture [1] = null;		Texture [2] = null;		Texture [3] = null;		Texture [4] = null;		Texture [5] = null;		Texture [6] = null;		Texture [7] = null;		TexCoordIndex [0] = 0;		TexCoordIndex [1] = 1;		TexCoordIndex [2] = 2;		TexCoordIndex [3] = 3;		TexCoordIndex [4] = 4;		TexCoordIndex [5] = 5;		TexCoordIndex [6] = 6;		TexCoordIndex [7] = 7;		TextureTransformFlags [0] = 0;		TextureTransformFlags [1] = 0;		TextureTransformFlags [2] = 0;		TextureTransformFlags [3] = 0;		TextureTransformFlags [4] = 0;		TextureTransformFlags [5] = 0;		TextureTransformFlags [6] = 0;		TextureTransformFlags [7] = 0;		MagFilter [0] = Linear;		MinFilter [0] = Linear;		MipFilter [0] = Linear;		Clipping = true;	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	//Used for rendering the sky	Pass W // 23	{		AlphaBlendEnable=false;		AlphaTestEnable=false;		FogEnable=false;		CullMode=None;		ZEnable=false;		ZWriteEnable=false;		#ifdef SCATTER			VertexShader = compile VS_SM SkyVS();			PixelShader = compile PS_SM SkyPS();		#endif	}}

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Astargoth Rockin' Design
Posts: 3450
Joined: Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:51 pm

Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:12 pm

Instead post yours, I will check it for the errors.
Here it is in a spoiler:
// Original by Timeslip and LizTail, mods by harlanrm, phal and krzymar
// To be used with MGE 3.8.2 rev. 175 and derivatives
Matrix TexProj;
Matrix view;
Matrix proj;
Matrix world;
float4x4 MatrixPalette [4] : MATRIXPALETTE;
float3 SunVec;
float3 SunCol;
float3 EyePos;
float3 SunAmb;
float3 SkyCol;
float ticks;
float2 offset;
float TexBlend;
float2 rcpres;
int FogCol;
float3 FogCol2;
float FogStart;
float FogRange;
float BlendStart;
float BlendEnd;
float GrassDist;
float2 WindVec;
float PixelWidth;
float PixelHeight;
float3 SunPos;
float SunVis;
float3 PlayerPos;
float2 RippleOrigin;
float WaterLevel;
float AlphaMultiplier;
float CausticIntens;

texture tex0;
texture tex1;
texture tex2;
texture tex3;
texture tex4;
texture tex5;
sampler s0 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

linear; addressu = clamp; addressv = clamp; };
sampler s1 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

linear; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; addressw = wrap; };
sampler s2 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

linear; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };
sampler s3 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

linear; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };
sampler s4 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

linear; addressu = clamp; addressv = clamp; };

// For sampling the far water texture
sampler s5 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

none; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };
sampler s6 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

none; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };
sampler s7 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

linear; addressu = clamp; addressv = clamp; };
sampler s8 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

linear; bordercolor = 0x80808080 ; addressu = border; addressv = border; };


// water & dynamic ripples settings
const bool fineWaterMesh = true; // use tesselated circular water mesh?

false uses simple mesh
const bool fineWaterMesh = false; // use tesselated circular water mesh? false uses

simple mesh

const int waveTexResolution = 512; // texture resolution for rain ripples and player

const float waveTexWorldResolution = 2.50f; // world size of each player wave texture pixel

float waveTexWorldSize; // set by MGE
float waveTexRcpRes; // set by MGE

static const float3 watercolour = { 0.4, 0.45, 0.5 };
static const float FLT_MAX = 340282346600000000000000000000000000000.0f;

static const float FogRangeMinusStart = FogRange - FogStart;


static const float _lightfactor = 1 - pow (1 - SunVis, 2);
static const float3 _depthcolor = _lightfactor * SunCol * float3 (0.03, 0.04, 0.05) + (SkyCol +

0.5*FogCol2) * float3 (0.075, 0.08, 0.085);
static const float cauststr = 0.0001f * CausticIntens * saturate (0.75 * _lightfactor + 0.35 *

length (FogCol2));

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
static const float _windfactor = length (WindVec) + 1.5;
static const float TwiceWaterLevel = 2 * WaterLevel;
#define PS_SM ps_3_0
#define VS_SM vs_3_0
#define PS_SM ps_2_0
#define VS_SM vs_2_0

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
#ifdef EXPFOG
#define SCATTER 1
#ifdef SCATTER
#define FOGTYPE float4
#define REFFOGTYPE float4
float niceWeatherFactor;

//static const float ExpFogStart = max(0, FogStart);
//static const float ExpFogMult = saturate( FogRange/(FogRangeMinusStart) );
//static const float ExpFogRangeMinusStart = FogRange - ExpFogStart;
//float getFog(float dist)
//return saturate( 1.01832*exp(-(dist-ExpFogStart)/(ExpFogRangeMinusStart))-

0.01832 ) * ExpFogMult;
// return saturate( exp(-(dist-ExpFogStart)/(ExpFogRangeMinusStart)) ) * ExpFogMult;

//#define getFogAlpha(dist) (saturate( exp(-((dist)-ExpFogStart)/(ExpFogRangeMinusStart))

) * ExpFogMult)

#define getFogAlpha(dist) (saturate( exp(-(dist)/FogRange) ))

static const float3 scatter = {0.07, 0.27, 0.67};
static const float sunaltitude = pow(1.0+SunPos.z,10);
static const float sunaltitude_a = 2.8+1.2/sunaltitude;
//static const float sunaltitude_b = 0.75*sunaltitude;
static const float sunaltitude_b = 1 - exp2( -1.9*sunaltitude );
static const float sunaltitude2 = saturate(exp(-2*SunPos.z))*saturate(sunaltitude);
static const float3 newskycol = 0.35*SkyCol+float3(0.22,0.40,0.70);
float4 _getFog(float3 dir, float dist, bool coloradjust)
float fogdist;
float fog;
if(dist < 0) {
fogdist = 1;
fog = 0;
dist = 1E6;
} else {
fogdist = dist/FogRange;
fog = saturate( exp(-fogdist) );
fogdist = saturate(fogdist/4);

float3 fFogCol2 = ( lerp (FogCol2, SkyCol, 1 - pow (saturate (1 - 2.22 * saturate

(dir.z - 0.075)), 1.15)) )*(1-fog);

if(niceWeatherFactor > 0.001 && (dist<0 || EyePos.z>WaterLevel-4)) {
float cos = dot(dir,SunPos);
float mie = (1.080/(1.2-cos))*sunaltitude2;
float rayl = 1-0.09*mie;

float atmdep = saturate(exp(-1.5*dir.z));

float3 att = atmdep*(scatter*(sunaltitude_a+mie));
att = (1-exp(-fogdist*att))/(att);

//float3 color = 0.125*mie + lerp(newskycol, float3(1,1,1), 0.75*fog)

float3 color = 0.125*mie + newskycol*rayl;
color *= (1.4*atmdep+0.6) * saturate(sunaltitude_B);
color *= att;

color = lerp(fFogCol2,color,niceWeatherFactor);

return float4( color, fog );
} else {
return float4( fFogCol2, fog );
// static const bool underwater = (EyePos.z < WaterLevel-4);
// float4 getFog(float3 dir, float dist)
// {
//if(underwater && dist >= 0) {
// float fog = saturate( ( FogRange - dist ) / (FogRangeMinusStart) )*(1-

// return float4( FogCol2*(1-fog), fog );
//} else {
// return _getFog(dir,dist,true);
//float4 getFog_refl(float3 dir, float dist) { return _getFog(dir,dist,false); }
//float3 applyfog(float3 col, float4 fog) { return lerp(fog.rgb, col, fog.a); }
//float3 applyfog(float3 col, float4 fog) { return col*fog.a+fog.rgb; }

#define getFog(dir,dist) (_getFog((dir),(dist),true))
#define getFog_refl(dir,dist) (_getFog((dir),(dist),false))
#define applyfog(col,fog) ((col)*(fog).a + (fog).rgb)

static const float3 SunCollf = lerp(SunCol,getFog(SunPos,-

1).rgb,niceWeatherFactor*sunaltitude2) * _lightfactor;

struct SkyVertOut {
float4 position: POSITION;
float4 pos: TEXCOORD0;
SkyVertOut SkyVS( float4 pos: POSITION ) {
SkyVertOut OUT;

OUT.pos = float4(pos.x,pos.y,-550-pos.z,1);
OUT.position = OUT.pos;
OUT.position.xyz = mul(OUT.position.xyz, (float3x3)view);
OUT.position = mul(OUT.position, proj);

return OUT;
float4 SkyPS( in SkyVertOut IN ) : COLOR0 {
float3 fog = getFog(normalize(IN.pos.xyz),-1).rgb;
return float4(fog,1);
#else //no scatter
static const float3 SunCollf = SunCol * _lightfactor;

#ifdef EXPFOG
#define FOGTYPE float4
#define REFFOGTYPE float
//static const float ExpFogStart = max (0, FogStart);
//static const float ExpFogMult = saturate (FogRange / FogRangeMinusStart);
//static const float ExpFogRangeMinusStart = FogRange - ExpFogStart;

#define skyfogblend(z) (lerp (FogCol2, SkyCol, 1 - pow (saturate (1 - 2.22 *

saturate ((z) - 0.075)), 1.15)))
#define applyfog(col,fog) (lerp ((fog).rgb, (col), (fog).a))
//#define getFog(dist) (saturate (exp (-((dist) - ExpFogStart) /

ExpFogRangeMinusStart)) * ExpFogMult)
#define getFog(dist) (saturate (exp (-(dist)/FogRange)))
#define getFogAlpha(dist) (getFog((dist)))
#define FOGTYPE float
#define REFFOGTYPE float
#define getFog(dist) (saturate ((FogRange - (dist)) / FogRangeMinusStart))
#define getFogAlpha(dist) (getFog((dist)))


float4 RenderShader (in float2 TexCoords : TEXCOORD0, in float3 Light : TEXCOORD1, in float4

Height : TEXCOORD2) : COLOR0 {
clip (Height);
float3 Result = tex2D (s3, TexCoords).rgb * Light;
return float4 (Result, 1);


struct StatVertIn {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float4 normal : NORMAL;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;


struct StatVertOut {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;
float4 color : TEXCOORD1;
float3 normal : TEXCOORD2;
float blend : TEXCOORD5;
float emissive : TEXCOORD6;


StatVertOut StaticVS (StatVertIn IN) {
StatVertOut OUT;

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

// Define % to Fog
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

#ifdef EXPFOG
float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);
OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));
float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);
OUT.fog = getFog (dist);

// Define % to Blend
OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

// Lighting
OUT.normal = normalize (IN.normal.xyz * 2 - 1); // Decompress
OUT.normal = normalize (mul (OUT.normal.xyz, (float3x3)world)); // Rotate normals but

don't translate them
OUT.color = IN.color;
OUT.emissive = IN.normal.w; // Emissive stored in 4th value in normal vector

return OUT;


struct StatInstVertIn {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float4 normal : NORMAL;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;
float4 m1 : TEXCOORD1;
float4 m2 : TEXCOORD2;
float4 m3 : TEXCOORD3;
float4 m4 : TEXCOORD4;


StatVertOut StaticInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {
StatVertOut OUT;

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

// Pack instance transform
float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);

// Define % to Fog
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);

#ifdef EXPFOG
float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);
OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));
float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);
OUT.fog = getFog (dist);

// Define % to Blend
OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

// Lighting
OUT.normal = normalize (IN.normal.xyz * 2 - 1); // Decompress
OUT.normal = normalize (mul (OUT.normal.xyz, (float3x3)world)); // Rotate normals but

don't translate them
OUT.color = IN.color;
OUT.emissive = IN.normal.w; // Emissive stored in 4th value in normal vector

return OUT;


float4 StaticPS (StatVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
float4 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords);

// Lighting
float3 normal = normalize (IN.normal);
float3 diffuse = saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol * IN.color.rgb;
float3 ambient = SunAmb * IN.color.rgb;
Result.rgb *= saturate (diffuse + ambient + IN.emissive);

// Fogging
#ifdef EXPFOG
#ifdef SCATTER
Result.rgb = applyfog( Result.rgb, IN.fog );
Result.rgb = lerp (IN.fog.rgb, Result.rgb, IN.fog.a);
Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);

// Blending
Result.a = saturate (IN.color.a * Result.a * AlphaMultiplier) * IN.blend;

return Result;


struct StatRefVertOut {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;
float4 color : TEXCOORD1;
float3 normal : TEXCOORD2;
float height : TEXCOORD6;


StatRefVertOut StaticReflectionVS (StatVertIn IN) {
StatRefVertOut OUT;

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

// Define % to Fog
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
float3 EyeVec = float3 (worldpos.xy, TwiceWaterLevel - worldpos.z) - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;

#ifdef EXPFOG
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog_refl(EyeVec*float3(1,1,-1),dist);
//OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 +

saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / ExpFogRangeMinusStart));
OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 +

saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart));
OUT.fog = saturate (
getFog (dist) /
(0.001 + saturate ((FogRange - (EyePos.z - WaterLevel) / (0.001 +

saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / (FogRangeMinusStart)))
float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);
OUT.fog = getFog (dist);

//// Define % to Blend
//OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

// Lighting
OUT.normal = normalize (IN.normal.xyz * 2 - 1); // Decompress
OUT.normal = normalize (mul (OUT.normal, (float3x3)world)); // Rotate normals but don't

translate them
OUT.color = IN.color;

// Figure hight of pixel in world coordinates
OUT.height = worldpos.z;

return OUT;


StatRefVertOut StaticReflectionInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {
StatRefVertOut OUT;

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

// Pack instance transform
float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);

float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);

// Define % to Fog
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
float3 EyeVec = float3 (worldpos.xy, TwiceWaterLevel - worldpos.z) - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;

#ifdef EXPFOG
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog_refl(EyeVec*float3(1,1,-1),dist);
//OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 +

saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / ExpFogRangeMinusStart));
OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 +

saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart));
OUT.fog = saturate (
getFog (dist) /
(0.001 + saturate ((FogRange - (EyePos.z - WaterLevel) / (0.001 +

saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / (FogRangeMinusStart)))
float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);
OUT.fog = getFog (dist);

//// Define % to Blend
//OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

// Lighting
OUT.normal = normalize (mul (IN.normal.xyz, (float3x3)worldmat));
OUT.color = IN.color;

// Figure height of pixel in world coordinates
OUT.height = worldpos.z;

return OUT;


float4 StaticReflectionPS (StatRefVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Clip to water plane
clip (IN.height + 4 - WaterLevel);
#ifdef SCATTER
clip (IN.fog.a - 0.001);
clip (IN.fog - 0.001);

float4 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords);
clip (Result.a - 0.5);

// Lighting
float3 normal = normalize (IN.normal);
Result.rgb *= saturate ((saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol + SunAmb) *


// Fogging
#ifdef SCATTER
Result.rgb = applyfog(Result.rgb,IN.fog);
Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);

return float4 (Result.rgb, 1);


struct LowestLandVertOut {
float4 position : POSITION;
float4 pos : TEXCOORD0;
float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD1;
float3 light : COLOR0;


LowestLandVertOut LowestLandVS (in float4 pos : POSITION) {
LowestLandVertOut OUT;

OUT.position = mul (pos, world);
OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, view);
OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, proj);

OUT.pos = float4 (pos.xy - offset, pos.zw);

// Calculate texture coordinates
OUT.texcoords = OUT.pos.xy / 600;

// Lighting
OUT.light = saturate(-SunVec.z * SunCol);
OUT.light = saturate (OUT.light + SunAmb);

return OUT;


float4 LowestLandPS (in LowestLandVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Define % to Fog
float dist = length (IN.pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);

float3 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords).rgb;
Result *= IN.light;

// Fogging
float fog;
fog = getFogAlpha (dist);

Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, fog);

return float4 (Result, 1);


struct WaterVertOut {
float4 position : POSITION;
float4 pos : TEXCOORD0;
float2 texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1;
float2 texcoord2 : TEXCOORD2;
float2 texcoord3 : TEXCOORD3;
float4 screenpos : TEXCOORD5;
float4 screenposclamp : TEXCOORD7;
float w : TEXCOORD6;


WaterVertOut WaterVS (in float4 pos : POSITION) {
WaterVertOut OUT;

OUT.pos = float4 (pos.xy - offset, pos.zw);

// Calculate various texture coordinates
OUT.texcoord1 = OUT.pos.xy / 3900;
OUT.texcoord2 = OUT.pos.xy / 1104;
OUT.texcoord3 = OUT.pos.xy / 892;

float time = ticks / 2;

float height = tex3Dlod (s1, float4 (OUT.texcoord2, time, 0)).a - 0.5f;
float height2 = tex3Dlod (s1, float4 (OUT.texcoord1, time*0.56, 0)).a - 0.5f;

float dist = length (EyePos.xyz - OUT.pos.xyz);

//float addheight = WAVEHEIGHT * (lerp (height, height2, saturate (dist / 8000)) -

0.5f) * saturate (1 - dist / 6400) * saturate (dist / 200);
float addheight = WAVEHEIGHT * (0.65*height * saturate (1 - dist / 8000) +

height2) * saturate (1 - dist / 6400) * saturate (dist / 200);

float4 newPos = pos + float4 (0, 0, addheight, 0);

OUT.pos.zw = newPos.zw;

OUT.position = mul (newPos, world);
OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, view);
OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, proj);
OUT.w = OUT.position.w;

OUT.screenpos = mul (newPos , TexProj);
newPos = pos - float4 (0, 0, abs (addheight), 0);
OUT.screenposclamp = mul (newPos , TexProj);
OUT.position = mul (pos, world);
OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, view);
OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, proj);
OUT.w = OUT.position.w;

OUT.screenpos = mul (pos, TexProj);

return OUT;


float3 GetFinalWaterNormal (float2 texcoord1, float2 texcoord2, float2 texcoord3, float dist,

float2 IN_pos_xy) : NORMAL {
// Calculate the W texture coordinate based on the time that has passed
float time = ticks / 2;
float3 tex1 = float3(texcoord1, time*0.56);
float3 tex2 = float3(texcoord2, time);

// Blend together the normals from different sized areas of the same texture.
float2 far_normal = tex3D (s5, tex1).rg;
float2 close_normal = tex3D (s5, tex2).rg;
// add ripples
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
close_normal.rg += tex2D (s2, texcoord3).ba; // rain
close_normal.rg += tex2D (s8, (IN_pos_xy - RippleOrigin) /

waveTexWorldSize).ba * 2 - 1.5; // player
close_normal.rg += (tex2D (s2, texcoord3).ba // rain
+ tex2D (s8, (IN_pos_xy - RippleOrigin) / waveTexWorldSize).ba) * 2 - 2;

// player
//float2 normal_R = lerp (close_normal, far_normal, saturate (dist / 8000)) * 2 - 1;
float2 normal_R = 0.65*(close_normal * 2 - 1) * saturate (1 - dist / 8000) + (far_normal

* 2 - 1);
return normalize(float3(normal_R,1));


float4 ReflectionShader (in WaterVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Calculate eye vector
float3 EyeVec = EyePos.xyz - IN.pos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;

// Define % to Fog
#ifdef SCATTER
float4 fog = getFog_refl(-EyeVec, dist);
float fog = getFog (dist);

// Calculate water normal
float3 normal = GetFinalWaterNormal (IN.texcoord1, IN.texcoord2, IN.texcoord3, dist,


float2 Tex = IN.screenpos.xy / IN.w;

// reflection / refraction strength factor, wind strength increases distortion
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
//float2 reffactor = ((dist / 100 * _windfactor) + 0.1) * (normal.xy);
//float3 reffactor;
//reffactor.x = dot(-normal, float3(view[0][0],view[1][0],view[2][0]));
//reffactor.y = dot(-normal, float3(view[0][2],view[1][2],view[2][2]));
//reffactor.z = 1 - reffactor.y;
//reffactor *= ((dist / 100 * _windfactor) + 0.1).xxx;

// Distort refraction dependent on depth
float2 reffactor = 0.01 * _windfactor * normal.xy;
// Distort refraction dependent on depth
float2 reffactor = 0.02 * normal.xy;

float2 newscrpos = Tex + reffactor.yx;

// Sample depth texture
float depth = tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w;
newscrpos = Tex + saturate (depth / 100) * reffactor.yx;

// Sample refraction texture
float3 Refract = tex2D (s4, newscrpos).rgb;

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
// Get distorted depth
//depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w);
depth = tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w;
if(depth < -1) depth = 1E6;
depth /= dot (-EyeVec, float3 (view [0][2], view [1][2], view [2][2]));

float depthscale = saturate (exp (-(depth) / 800));
float shorefactor = pow (depthscale, 25);

#ifdef SCATTER
float3 depthcolor = applyfog(_depthcolor,fog);
float3 depthcolor = lerp (FogCol2, _depthcolor, fog);

// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on

water depth
Refract = lerp (depthcolor, Refract, 0.8 * depthscale + 0.2 * shorefactor);

// Sample reflection texture
float3 Reflect = {0, 0, 0};

// float totalalpha;

if (EyePos.z < WaterLevel - 4) {
Reflect = _depthcolor;
} else {
float blurwidth = (1 - EyeVec.z) * 0.005;

float2 scrpos =
IN.screenposclamp.xy / IN.w
+ float2(-2.5 * reffactor.x, 0.0015+abs (reffactor.y));

// unfolded blurring allows for better optimization
float2 shift = blurwidth * float2 (1, 0);
Reflect += 0.100 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb
+ tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);
shift = blurwidth * float2 (0.67, 0.33);
Reflect += 0.115 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb
+ tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);
shift = blurwidth * float2 (0.33, -0.33);
Reflect += 0.135 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb
+ tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);
shift = float2 (0.0, blurwidth * 0.67);
Reflect += 0.150 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb
+ tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);

Reflect = tex2D (s0,
IN.screenposclamp.xy / IN.w
+ float2 (-2.5 * reffactor.x, 0.0015+abs (reffactor.y)));

#ifdef SCATTER
//Reflect = applyfog(Reflect, fog);
Reflect = lerp (Reflect, applyfog(Reflect, fog),saturate((EyePos.z-

float3 adjustnormal = lerp (float3 (0, 0, 0.1), normal, pow (saturate

(1.05 * fog.a), 2));
Reflect = lerp (FogCol2, Reflect, fog);
float3 adjustnormal = lerp (float3 (0, 0, 0.1), normal, pow (saturate

(1.05 * fog), 2));

adjustnormal = lerp (adjustnormal, float3 (0, 0, 1.0), (1 - EyeVec.z) * (1 -

saturate (1 / (dist / 1000 + 1))));

float fresnel = dot (EyeVec, adjustnormal);
fresnel = 0.02 + pow (saturate (0.9988 - 0.28 * fresnel), 16);
float3 Result = lerp (Refract, Reflect, fresnel);

// Specular lighting
float reflection = saturate (1.0025 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));
float3 spec = SunCollf * (pow (reflection, 150) + 0.07 * pow (reflection, 4));

// smooth transition at shore line
#ifdef SCATTER
Result = lerp (Result + spec * fog.a, Refract, shorefactor * fog.a);
Result = lerp (Result + spec * fog, Refract, shorefactor * fog);
// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on

water depth
Refract = lerp (Refract, _depthcolor, saturate (depth / 1500 + 0.3));

float3 Reflect = tex2D (s0, Tex - float2 (2.5 * reffactor.x, -abs (reffactor.y)))

/ 2;

float fresnel = saturate (dot (EyeVec, float3 (0, 0, 1)) * 1.5);
float3 Result = lerp (Reflect, Refract, fresnel);

//Specular lighting
float reflection = saturate (dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));
float3 spec = SunCollf * pow (reflection, 150);

// Additional Specular
spec += pow (dot (normal, float3 (0, 0, 1)), 100) * SunAmb / 12; // gives water a

shiny look

// smooth transition at shore line
Result += spec;

Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, fog);

return float4 (Result, 1);


float4 NonReflectionShader (in WaterVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Calculate eye vector
float3 EyeVec = (EyePos - IN.pos.xyz);
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;

// Define % to Fog
//float fog = saturate ((FogRange - dist) / FogRangeMinusStart);
float fog = getFogAlpha (dist);

// Calculate water normal
float3 normal = GetFinalWaterNormal (IN.texcoord1, IN.texcoord2, IN.texcoord3, dist,


float2 Tex = IN.screenpos.xy / IN.w;

// reflection / refraction strength factor, wind strength increases distortion
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
float2 reffactor = 0.008 * _windfactor * normal.xy;
float2 reffactor = 0.02 * normal.xy;

// Distort refraction dependent on depth
float2 newscrpos = Tex + reffactor.yx;

// Sample depth texture
float depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w);
newscrpos = Tex + saturate (depth / 100) * reffactor.yx;

// Sample refraction texture
float3 Refract = tex2D (s4, newscrpos).rgb;

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
// Get distorted depth
depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w);
depth /= dot (-EyeVec, float3 (view [0][2], view [1][2], view [2][2]));

float depthscale = saturate (exp (-depth / 800));
float shorefactor = pow (depthscale, 25);

// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on

water depth
Refract = lerp (_depthcolor, Refract, 0.8 * depthscale + 0.2 * shorefactor);

float fresnel = dot (EyeVec, lerp (normal, float3 (0, 0, 1), (1 - EyeVec.z) * (1 -

exp (-dist / 2500)))) * fog;
fresnel = 0.02 + pow (saturate (0.9988 - 0.28 * fresnel), 16);

float3 Reflect = (FogCol2 + SkyCol) * 0.4;
if (SunVec.z > 0.9) {
Reflect = FogCol2 * 0.55;
Reflect = lerp (FogCol2, Reflect, fog);

float3 Result = lerp (Refract, Reflect, fresnel);

// Specular lighting
float reflection = saturate (1.0025 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));
float3 spec = SunCollf * (pow (reflection, 150) + 0.07 * pow (reflection, 4)) *


Result = lerp (Result + spec, Refract, shorefactor * fog);
// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on

water depth
Refract = lerp (Refract, _depthcolor, saturate (depth / 1500 + 0.3));

float fresnel = saturate(dot(EyeVec,float3(0,0,1)));

float3 Reflect = SkyCol / 2;

float3 Result = lerp (Reflect, Refract, saturate(fresnel*(depth+2)));

//Specular lighting
float reflection = saturate (1.0025 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));
float3 spec = SunCollf * pow (reflection, 150);

// Additional Specular
spec += pow (dot (normal, float3 (0, 0, 1)), 100) * SunAmb / 12; // gives water a

shiny look

Result += spec;

Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, fog);

return float4 (Result, 1);


float4 UnderWaterPS (in WaterVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Calculate eye vector
float3 EyeVec = (EyePos - IN.pos.xyz);
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;

// Calculate water normal
float3 normal = -GetFinalWaterNormal (IN.texcoord1, IN.texcoord2, IN.texcoord3, dist,


float2 Tex = IN.screenpos.xy / IN.w;

// Define % to Fog
// #ifdef EXPFOG
// float fog = exp (-2 * dist / FogRange);
// #else
// float fog = saturate (1 - (dist / FogRange));
// fog *= fog;
// #endif
float fog = getFogAlpha (dist);

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
// reflection / refraction strength factor, wind strength increases distortion
// float2 reffactor = -((dist / 20 * (_windfactor)) + 0.25) * float2 (
// dot (normal, float3 (view [0][0], view [1][0], view [2][0])),
// dot (normal, float3 (view [0][1], view [1][1], view [2][1]))
// );
float2 reffactor = 0.016 * _windfactor * normal.xy;
float2 reffactor = 0.05 * normal.xy;

// Sample depth texture
float depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, Tex + reffactor.xy).r - IN.w);
float depthfactor = saturate (depth / 150);

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, Tex + depthfactor * reffactor.xy).r - IN.w);
depth = tex2D (s7, Tex + depthfactor * reffactor.xy).r - IN.w;

// Sample refraction texture
float3 Refract = tex2D (s4, Tex + depthfactor * reffactor.xy).rgb;

depthfactor = saturate (depth / 150);

// Specular lighting
float reflection = saturate (1.005 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (float3 (-SunPos.x, -SunPos.y,

SunPos.z), normal)));
float3 Specular = saturate (1.5 * SunCollf) * (pow (reflection, 120) + 0.07 * pow

(reflection, 2));

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
Refract += Specular * depthfactor * fog;
Refract += Specular;

// fresnel factor
// float fresnel = saturate (dot (EyeVec, normal / float3 ((1.0 + 0.5 * normal.z).xx,

float fresnel = saturate (dot (EyeVec, normal));
fresnel = 0.4 * pow (saturate (1.3 - fresnel), 8) * fog;

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
if (SunVec.z > 0.9) fresnel *= 0.6;

float3 Result = Refract * (1 - fresnel * depthfactor);

// Realistic Fresnel
// fresnel = saturate (0.015 / max (0.01, fresnel - 0.645) - 0.02);
// Refract = tex2Dproj (s4, IN.screenpos + float4 (reffactor.xy, 0, 0) / (1.001 -

// float3 Result = lerp (Refract, FogCol2, fresnel);

return float4 (Result, 1);


struct LandVertOut {
float4 pos: POSITION;
float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD1;
float3 position: TEXCOORD2;


LandVertOut LandscapeVertexShader (float4 pos: POSITION, float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0) {
LandVertOut OUT;

// Define % to Fog
#ifdef EXPFOG
float3 EyeVec = pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);
OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));
float dist = length (pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);
OUT.fog = getFog (dist);

// Lower vertices that are close to the camera to ensure they are always below it
float disp = lerp (200, 0, saturate (dist / 2000));
pos.z -= disp;

// OUT.pos = mul (pos, worldviewproj);
OUT.pos = mul (pos, world);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

OUT.texcoord = texcoord;
OUT.position = pos.xyz;

return OUT;


float4 LandscapePixelShader (in LandVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Normalize incoming normal
float3 normal = normalize (tex2D (s1, IN.texcoord).rgb * 2 - 1);

// World Texture
float3 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoord).rgb;

// Detail Texture
float detail = tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 1064).g + 0.5;
detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 333).g + 0.5;
detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 90).g + 0.5;

// Lighting
Result *= detail * saturate ((saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol) + SunAmb);

// Define % to Fog
#ifdef EXPFOG
#ifdef SCATTER
Result = applyfog( Result, IN.fog );
Result = lerp (IN.fog.rgb, Result, IN.fog.a);
return float4 (Result, 1 - IN.fog.a);
Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, IN.fog);
return float4 (Result, 1 - IN.fog);


struct LandRefVertOut {
float4 pos: POSITION;
float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD1;
float height : TEXCOORD3;


LandRefVertOut LandscapeRefVS (float4 pos: POSITION, float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0) {
LandRefVertOut OUT;

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
//// Lower vertices so there are fewer seams visible in the reflection
// pos.z -= 20 * saturate (1 - (pos.z / 100));
float3 EyeVec = float3 (pos.xy, TwiceWaterLevel - pos.z) - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;

// Define % to Fog
#ifdef EXPFOG
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog_refl(EyeVec*float3(1,1,-1),dist);
//OUT.fog = saturate (exp ( -(max (0, pos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate

(-EyeVec.z))) / ExpFogRangeMinusStart));
OUT.fog = saturate (exp ( -(max (0, pos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate

(-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart));
OUT.fog = saturate (
getFog (dist) /
(0.001 + saturate ((FogRange - (EyePos.z - WaterLevel) / (0.001 +

saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart))
// Lower vertices so there are fewer seams visible in the reflection
// pos.z -= 100;

// Define % to Fog
OUT.fog = getFog (length (pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz));

// OUT.pos = mul (pos, worldviewproj);
OUT.pos = mul (pos, world);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);
OUT.texcoord = texcoord;

// Define height of pixel for clipping to water plane
OUT.height = pos.z;

return OUT;


float4 LandscapeRefPS (in LandRefVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Clip to water plane
clip (IN.height + 4 - WaterLevel);
#ifdef SCATTER
clip (IN.fog.a - 0.001);
clip (IN.fog - 0.001);

// Normalize incoming normal
float3 normal = normalize (tex2D (s1, IN.texcoord).rgb * 2 - 1);

// World Texture
float3 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoord).rgb;

// Detail Texture
float detail = tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 1064).g + 0.5;
detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 333).g + 0.5;
detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 90).g + 0.5;

// Lighting
Result *= detail * saturate ((saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol) + SunAmb);

// let reflections fade to water color
#ifdef SCATTER
Result.rgb = applyfog(Result.rgb,IN.fog);
Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);

//return float4 (Result, saturate (3.5 * IN.fog));
return float4 (Result, 1);


struct GrassVertIn {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;


struct GrassVertOut {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;
float3 color : COLOR0;
float4 screenpos: TEXCOORD4;
float blend : TEXCOORD5;


GrassVertOut GrassVS (GrassVertIn IN) {
GrassVertOut OUT;

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

// Animate grass
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

//distance to grass for range
float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);

float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;

float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;

float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;
float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;
float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;
float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;

//grass offset for bending
float2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;
float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);

//interactive grass
if ( gdist < 100 ) {

worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/

(25+gdist) * 3500;

worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos

(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;

} else {
worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) *

height * wind * 10;

// Define % to Fog
#ifdef EXPFOG
float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);
OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));
float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);
OUT.fog = getFog (dist);

// Define % to Blend
OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

// Texture Projection
OUT.screenpos = mul (worldpos, TexProj);

// Lighting
OUT.color = (SunCol * 0.25) + SunAmb;

return OUT;


GrassVertOut GrassInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {
GrassVertOut OUT;

// Pack instance transform
float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

// Define % to Fog
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);

#ifdef EXPFOG
float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);
OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));
float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);
OUT.fog = getFog (dist);

OUT.blend = 1 - (saturate ((GrassDist - dist) / (GrassDist / 5)));
OUT.blend += 0.4;
OUT.screenpos = 0;

// Animate grass
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

//distance to grass for range
float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);

float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;

float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;

float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;
float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;
float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;
float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;

//grass offset for bending
float2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;
float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);

//interactive grass
if ( gdist < 100 ) {

worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/

(25+gdist) * 3500;

worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos

(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;

} else {
worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) *

height * wind * 10;

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

// Lighting
OUT.color = (SunCol * 0.25) + SunAmb;

return OUT;


float4 GrassPS (GrassVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
float4 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords);
// clip (Result.a - 0.4);

// Lighting
Result.rgb *= IN.color;

// Fogging
#ifdef EXPFOG
#ifdef SCATTER
Result.rgb = applyfog( Result.rgb, IN.fog );
Result.rgb = lerp (IN.fog.rgb, Result.rgb, IN.fog.a);
Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);

// Blending
Result.a = saturate (Result.a * AlphaMultiplier) * IN.blend;
return float4 (Result.rgb, Result.a);


struct BlendDepthVertIn {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;


struct ScreenVertOut {
float4 pos: POSITION;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;


ScreenVertOut ScreenQuadVS (in BlendDepthVertIn IN) {
ScreenVertOut OUT;

OUT.pos = mul (IN.pos, world);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

OUT.texcoord = IN.texcoord;

return OUT;


float4 BlendDepthPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// return float4 (tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord).rgb, 1);

float3 color = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord).rgb;
float depth = tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord).r;
depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(PixelWidth, 0)).r, depth);
depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(-PixelWidth, 0)).r, depth);
depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(0, PixelHeight)).r, depth);
depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(0, -PixelHeight)).r, depth);

//// Display depth buffer for testing
// depth = 1 - saturate (depth / FogRange);
// return float4 (depth, depth, depth, 1);

// Define % to Blend
float blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - depth) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));

//// Display blend for testing
//return float4( blend, blend, blend, 1 );

return float4 (color, 1 - blend);


float4 ClearDepthPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
return float4 (FLT_MAX / 2, 1, 1, 1);


// float blur_weights [4] = { 0.47442968, 0.23392642, 0.02804153, 0.00081723 };

float blur_weights [7] = { 0.199471, 0.176033, 0.120985, 0.064759, 0.026995, 0.008764, 0.002216 };

float2 TwelveKernel [12];


float4 HorizontalBlurPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
float4 Original = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord);
float3 Blurred = 0;
float total_weight = 0;

// Early out to prevent night sky blur - tetchy
if (Original.a >= 0.9999) {
return Original;
} else {

for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
float4 Current = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + TwelveKernel [i]);
float weight = saturate (Original.a * Current.a);
Blurred += Current.rgb * weight;
total_weight += weight;
Blurred = (Blurred + Original.rgb) / (total_weight + 1.0);

return float4 (Blurred, Original.a);


float4 VerticalBlurPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
float4 orig_color = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord);

// return float4 (orig_color.a, orig_color.a, orig_color.a, orig_color.a);

// Early out to prevent night sky blur - tetchy
if (orig_color.a >= 0.9999) {
return orig_color;
} else {

float2 offset = float2 (0, PixelHeight);

float4 color = 0;

color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 6) * blur_weights [6];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 5) * blur_weights [5];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 4) * blur_weights [4];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 3) * blur_weights [3];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 2) * blur_weights [2];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset) * blur_weights [1];
color += orig_color * blur_weights [0];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset) * blur_weights [1];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 2) * blur_weights [2];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 3) * blur_weights [3];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 4) * blur_weights [4];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 5) * blur_weights [5];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 6) * blur_weights [6];

float blur = saturate (color.a * orig_color.a);

//// Don't let the sky get too blurry// test no longer needed - tetchy
// if (orig_color.a <= 0.0001) {
// blur = max (0.75, blur);
// }

color.rgb = lerp (color.rgb, orig_color.rgb, blur);

return float4 (color.rgb, orig_color.a);


float4 CopyAndSetAlphaPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
float3 color = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord).rgb;

return float4 (color, 1);


struct RenderDepthVertOut {
float4 pos: POSITION;
float4 position: TEXCOORD0;
// float4 col: COLOR0;
float2 texcoords: TEXCOORD1;


RenderDepthVertOut GrassDepthVS (GrassVertIn IN) {
RenderDepthVertOut OUT;

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

// Animate grass
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

//distance to grass for range
float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);

float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;

float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;

float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;
float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;
float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;
float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;

//grass offset for bending
float2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;
float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);

//interactive grass
if ( gdist < 100 ) {

worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/

(25+gdist) * 3500;

worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos

(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;

} else {
worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) *

height * wind * 10;

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

OUT.position = OUT.pos;

return OUT;


float4 GrassDepthPS (RenderDepthVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Apply alpha testing
float alpha = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords).a;
clip (alpha - 0.5);

return float4 (IN.position.w, 1, 1, 1);


RenderDepthVertOut GrassDepthInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {
RenderDepthVertOut OUT;

// Pack instance transform
float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);

// Animate grass
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

//distance to grass for range
float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);

float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;

float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;

float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;
float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;
float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;
float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;

//grass offset for bending
float2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;
float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);

//interactive grass
if ( gdist < 100 ) {

worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/

(25+gdist) * 3500;

worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos

(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;

} else {
worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) *

height * wind * 10;

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

OUT.position = OUT.pos;

return OUT;


struct CausticsVertOut {
float4 pos: POSITION;
float2 tex : TEXCOORD0;


CausticsVertOut CausticsVS (in BlendDepthVertIn IN) {
CausticsVertOut OUT;
OUT.pos = mul (IN.pos, proj);
OUT.tex = IN.texcoord;
return OUT;


float4 CausticsPS (in CausticsVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
float3 color = tex2D(s4, IN.tex);

float depth = tex2D( s7, IN.tex ).r;
float fog = getFogAlpha(depth);
float blend = saturate( (BlendEnd - depth) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart) );

float3 eyevec = float3(view[0][2],view[1][2],view[2][2]);
eyevec += (1/proj[0][0] * (2*IN.tex.x-1)).xxx * float3(view[0][0],view[1][0],view[2][0]);
eyevec += (-1/proj[1][1] * (2*IN.tex.y-1)).xxx * float3(view[0][1],view[1][1],view[2][1]);

float3 uwpos = EyePos + eyevec * depth;
uwpos.z -= WaterLevel;
float sunraypath = (uwpos.z / SunVec.z);
float caust = tex3D (s5, float3( (uwpos - SunVec * sunraypath).xy / 1104, ticks/2) ).b;
color *= 1.00 + caust * blend * ( max (-uwpos.z, 0) * saturate(exp (uwpos.z / 400)) ) *

fog * fog * cauststr;

return float4(color,1);


ScreenVertOut WaveVS (in BlendDepthVertIn IN) {
ScreenVertOut OUT;
OUT.pos = mul (IN.pos, proj);
OUT.texcoord = IN.texcoord;
return OUT;


static const float waveTexRcpRes2 = 1.5 * waveTexRcpRes;


float4 WavePS (in float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0): COLOR0 {
float4 c = 2 * tex2D (s6, Tex) - (1.0).xxxx;
float4 ret = {0, c.r, 0, 0};

float4 n = {
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (waveTexRcpRes, 0)).r,
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (-waveTexRcpRes, 0)).r,
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, waveTexRcpRes)).r,
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, -waveTexRcpRes)).r
float4 n2 = {
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (waveTexRcpRes2, 0)).r,
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (-waveTexRcpRes2, 0)).r,
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, waveTexRcpRes2)).r,
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, -waveTexRcpRes2)).r

n = 2 * n - (1.0).xxxx;
// n2 = 2 * n2 - (1.0).xxxx;

float nsum = n.x + n.y + n.z + n.w;

// dampened discrete two - dimensional wave equation
// red channel: u (t)
// green channel: u (t - 1)
// u (t + 1) = (1 - udamp) * u (t) + a * (nsum - 4 * u (t)) + (1 - vdamp) * (u (t) - u (t

- 1))
// = a * nsum + ((2 - udamp - vdamp) - 4 * a) * u (t) - (1 - vdamp) * u (t -


#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
ret.r = 0.14 * nsum + (1.96 - 0.56) * c.r - 0.98 * c.g;
ret.r = 0.10 * nsum + (1.96 - 0.40) * c.r - 0.98 * c.g;

// if (abs (ret.r) < 0.01) ret.r = 0;
// if (abs (ret.g) < 0.01) ret.g = 0;

// calculate normal map
ret.ba = 2 * (n.xy - n.zw) + (n2.xy - n2.zw);

ret = 0.5f * ret + (0.5f).xxxx;

return ret;


static const float playerWaveSize = 12.0f / waveTexWorldSize; // 12 world units radius


float4 PlayerWavePS (in float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0): COLOR0 {
float4 ret = tex2D (s6, Tex);
float wavesize = (1.0 + 0.055 * sin (16 * ticks) + 0.065 * sin (12.87645 * ticks)) *

ret.rg *= saturate (2 * abs (length (Tex - RippleOrigin) / wavesize - 1));
return ret;


Technique T0 {
// Used to render the reflected landscape
Pass P00 {
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
AlphaBlendEnable = true;
AlphaBlendEnable = false;

AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
CullMode = CCW;
CullMode = None;

ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM LandscapeRefVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM LandscapeRefPS ();
// Used to render the landscape
Pass P01 {
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
CullMode = CW;
FogEnable = false;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM LandscapeVertexShader ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM LandscapePixelShader ();
// Used to render the water in SM 2.0 mode
Pass P02 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
CullMode = CW;
FogEnable = false;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM ReflectionShader ();
// Used to render the water in SM 3.0 mode
Pass P03 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
CullMode = CW;
FogEnable = false;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM ReflectionShader ();
// Used for rendering distant statics
Pass P04 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = CW;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticPS ();
// Used for rendering the water from underneath
Pass P05 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
CullMode = CCW;
FogEnable = false;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM UnderWaterPS ();
// Used for rendering water in non - reflective mode
Pass P06 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
CullMode = CW;
FogEnable = false;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM NonReflectionShader ();
// Used for rendering reflected statics
Pass P07 {
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
AlphaBlendEnable = true;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = CCW;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticReflectionVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticReflectionPS ();
// Used for rendering the lowest possible land out into infinity
Pass P08 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
AlphaTestEnable = false;
CullMode = CW;
FogEnable = false;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = false;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM LowestLandVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM LowestLandPS ();
// Used for rendering distant statics with HW instancing
Pass P09 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = CW;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticInstVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticPS ();
// Used for rendering reflected distant statics with HW instancing
Pass P10 {
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
AlphaBlendEnable = true;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = CCW;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticReflectionInstVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticReflectionPS ();
// Used for rendering grass
Pass P11 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassPS ();
// Used for rendering grass with instancing
Pass P12 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassInstVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassPS ();
// Used for blending what Morrowind draws with what MGE draws
Pass P13 {
AlphaBlendEnable = true;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM BlendDepthPS ();
// Used for horizontal blurring
Pass P14 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM HorizontalBlurPS ();
// Used for vertical blurring
Pass P15 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM VerticalBlurPS ();
// Used to copy a texture to the screen while also setting alpha to 0
Pass P16 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM CopyAndSetAlphaPS ();
// Used for rendering grass depth
Pass P17 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassDepthVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassDepthPS ();
// Used for rendering grass depth with instancing
Pass P18 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassDepthInstVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassDepthPS ();
// Used for rendering the underwater caustic lighting
Pass P19 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;
VertexShader = compile VS_SM CausticsVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM CausticsPS ();
// Used for calculating waves
Pass P20 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;
VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaveVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM WavePS ();
// Used for creating ripples around PC
Pass P21 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;
VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaveVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM PlayerWavePS ();
// Used to set up the render state
Pass Zero { // 22
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
FogColor = ;
ColorVertex = false;
Lighting = false;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;
StencilEnable = false;
ColorWriteEnable = red | green | blue;
CullMode = CCW;
ShadeMode = gouraud;
ColorOp [0] = selectarg1;
ColorOp [1] = disable;
AlphaOp [0] = disable;
AlphaOp [1] = disable;
ResultArg [0] = current;
Texture [0] = null;
Texture [1] = null;
Texture [2] = null;
Texture [3] = null;
Texture [4] = null;
Texture [5] = null;
Texture [6] = null;
Texture [7] = null;
TexCoordIndex [0] = 0;
TexCoordIndex [1] = 1;
TexCoordIndex [2] = 2;
TexCoordIndex [3] = 3;
TexCoordIndex [4] = 4;
TexCoordIndex [5] = 5;
TexCoordIndex [6] = 6;
TexCoordIndex [7] = 7;
TextureTransformFlags [0] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags [1] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags [2] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags [3] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags [4] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags [5] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags [6] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags [7] = 0;
MagFilter [0] = Linear;
MinFilter [0] = Linear;
MipFilter [0] = Linear;
Clipping = true;
//Used for rendering the sky
Pass W // 23
#ifdef SCATTER
VertexShader = compile VS_SM SkyVS();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM SkyPS();

Here is a download in case you'd like to test it: http://www.zshare.net/download/78847540093951d1/
Here is the error message I get in the top left hand corner of the screen: http://i27.tinypic.com/2eajioo.png
and this screen illustrates that everything but the water shader is working (SSAO, HDR, Bloom, DoF). What it doesn't show you but that I am sure you can assume, there is no grass as -no- distant statics are displayed: http://i31.tinypic.com/2v84haw.png

Just to make this report nice and complete:
I am using mge rev 175 with Phal's latest d3d8 (v5)
My specs: Windows 7 64bit, Intel Core2 Quad @2.83ghz, ATi Radeon HD 4870, 4gb DDR2 RAM.
Morrowind is installed to a non-default directory (c:/games/morrowind/)
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Posts: 3358
Joined: Fri Feb 16, 2007 6:01 am

Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:15 am

Here it is in a spoiler:
// Original by Timeslip and LizTail, mods by harlanrm, phal and krzymar
// To be used with MGE 3.8.2 rev. 175 and derivatives
Matrix TexProj;
Matrix view;
Matrix proj;
Matrix world;
float4x4 MatrixPalette [4] : MATRIXPALETTE;
float3 SunVec;
float3 SunCol;
float3 EyePos;
float3 SunAmb;
float3 SkyCol;
float ticks;
float2 offset;
float TexBlend;
float2 rcpres;
int FogCol;
float3 FogCol2;
float FogStart;
float FogRange;
float BlendStart;
float BlendEnd;
float GrassDist;
float2 WindVec;
float PixelWidth;
float PixelHeight;
float3 SunPos;
float SunVis;
float3 PlayerPos;
float2 RippleOrigin;
float WaterLevel;
float AlphaMultiplier;
float CausticIntens;

texture tex0;
texture tex1;
texture tex2;
texture tex3;
texture tex4;
texture tex5;
sampler s0 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

linear; addressu = clamp; addressv = clamp; };
sampler s1 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

linear; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; addressw = wrap; };
sampler s2 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

linear; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };
sampler s3 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

linear; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };
sampler s4 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

linear; addressu = clamp; addressv = clamp; };

// For sampling the far water texture
sampler s5 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

none; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };
sampler s6 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

none; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };
sampler s7 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

linear; addressu = clamp; addressv = clamp; };
sampler s8 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter =

linear; bordercolor = 0x80808080 ; addressu = border; addressv = border; };


// water & dynamic ripples settings
const bool fineWaterMesh = true; // use tesselated circular water mesh?

false uses simple mesh
const bool fineWaterMesh = false; // use tesselated circular water mesh? false uses

simple mesh

const int waveTexResolution = 512; // texture resolution for rain ripples and player

const float waveTexWorldResolution = 2.50f; // world size of each player wave texture pixel

float waveTexWorldSize; // set by MGE
float waveTexRcpRes; // set by MGE

static const float3 watercolour = { 0.4, 0.45, 0.5 };
static const float FLT_MAX = 340282346600000000000000000000000000000.0f;

static const float FogRangeMinusStart = FogRange - FogStart;


static const float _lightfactor = 1 - pow (1 - SunVis, 2);
static const float3 _depthcolor = _lightfactor * SunCol * float3 (0.03, 0.04, 0.05) + (SkyCol +

0.5*FogCol2) * float3 (0.075, 0.08, 0.085);
static const float cauststr = 0.0001f * CausticIntens * saturate (0.75 * _lightfactor + 0.35 *

length (FogCol2));

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
static const float _windfactor = length (WindVec) + 1.5;
static const float TwiceWaterLevel = 2 * WaterLevel;
#define PS_SM ps_3_0
#define VS_SM vs_3_0
#define PS_SM ps_2_0
#define VS_SM vs_2_0

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
#ifdef EXPFOG
#define SCATTER 1
#ifdef SCATTER
#define FOGTYPE float4
#define REFFOGTYPE float4
float niceWeatherFactor;

//static const float ExpFogStart = max(0, FogStart);
//static const float ExpFogMult = saturate( FogRange/(FogRangeMinusStart) );
//static const float ExpFogRangeMinusStart = FogRange - ExpFogStart;
//float getFog(float dist)
//return saturate( 1.01832*exp(-(dist-ExpFogStart)/(ExpFogRangeMinusStart))-

0.01832 ) * ExpFogMult;
// return saturate( exp(-(dist-ExpFogStart)/(ExpFogRangeMinusStart)) ) * ExpFogMult;

//#define getFogAlpha(dist) (saturate( exp(-((dist)-ExpFogStart)/(ExpFogRangeMinusStart))

) * ExpFogMult)

#define getFogAlpha(dist) (saturate( exp(-(dist)/FogRange) ))

static const float3 scatter = {0.07, 0.27, 0.67};
static const float sunaltitude = pow(1.0+SunPos.z,10);
static const float sunaltitude_a = 2.8+1.2/sunaltitude;
//static const float sunaltitude_b = 0.75*sunaltitude;
static const float sunaltitude_b = 1 - exp2( -1.9*sunaltitude );
static const float sunaltitude2 = saturate(exp(-2*SunPos.z))*saturate(sunaltitude);
static const float3 newskycol = 0.35*SkyCol+float3(0.22,0.40,0.70);
float4 _getFog(float3 dir, float dist, bool coloradjust)
float fogdist;
float fog;
if(dist < 0) {
fogdist = 1;
fog = 0;
dist = 1E6;
} else {
fogdist = dist/FogRange;
fog = saturate( exp(-fogdist) );
fogdist = saturate(fogdist/4);

float3 fFogCol2 = ( lerp (FogCol2, SkyCol, 1 - pow (saturate (1 - 2.22 * saturate

(dir.z - 0.075)), 1.15)) )*(1-fog);

if(niceWeatherFactor > 0.001 && (dist<0 || EyePos.z>WaterLevel-4)) {
float cos = dot(dir,SunPos);
float mie = (1.080/(1.2-cos))*sunaltitude2;
float rayl = 1-0.09*mie;

float atmdep = saturate(exp(-1.5*dir.z));

float3 att = atmdep*(scatter*(sunaltitude_a+mie));
att = (1-exp(-fogdist*att))/(att);

//float3 color = 0.125*mie + lerp(newskycol, float3(1,1,1), 0.75*fog)

float3 color = 0.125*mie + newskycol*rayl;
color *= (1.4*atmdep+0.6) * saturate(sunaltitude_B);
color *= att;

color = lerp(fFogCol2,color,niceWeatherFactor);

return float4( color, fog );
} else {
return float4( fFogCol2, fog );
// static const bool underwater = (EyePos.z < WaterLevel-4);
// float4 getFog(float3 dir, float dist)
// {
//if(underwater && dist >= 0) {
// float fog = saturate( ( FogRange - dist ) / (FogRangeMinusStart) )*(1-

// return float4( FogCol2*(1-fog), fog );
//} else {
// return _getFog(dir,dist,true);
//float4 getFog_refl(float3 dir, float dist) { return _getFog(dir,dist,false); }
//float3 applyfog(float3 col, float4 fog) { return lerp(fog.rgb, col, fog.a); }
//float3 applyfog(float3 col, float4 fog) { return col*fog.a+fog.rgb; }

#define getFog(dir,dist) (_getFog((dir),(dist),true))
#define getFog_refl(dir,dist) (_getFog((dir),(dist),false))
#define applyfog(col,fog) ((col)*(fog).a + (fog).rgb)

static const float3 SunCollf = lerp(SunCol,getFog(SunPos,-

1).rgb,niceWeatherFactor*sunaltitude2) * _lightfactor;

struct SkyVertOut {
float4 position: POSITION;
float4 pos: TEXCOORD0;
SkyVertOut SkyVS( float4 pos: POSITION ) {
SkyVertOut OUT;

OUT.pos = float4(pos.x,pos.y,-550-pos.z,1);
OUT.position = OUT.pos;
OUT.position.xyz = mul(OUT.position.xyz, (float3x3)view);
OUT.position = mul(OUT.position, proj);

return OUT;
float4 SkyPS( in SkyVertOut IN ) : COLOR0 {
float3 fog = getFog(normalize(IN.pos.xyz),-1).rgb;
return float4(fog,1);
#else //no scatter
static const float3 SunCollf = SunCol * _lightfactor;

#ifdef EXPFOG
#define FOGTYPE float4
#define REFFOGTYPE float
//static const float ExpFogStart = max (0, FogStart);
//static const float ExpFogMult = saturate (FogRange / FogRangeMinusStart);
//static const float ExpFogRangeMinusStart = FogRange - ExpFogStart;

#define skyfogblend(z) (lerp (FogCol2, SkyCol, 1 - pow (saturate (1 - 2.22 *

saturate ((z) - 0.075)), 1.15)))
#define applyfog(col,fog) (lerp ((fog).rgb, (col), (fog).a))
//#define getFog(dist) (saturate (exp (-((dist) - ExpFogStart) /

ExpFogRangeMinusStart)) * ExpFogMult)
#define getFog(dist) (saturate (exp (-(dist)/FogRange)))
#define getFogAlpha(dist) (getFog((dist)))
#define FOGTYPE float
#define REFFOGTYPE float
#define getFog(dist) (saturate ((FogRange - (dist)) / FogRangeMinusStart))
#define getFogAlpha(dist) (getFog((dist)))


float4 RenderShader (in float2 TexCoords : TEXCOORD0, in float3 Light : TEXCOORD1, in float4

Height : TEXCOORD2) : COLOR0 {
clip (Height);
float3 Result = tex2D (s3, TexCoords).rgb * Light;
return float4 (Result, 1);


struct StatVertIn {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float4 normal : NORMAL;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;


struct StatVertOut {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;
float4 color : TEXCOORD1;
float3 normal : TEXCOORD2;
float blend : TEXCOORD5;
float emissive : TEXCOORD6;


StatVertOut StaticVS (StatVertIn IN) {
StatVertOut OUT;

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

// Define % to Fog
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

#ifdef EXPFOG
float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);
OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));
float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);
OUT.fog = getFog (dist);

// Define % to Blend
OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

// Lighting
OUT.normal = normalize (IN.normal.xyz * 2 - 1); // Decompress
OUT.normal = normalize (mul (OUT.normal.xyz, (float3x3)world)); // Rotate normals but

don't translate them
OUT.color = IN.color;
OUT.emissive = IN.normal.w; // Emissive stored in 4th value in normal vector

return OUT;


struct StatInstVertIn {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float4 normal : NORMAL;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;
float4 m1 : TEXCOORD1;
float4 m2 : TEXCOORD2;
float4 m3 : TEXCOORD3;
float4 m4 : TEXCOORD4;


StatVertOut StaticInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {
StatVertOut OUT;

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

// Pack instance transform
float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);

// Define % to Fog
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);

#ifdef EXPFOG
float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);
OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));
float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);
OUT.fog = getFog (dist);

// Define % to Blend
OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

// Lighting
OUT.normal = normalize (IN.normal.xyz * 2 - 1); // Decompress
OUT.normal = normalize (mul (OUT.normal.xyz, (float3x3)world)); // Rotate normals but

don't translate them
OUT.color = IN.color;
OUT.emissive = IN.normal.w; // Emissive stored in 4th value in normal vector

return OUT;


float4 StaticPS (StatVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
float4 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords);

// Lighting
float3 normal = normalize (IN.normal);
float3 diffuse = saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol * IN.color.rgb;
float3 ambient = SunAmb * IN.color.rgb;
Result.rgb *= saturate (diffuse + ambient + IN.emissive);

// Fogging
#ifdef EXPFOG
#ifdef SCATTER
Result.rgb = applyfog( Result.rgb, IN.fog );
Result.rgb = lerp (IN.fog.rgb, Result.rgb, IN.fog.a);
Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);

// Blending
Result.a = saturate (IN.color.a * Result.a * AlphaMultiplier) * IN.blend;

return Result;


struct StatRefVertOut {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;
float4 color : TEXCOORD1;
float3 normal : TEXCOORD2;
float height : TEXCOORD6;


StatRefVertOut StaticReflectionVS (StatVertIn IN) {
StatRefVertOut OUT;

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

// Define % to Fog
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
float3 EyeVec = float3 (worldpos.xy, TwiceWaterLevel - worldpos.z) - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;

#ifdef EXPFOG
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog_refl(EyeVec*float3(1,1,-1),dist);
//OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 +

saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / ExpFogRangeMinusStart));
OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 +

saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart));
OUT.fog = saturate (
getFog (dist) /
(0.001 + saturate ((FogRange - (EyePos.z - WaterLevel) / (0.001 +

saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / (FogRangeMinusStart)))
float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);
OUT.fog = getFog (dist);

//// Define % to Blend
//OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

// Lighting
OUT.normal = normalize (IN.normal.xyz * 2 - 1); // Decompress
OUT.normal = normalize (mul (OUT.normal, (float3x3)world)); // Rotate normals but don't

translate them
OUT.color = IN.color;

// Figure hight of pixel in world coordinates
OUT.height = worldpos.z;

return OUT;


StatRefVertOut StaticReflectionInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {
StatRefVertOut OUT;

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

// Pack instance transform
float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);

float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);

// Define % to Fog
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
float3 EyeVec = float3 (worldpos.xy, TwiceWaterLevel - worldpos.z) - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;

#ifdef EXPFOG
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog_refl(EyeVec*float3(1,1,-1),dist);
//OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 +

saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / ExpFogRangeMinusStart));
OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 +

saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart));
OUT.fog = saturate (
getFog (dist) /
(0.001 + saturate ((FogRange - (EyePos.z - WaterLevel) / (0.001 +

saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / (FogRangeMinusStart)))
float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);
OUT.fog = getFog (dist);

//// Define % to Blend
//OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

// Lighting
OUT.normal = normalize (mul (IN.normal.xyz, (float3x3)worldmat));
OUT.color = IN.color;

// Figure height of pixel in world coordinates
OUT.height = worldpos.z;

return OUT;


float4 StaticReflectionPS (StatRefVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Clip to water plane
clip (IN.height + 4 - WaterLevel);
#ifdef SCATTER
clip (IN.fog.a - 0.001);
clip (IN.fog - 0.001);

float4 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords);
clip (Result.a - 0.5);

// Lighting
float3 normal = normalize (IN.normal);
Result.rgb *= saturate ((saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol + SunAmb) *


// Fogging
#ifdef SCATTER
Result.rgb = applyfog(Result.rgb,IN.fog);
Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);

return float4 (Result.rgb, 1);


struct LowestLandVertOut {
float4 position : POSITION;
float4 pos : TEXCOORD0;
float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD1;
float3 light : COLOR0;


LowestLandVertOut LowestLandVS (in float4 pos : POSITION) {
LowestLandVertOut OUT;

OUT.position = mul (pos, world);
OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, view);
OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, proj);

OUT.pos = float4 (pos.xy - offset, pos.zw);

// Calculate texture coordinates
OUT.texcoords = OUT.pos.xy / 600;

// Lighting
OUT.light = saturate(-SunVec.z * SunCol);
OUT.light = saturate (OUT.light + SunAmb);

return OUT;


float4 LowestLandPS (in LowestLandVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Define % to Fog
float dist = length (IN.pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);

float3 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords).rgb;
Result *= IN.light;

// Fogging
float fog;
fog = getFogAlpha (dist);

Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, fog);

return float4 (Result, 1);


struct WaterVertOut {
float4 position : POSITION;
float4 pos : TEXCOORD0;
float2 texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1;
float2 texcoord2 : TEXCOORD2;
float2 texcoord3 : TEXCOORD3;
float4 screenpos : TEXCOORD5;
float4 screenposclamp : TEXCOORD7;
float w : TEXCOORD6;


WaterVertOut WaterVS (in float4 pos : POSITION) {
WaterVertOut OUT;

OUT.pos = float4 (pos.xy - offset, pos.zw);

// Calculate various texture coordinates
OUT.texcoord1 = OUT.pos.xy / 3900;
OUT.texcoord2 = OUT.pos.xy / 1104;
OUT.texcoord3 = OUT.pos.xy / 892;

float time = ticks / 2;

float height = tex3Dlod (s1, float4 (OUT.texcoord2, time, 0)).a - 0.5f;
float height2 = tex3Dlod (s1, float4 (OUT.texcoord1, time*0.56, 0)).a - 0.5f;

float dist = length (EyePos.xyz - OUT.pos.xyz);

//float addheight = WAVEHEIGHT * (lerp (height, height2, saturate (dist / 8000)) -

0.5f) * saturate (1 - dist / 6400) * saturate (dist / 200);
float addheight = WAVEHEIGHT * (0.65*height * saturate (1 - dist / 8000) +

height2) * saturate (1 - dist / 6400) * saturate (dist / 200);

float4 newPos = pos + float4 (0, 0, addheight, 0);

OUT.pos.zw = newPos.zw;

OUT.position = mul (newPos, world);
OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, view);
OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, proj);
OUT.w = OUT.position.w;

OUT.screenpos = mul (newPos , TexProj);
newPos = pos - float4 (0, 0, abs (addheight), 0);
OUT.screenposclamp = mul (newPos , TexProj);
OUT.position = mul (pos, world);
OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, view);
OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, proj);
OUT.w = OUT.position.w;

OUT.screenpos = mul (pos, TexProj);

return OUT;


float3 GetFinalWaterNormal (float2 texcoord1, float2 texcoord2, float2 texcoord3, float dist,

float2 IN_pos_xy) : NORMAL {
// Calculate the W texture coordinate based on the time that has passed
float time = ticks / 2;
float3 tex1 = float3(texcoord1, time*0.56);
float3 tex2 = float3(texcoord2, time);

// Blend together the normals from different sized areas of the same texture.
float2 far_normal = tex3D (s5, tex1).rg;
float2 close_normal = tex3D (s5, tex2).rg;
// add ripples
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
close_normal.rg += tex2D (s2, texcoord3).ba; // rain
close_normal.rg += tex2D (s8, (IN_pos_xy - RippleOrigin) /

waveTexWorldSize).ba * 2 - 1.5; // player
close_normal.rg += (tex2D (s2, texcoord3).ba // rain
+ tex2D (s8, (IN_pos_xy - RippleOrigin) / waveTexWorldSize).ba) * 2 - 2;

// player
//float2 normal_R = lerp (close_normal, far_normal, saturate (dist / 8000)) * 2 - 1;
float2 normal_R = 0.65*(close_normal * 2 - 1) * saturate (1 - dist / 8000) + (far_normal

* 2 - 1);
return normalize(float3(normal_R,1));


float4 ReflectionShader (in WaterVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Calculate eye vector
float3 EyeVec = EyePos.xyz - IN.pos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;

// Define % to Fog
#ifdef SCATTER
float4 fog = getFog_refl(-EyeVec, dist);
float fog = getFog (dist);

// Calculate water normal
float3 normal = GetFinalWaterNormal (IN.texcoord1, IN.texcoord2, IN.texcoord3, dist,


float2 Tex = IN.screenpos.xy / IN.w;

// reflection / refraction strength factor, wind strength increases distortion
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
//float2 reffactor = ((dist / 100 * _windfactor) + 0.1) * (normal.xy);
//float3 reffactor;
//reffactor.x = dot(-normal, float3(view[0][0],view[1][0],view[2][0]));
//reffactor.y = dot(-normal, float3(view[0][2],view[1][2],view[2][2]));
//reffactor.z = 1 - reffactor.y;
//reffactor *= ((dist / 100 * _windfactor) + 0.1).xxx;

// Distort refraction dependent on depth
float2 reffactor = 0.01 * _windfactor * normal.xy;
// Distort refraction dependent on depth
float2 reffactor = 0.02 * normal.xy;

float2 newscrpos = Tex + reffactor.yx;

// Sample depth texture
float depth = tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w;
newscrpos = Tex + saturate (depth / 100) * reffactor.yx;

// Sample refraction texture
float3 Refract = tex2D (s4, newscrpos).rgb;

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
// Get distorted depth
//depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w);
depth = tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w;
if(depth < -1) depth = 1E6;
depth /= dot (-EyeVec, float3 (view [0][2], view [1][2], view [2][2]));

float depthscale = saturate (exp (-(depth) / 800));
float shorefactor = pow (depthscale, 25);

#ifdef SCATTER
float3 depthcolor = applyfog(_depthcolor,fog);
float3 depthcolor = lerp (FogCol2, _depthcolor, fog);

// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on

water depth
Refract = lerp (depthcolor, Refract, 0.8 * depthscale + 0.2 * shorefactor);

// Sample reflection texture
float3 Reflect = {0, 0, 0};

// float totalalpha;

if (EyePos.z < WaterLevel - 4) {
Reflect = _depthcolor;
} else {
float blurwidth = (1 - EyeVec.z) * 0.005;

float2 scrpos =
IN.screenposclamp.xy / IN.w
+ float2(-2.5 * reffactor.x, 0.0015+abs (reffactor.y));

// unfolded blurring allows for better optimization
float2 shift = blurwidth * float2 (1, 0);
Reflect += 0.100 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb
+ tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);
shift = blurwidth * float2 (0.67, 0.33);
Reflect += 0.115 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb
+ tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);
shift = blurwidth * float2 (0.33, -0.33);
Reflect += 0.135 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb
+ tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);
shift = float2 (0.0, blurwidth * 0.67);
Reflect += 0.150 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb
+ tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);

Reflect = tex2D (s0,
IN.screenposclamp.xy / IN.w
+ float2 (-2.5 * reffactor.x, 0.0015+abs (reffactor.y)));

#ifdef SCATTER
//Reflect = applyfog(Reflect, fog);
Reflect = lerp (Reflect, applyfog(Reflect, fog),saturate((EyePos.z-

float3 adjustnormal = lerp (float3 (0, 0, 0.1), normal, pow (saturate

(1.05 * fog.a), 2));
Reflect = lerp (FogCol2, Reflect, fog);
float3 adjustnormal = lerp (float3 (0, 0, 0.1), normal, pow (saturate

(1.05 * fog), 2));

adjustnormal = lerp (adjustnormal, float3 (0, 0, 1.0), (1 - EyeVec.z) * (1 -

saturate (1 / (dist / 1000 + 1))));

float fresnel = dot (EyeVec, adjustnormal);
fresnel = 0.02 + pow (saturate (0.9988 - 0.28 * fresnel), 16);
float3 Result = lerp (Refract, Reflect, fresnel);

// Specular lighting
float reflection = saturate (1.0025 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));
float3 spec = SunCollf * (pow (reflection, 150) + 0.07 * pow (reflection, 4));

// smooth transition at shore line
#ifdef SCATTER
Result = lerp (Result + spec * fog.a, Refract, shorefactor * fog.a);
Result = lerp (Result + spec * fog, Refract, shorefactor * fog);
// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on

water depth
Refract = lerp (Refract, _depthcolor, saturate (depth / 1500 + 0.3));

float3 Reflect = tex2D (s0, Tex - float2 (2.5 * reffactor.x, -abs (reffactor.y)))

/ 2;

float fresnel = saturate (dot (EyeVec, float3 (0, 0, 1)) * 1.5);
float3 Result = lerp (Reflect, Refract, fresnel);

//Specular lighting
float reflection = saturate (dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));
float3 spec = SunCollf * pow (reflection, 150);

// Additional Specular
spec += pow (dot (normal, float3 (0, 0, 1)), 100) * SunAmb / 12; // gives water a

shiny look

// smooth transition at shore line
Result += spec;

Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, fog);

return float4 (Result, 1);


float4 NonReflectionShader (in WaterVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Calculate eye vector
float3 EyeVec = (EyePos - IN.pos.xyz);
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;

// Define % to Fog
//float fog = saturate ((FogRange - dist) / FogRangeMinusStart);
float fog = getFogAlpha (dist);

// Calculate water normal
float3 normal = GetFinalWaterNormal (IN.texcoord1, IN.texcoord2, IN.texcoord3, dist,


float2 Tex = IN.screenpos.xy / IN.w;

// reflection / refraction strength factor, wind strength increases distortion
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
float2 reffactor = 0.008 * _windfactor * normal.xy;
float2 reffactor = 0.02 * normal.xy;

// Distort refraction dependent on depth
float2 newscrpos = Tex + reffactor.yx;

// Sample depth texture
float depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w);
newscrpos = Tex + saturate (depth / 100) * reffactor.yx;

// Sample refraction texture
float3 Refract = tex2D (s4, newscrpos).rgb;

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
// Get distorted depth
depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w);
depth /= dot (-EyeVec, float3 (view [0][2], view [1][2], view [2][2]));

float depthscale = saturate (exp (-depth / 800));
float shorefactor = pow (depthscale, 25);

// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on

water depth
Refract = lerp (_depthcolor, Refract, 0.8 * depthscale + 0.2 * shorefactor);

float fresnel = dot (EyeVec, lerp (normal, float3 (0, 0, 1), (1 - EyeVec.z) * (1 -

exp (-dist / 2500)))) * fog;
fresnel = 0.02 + pow (saturate (0.9988 - 0.28 * fresnel), 16);

float3 Reflect = (FogCol2 + SkyCol) * 0.4;
if (SunVec.z > 0.9) {
Reflect = FogCol2 * 0.55;
Reflect = lerp (FogCol2, Reflect, fog);

float3 Result = lerp (Refract, Reflect, fresnel);

// Specular lighting
float reflection = saturate (1.0025 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));
float3 spec = SunCollf * (pow (reflection, 150) + 0.07 * pow (reflection, 4)) *


Result = lerp (Result + spec, Refract, shorefactor * fog);
// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on

water depth
Refract = lerp (Refract, _depthcolor, saturate (depth / 1500 + 0.3));

float fresnel = saturate(dot(EyeVec,float3(0,0,1)));

float3 Reflect = SkyCol / 2;

float3 Result = lerp (Reflect, Refract, saturate(fresnel*(depth+2)));

//Specular lighting
float reflection = saturate (1.0025 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));
float3 spec = SunCollf * pow (reflection, 150);

// Additional Specular
spec += pow (dot (normal, float3 (0, 0, 1)), 100) * SunAmb / 12; // gives water a

shiny look

Result += spec;

Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, fog);

return float4 (Result, 1);


float4 UnderWaterPS (in WaterVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Calculate eye vector
float3 EyeVec = (EyePos - IN.pos.xyz);
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;

// Calculate water normal
float3 normal = -GetFinalWaterNormal (IN.texcoord1, IN.texcoord2, IN.texcoord3, dist,


float2 Tex = IN.screenpos.xy / IN.w;

// Define % to Fog
// #ifdef EXPFOG
// float fog = exp (-2 * dist / FogRange);
// #else
// float fog = saturate (1 - (dist / FogRange));
// fog *= fog;
// #endif
float fog = getFogAlpha (dist);

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
// reflection / refraction strength factor, wind strength increases distortion
// float2 reffactor = -((dist / 20 * (_windfactor)) + 0.25) * float2 (
// dot (normal, float3 (view [0][0], view [1][0], view [2][0])),
// dot (normal, float3 (view [0][1], view [1][1], view [2][1]))
// );
float2 reffactor = 0.016 * _windfactor * normal.xy;
float2 reffactor = 0.05 * normal.xy;

// Sample depth texture
float depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, Tex + reffactor.xy).r - IN.w);
float depthfactor = saturate (depth / 150);

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, Tex + depthfactor * reffactor.xy).r - IN.w);
depth = tex2D (s7, Tex + depthfactor * reffactor.xy).r - IN.w;

// Sample refraction texture
float3 Refract = tex2D (s4, Tex + depthfactor * reffactor.xy).rgb;

depthfactor = saturate (depth / 150);

// Specular lighting
float reflection = saturate (1.005 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (float3 (-SunPos.x, -SunPos.y,

SunPos.z), normal)));
float3 Specular = saturate (1.5 * SunCollf) * (pow (reflection, 120) + 0.07 * pow

(reflection, 2));

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
Refract += Specular * depthfactor * fog;
Refract += Specular;

// fresnel factor
// float fresnel = saturate (dot (EyeVec, normal / float3 ((1.0 + 0.5 * normal.z).xx,

float fresnel = saturate (dot (EyeVec, normal));
fresnel = 0.4 * pow (saturate (1.3 - fresnel), 8) * fog;

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
if (SunVec.z > 0.9) fresnel *= 0.6;

float3 Result = Refract * (1 - fresnel * depthfactor);

// Realistic Fresnel
// fresnel = saturate (0.015 / max (0.01, fresnel - 0.645) - 0.02);
// Refract = tex2Dproj (s4, IN.screenpos + float4 (reffactor.xy, 0, 0) / (1.001 -

// float3 Result = lerp (Refract, FogCol2, fresnel);

return float4 (Result, 1);


struct LandVertOut {
float4 pos: POSITION;
float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD1;
float3 position: TEXCOORD2;


LandVertOut LandscapeVertexShader (float4 pos: POSITION, float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0) {
LandVertOut OUT;

// Define % to Fog
#ifdef EXPFOG
float3 EyeVec = pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);
OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));
float dist = length (pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);
OUT.fog = getFog (dist);

// Lower vertices that are close to the camera to ensure they are always below it
float disp = lerp (200, 0, saturate (dist / 2000));
pos.z -= disp;

// OUT.pos = mul (pos, worldviewproj);
OUT.pos = mul (pos, world);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

OUT.texcoord = texcoord;
OUT.position = pos.xyz;

return OUT;


float4 LandscapePixelShader (in LandVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Normalize incoming normal
float3 normal = normalize (tex2D (s1, IN.texcoord).rgb * 2 - 1);

// World Texture
float3 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoord).rgb;

// Detail Texture
float detail = tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 1064).g + 0.5;
detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 333).g + 0.5;
detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 90).g + 0.5;

// Lighting
Result *= detail * saturate ((saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol) + SunAmb);

// Define % to Fog
#ifdef EXPFOG
#ifdef SCATTER
Result = applyfog( Result, IN.fog );
Result = lerp (IN.fog.rgb, Result, IN.fog.a);
return float4 (Result, 1 - IN.fog.a);
Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, IN.fog);
return float4 (Result, 1 - IN.fog);


struct LandRefVertOut {
float4 pos: POSITION;
float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD1;
float height : TEXCOORD3;


LandRefVertOut LandscapeRefVS (float4 pos: POSITION, float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0) {
LandRefVertOut OUT;

#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
//// Lower vertices so there are fewer seams visible in the reflection
// pos.z -= 20 * saturate (1 - (pos.z / 100));
float3 EyeVec = float3 (pos.xy, TwiceWaterLevel - pos.z) - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;

// Define % to Fog
#ifdef EXPFOG
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog_refl(EyeVec*float3(1,1,-1),dist);
//OUT.fog = saturate (exp ( -(max (0, pos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate

(-EyeVec.z))) / ExpFogRangeMinusStart));
OUT.fog = saturate (exp ( -(max (0, pos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate

(-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart));
OUT.fog = saturate (
getFog (dist) /
(0.001 + saturate ((FogRange - (EyePos.z - WaterLevel) / (0.001 +

saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart))
// Lower vertices so there are fewer seams visible in the reflection
// pos.z -= 100;

// Define % to Fog
OUT.fog = getFog (length (pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz));

// OUT.pos = mul (pos, worldviewproj);
OUT.pos = mul (pos, world);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);
OUT.texcoord = texcoord;

// Define height of pixel for clipping to water plane
OUT.height = pos.z;

return OUT;


float4 LandscapeRefPS (in LandRefVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Clip to water plane
clip (IN.height + 4 - WaterLevel);
#ifdef SCATTER
clip (IN.fog.a - 0.001);
clip (IN.fog - 0.001);

// Normalize incoming normal
float3 normal = normalize (tex2D (s1, IN.texcoord).rgb * 2 - 1);

// World Texture
float3 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoord).rgb;

// Detail Texture
float detail = tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 1064).g + 0.5;
detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 333).g + 0.5;
detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 90).g + 0.5;

// Lighting
Result *= detail * saturate ((saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol) + SunAmb);

// let reflections fade to water color
#ifdef SCATTER
Result.rgb = applyfog(Result.rgb,IN.fog);
Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);

//return float4 (Result, saturate (3.5 * IN.fog));
return float4 (Result, 1);


struct GrassVertIn {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;


struct GrassVertOut {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;
float3 color : COLOR0;
float4 screenpos: TEXCOORD4;
float blend : TEXCOORD5;


GrassVertOut GrassVS (GrassVertIn IN) {
GrassVertOut OUT;

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

// Animate grass
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

//distance to grass for range
float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);

float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;

float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;

float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;
float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;
float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;
float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;

//grass offset for bending
float2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;
float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);

//interactive grass
if ( gdist < 100 ) {

worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/

(25+gdist) * 3500;

worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos

(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;

} else {
worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) *

height * wind * 10;

// Define % to Fog
#ifdef EXPFOG
float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);
OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));
float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);
OUT.fog = getFog (dist);

// Define % to Blend
OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

// Texture Projection
OUT.screenpos = mul (worldpos, TexProj);

// Lighting
OUT.color = (SunCol * 0.25) + SunAmb;

return OUT;


GrassVertOut GrassInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {
GrassVertOut OUT;

// Pack instance transform
float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

// Define % to Fog
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);

#ifdef EXPFOG
float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;
float dist = length (EyeVec);
EyeVec /= dist;
#ifdef SCATTER
OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);
OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));
float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);
OUT.fog = getFog (dist);

OUT.blend = 1 - (saturate ((GrassDist - dist) / (GrassDist / 5)));
OUT.blend += 0.4;
OUT.screenpos = 0;

// Animate grass
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

//distance to grass for range
float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);

float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;

float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;

float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;
float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;
float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;
float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;

//grass offset for bending
float2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;
float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);

//interactive grass
if ( gdist < 100 ) {

worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/

(25+gdist) * 3500;

worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos

(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;

} else {
worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) *

height * wind * 10;

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

// Lighting
OUT.color = (SunCol * 0.25) + SunAmb;

return OUT;


float4 GrassPS (GrassVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
float4 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords);
// clip (Result.a - 0.4);

// Lighting
Result.rgb *= IN.color;

// Fogging
#ifdef EXPFOG
#ifdef SCATTER
Result.rgb = applyfog( Result.rgb, IN.fog );
Result.rgb = lerp (IN.fog.rgb, Result.rgb, IN.fog.a);
Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);

// Blending
Result.a = saturate (Result.a * AlphaMultiplier) * IN.blend;
return float4 (Result.rgb, Result.a);


struct BlendDepthVertIn {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;


struct ScreenVertOut {
float4 pos: POSITION;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;


ScreenVertOut ScreenQuadVS (in BlendDepthVertIn IN) {
ScreenVertOut OUT;

OUT.pos = mul (IN.pos, world);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

OUT.texcoord = IN.texcoord;

return OUT;


float4 BlendDepthPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// return float4 (tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord).rgb, 1);

float3 color = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord).rgb;
float depth = tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord).r;
depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(PixelWidth, 0)).r, depth);
depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(-PixelWidth, 0)).r, depth);
depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(0, PixelHeight)).r, depth);
depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(0, -PixelHeight)).r, depth);

//// Display depth buffer for testing
// depth = 1 - saturate (depth / FogRange);
// return float4 (depth, depth, depth, 1);

// Define % to Blend
float blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - depth) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));

//// Display blend for testing
//return float4( blend, blend, blend, 1 );

return float4 (color, 1 - blend);


float4 ClearDepthPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
return float4 (FLT_MAX / 2, 1, 1, 1);


// float blur_weights [4] = { 0.47442968, 0.23392642, 0.02804153, 0.00081723 };

float blur_weights [7] = { 0.199471, 0.176033, 0.120985, 0.064759, 0.026995, 0.008764, 0.002216 };

float2 TwelveKernel [12];


float4 HorizontalBlurPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
float4 Original = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord);
float3 Blurred = 0;
float total_weight = 0;

// Early out to prevent night sky blur - tetchy
if (Original.a >= 0.9999) {
return Original;
} else {

for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
float4 Current = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + TwelveKernel [i]);
float weight = saturate (Original.a * Current.a);
Blurred += Current.rgb * weight;
total_weight += weight;
Blurred = (Blurred + Original.rgb) / (total_weight + 1.0);

return float4 (Blurred, Original.a);


float4 VerticalBlurPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
float4 orig_color = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord);

// return float4 (orig_color.a, orig_color.a, orig_color.a, orig_color.a);

// Early out to prevent night sky blur - tetchy
if (orig_color.a >= 0.9999) {
return orig_color;
} else {

float2 offset = float2 (0, PixelHeight);

float4 color = 0;

color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 6) * blur_weights [6];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 5) * blur_weights [5];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 4) * blur_weights [4];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 3) * blur_weights [3];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 2) * blur_weights [2];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset) * blur_weights [1];
color += orig_color * blur_weights [0];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset) * blur_weights [1];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 2) * blur_weights [2];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 3) * blur_weights [3];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 4) * blur_weights [4];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 5) * blur_weights [5];
color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 6) * blur_weights [6];

float blur = saturate (color.a * orig_color.a);

//// Don't let the sky get too blurry// test no longer needed - tetchy
// if (orig_color.a <= 0.0001) {
// blur = max (0.75, blur);
// }

color.rgb = lerp (color.rgb, orig_color.rgb, blur);

return float4 (color.rgb, orig_color.a);


float4 CopyAndSetAlphaPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
float3 color = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord).rgb;

return float4 (color, 1);


struct RenderDepthVertOut {
float4 pos: POSITION;
float4 position: TEXCOORD0;
// float4 col: COLOR0;
float2 texcoords: TEXCOORD1;


RenderDepthVertOut GrassDepthVS (GrassVertIn IN) {
RenderDepthVertOut OUT;

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

// Animate grass
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

//distance to grass for range
float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);

float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;

float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;

float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;
float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;
float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;
float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;

//grass offset for bending
float2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;
float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);

//interactive grass
if ( gdist < 100 ) {

worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/

(25+gdist) * 3500;

worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos

(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;

} else {
worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) *

height * wind * 10;

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

OUT.position = OUT.pos;

return OUT;


float4 GrassDepthPS (RenderDepthVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
// Apply alpha testing
float alpha = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords).a;
clip (alpha - 0.5);

return float4 (IN.position.w, 1, 1, 1);


RenderDepthVertOut GrassDepthInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {
RenderDepthVertOut OUT;

// Pack instance transform
float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);

OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;

float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);

// Animate grass
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

//distance to grass for range
float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);

float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;

float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;

float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;
float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;
float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;
float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;

//grass offset for bending
float2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;
float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);

//interactive grass
if ( gdist < 100 ) {

worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/

(25+gdist) * 3500;

worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos

(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;

} else {
worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) *

height * wind * 10;

// Projection
OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);
OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);

OUT.position = OUT.pos;

return OUT;


struct CausticsVertOut {
float4 pos: POSITION;
float2 tex : TEXCOORD0;


CausticsVertOut CausticsVS (in BlendDepthVertIn IN) {
CausticsVertOut OUT;
OUT.pos = mul (IN.pos, proj);
OUT.tex = IN.texcoord;
return OUT;


float4 CausticsPS (in CausticsVertOut IN): COLOR0 {
float3 color = tex2D(s4, IN.tex);

float depth = tex2D( s7, IN.tex ).r;
float fog = getFogAlpha(depth);
float blend = saturate( (BlendEnd - depth) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart) );

float3 eyevec = float3(view[0][2],view[1][2],view[2][2]);
eyevec += (1/proj[0][0] * (2*IN.tex.x-1)).xxx * float3(view[0][0],view[1][0],view[2][0]);
eyevec += (-1/proj[1][1] * (2*IN.tex.y-1)).xxx * float3(view[0][1],view[1][1],view[2][1]);

float3 uwpos = EyePos + eyevec * depth;
uwpos.z -= WaterLevel;
float sunraypath = (uwpos.z / SunVec.z);
float caust = tex3D (s5, float3( (uwpos - SunVec * sunraypath).xy / 1104, ticks/2) ).b;
color *= 1.00 + caust * blend * ( max (-uwpos.z, 0) * saturate(exp (uwpos.z / 400)) ) *

fog * fog * cauststr;

return float4(color,1);


ScreenVertOut WaveVS (in BlendDepthVertIn IN) {
ScreenVertOut OUT;
OUT.pos = mul (IN.pos, proj);
OUT.texcoord = IN.texcoord;
return OUT;


static const float waveTexRcpRes2 = 1.5 * waveTexRcpRes;


float4 WavePS (in float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0): COLOR0 {
float4 c = 2 * tex2D (s6, Tex) - (1.0).xxxx;
float4 ret = {0, c.r, 0, 0};

float4 n = {
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (waveTexRcpRes, 0)).r,
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (-waveTexRcpRes, 0)).r,
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, waveTexRcpRes)).r,
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, -waveTexRcpRes)).r
float4 n2 = {
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (waveTexRcpRes2, 0)).r,
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (-waveTexRcpRes2, 0)).r,
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, waveTexRcpRes2)).r,
tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, -waveTexRcpRes2)).r

n = 2 * n - (1.0).xxxx;
// n2 = 2 * n2 - (1.0).xxxx;

float nsum = n.x + n.y + n.z + n.w;

// dampened discrete two - dimensional wave equation
// red channel: u (t)
// green channel: u (t - 1)
// u (t + 1) = (1 - udamp) * u (t) + a * (nsum - 4 * u (t)) + (1 - vdamp) * (u (t) - u (t

- 1))
// = a * nsum + ((2 - udamp - vdamp) - 4 * a) * u (t) - (1 - vdamp) * u (t -


#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
ret.r = 0.14 * nsum + (1.96 - 0.56) * c.r - 0.98 * c.g;
ret.r = 0.10 * nsum + (1.96 - 0.40) * c.r - 0.98 * c.g;

// if (abs (ret.r) < 0.01) ret.r = 0;
// if (abs (ret.g) < 0.01) ret.g = 0;

// calculate normal map
ret.ba = 2 * (n.xy - n.zw) + (n2.xy - n2.zw);

ret = 0.5f * ret + (0.5f).xxxx;

return ret;


static const float playerWaveSize = 12.0f / waveTexWorldSize; // 12 world units radius


float4 PlayerWavePS (in float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0): COLOR0 {
float4 ret = tex2D (s6, Tex);
float wavesize = (1.0 + 0.055 * sin (16 * ticks) + 0.065 * sin (12.87645 * ticks)) *

ret.rg *= saturate (2 * abs (length (Tex - RippleOrigin) / wavesize - 1));
return ret;


Technique T0 {
// Used to render the reflected landscape
Pass P00 {
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
AlphaBlendEnable = true;
AlphaBlendEnable = false;

AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
CullMode = CCW;
CullMode = None;

ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM LandscapeRefVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM LandscapeRefPS ();
// Used to render the landscape
Pass P01 {
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
CullMode = CW;
FogEnable = false;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM LandscapeVertexShader ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM LandscapePixelShader ();
// Used to render the water in SM 2.0 mode
Pass P02 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
CullMode = CW;
FogEnable = false;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM ReflectionShader ();
// Used to render the water in SM 3.0 mode
Pass P03 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
CullMode = CW;
FogEnable = false;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM ReflectionShader ();
// Used for rendering distant statics
Pass P04 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = CW;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticPS ();
// Used for rendering the water from underneath
Pass P05 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
CullMode = CCW;
FogEnable = false;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM UnderWaterPS ();
// Used for rendering water in non - reflective mode
Pass P06 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
CullMode = CW;
FogEnable = false;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM NonReflectionShader ();
// Used for rendering reflected statics
Pass P07 {
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
AlphaBlendEnable = true;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = CCW;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticReflectionVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticReflectionPS ();
// Used for rendering the lowest possible land out into infinity
Pass P08 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
AlphaTestEnable = false;
CullMode = CW;
FogEnable = false;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = false;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM LowestLandVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM LowestLandPS ();
// Used for rendering distant statics with HW instancing
Pass P09 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = CW;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticInstVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticPS ();
// Used for rendering reflected distant statics with HW instancing
Pass P10 {
#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300
AlphaBlendEnable = true;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = CCW;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticReflectionInstVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticReflectionPS ();
// Used for rendering grass
Pass P11 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassPS ();
// Used for rendering grass with instancing
Pass P12 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassInstVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassPS ();
// Used for blending what Morrowind draws with what MGE draws
Pass P13 {
AlphaBlendEnable = true;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM BlendDepthPS ();
// Used for horizontal blurring
Pass P14 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM HorizontalBlurPS ();
// Used for vertical blurring
Pass P15 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM VerticalBlurPS ();
// Used to copy a texture to the screen while also setting alpha to 0
Pass P16 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM CopyAndSetAlphaPS ();
// Used for rendering grass depth
Pass P17 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassDepthVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassDepthPS ();
// Used for rendering grass depth with instancing
Pass P18 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;

VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassDepthInstVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassDepthPS ();
// Used for rendering the underwater caustic lighting
Pass P19 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;
VertexShader = compile VS_SM CausticsVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM CausticsPS ();
// Used for calculating waves
Pass P20 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;
VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaveVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM WavePS ();
// Used for creating ripples around PC
Pass P21 {
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
CullMode = None;
ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;
VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaveVS ();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM PlayerWavePS ();
// Used to set up the render state
Pass Zero { // 22
AlphaBlendEnable = false;
AlphaTestEnable = false;
FogEnable = false;
FogColor = ;
ColorVertex = false;
Lighting = false;
ZEnable = true;
ZWriteEnable = true;
ZFunc = LessEqual;
StencilEnable = false;
ColorWriteEnable = red | green | blue;
CullMode = CCW;
ShadeMode = gouraud;
ColorOp [0] = selectarg1;
ColorOp [1] = disable;
AlphaOp [0] = disable;
AlphaOp [1] = disable;
ResultArg [0] = current;
Texture [0] = null;
Texture [1] = null;
Texture [2] = null;
Texture [3] = null;
Texture [4] = null;
Texture [5] = null;
Texture [6] = null;
Texture [7] = null;
TexCoordIndex [0] = 0;
TexCoordIndex [1] = 1;
TexCoordIndex [2] = 2;
TexCoordIndex [3] = 3;
TexCoordIndex [4] = 4;
TexCoordIndex [5] = 5;
TexCoordIndex [6] = 6;
TexCoordIndex [7] = 7;
TextureTransformFlags [0] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags [1] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags [2] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags [3] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags [4] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags [5] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags [6] = 0;
TextureTransformFlags [7] = 0;
MagFilter [0] = Linear;
MinFilter [0] = Linear;
MipFilter [0] = Linear;
Clipping = true;
//Used for rendering the sky
Pass W // 23
#ifdef SCATTER
VertexShader = compile VS_SM SkyVS();
PixelShader = compile PS_SM SkyPS();

Here is a download in case you'd like to test it: http://www.zshare.net/download/78847540093951d1/
Here is the error message I get in the top left hand corner of the screen: http://i27.tinypic.com/2eajioo.png
and this screen illustrates that everything but the water shader is working (SSAO, HDR, Bloom, DoF). What it doesn't show you but that I am sure you can assume, there is no grass as -no- distant statics are displayed: http://i31.tinypic.com/2v84haw.png

Just to make this report nice and complete:
I am using mge rev 175 with Phal's latest d3d8 (v5)
My specs: Windows 7 64bit, Intel Core2 Quad @2.83ghz, ATi Radeon HD 4870, 4gb DDR2 RAM.
Morrowind is installed to a non-default directory (c:/games/morrowind/)

Ok, I know what your problem is, in this section below, if you look at it closely
//------------------------------------------------------------GrassVertOut GrassInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {GrassVertOut OUT;// Pack instance transformfloat4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;// Define % to Fogfloat4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);#ifdef EXPFOGfloat3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;float dist = length (EyeVec);EyeVec /= dist;#ifdef SCATTEROUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);#elseOUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));#endif#elsefloat dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);OUT.fog = getFog (dist);#endifOUT.blend = 1 - (saturate ((GrassDist - dist) / (GrassDist / 5)));OUT.blend += 0.4;OUT.screenpos = 0;// Animate grassfloat4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);//distance to grass for rangefloat gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;//grass offset for bendingfloat2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);//interactive grassif ( gdist < 100 ) {//bendworldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/(25+gdist) * 3500;worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;} else {worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;}// ProjectionOUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);// LightingOUT.color = (SunCol * 0.25) + SunAmb;return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------

you will see that this line, is in the section twice.
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);
its under the line //animate grass and its under // Define % to Fog, remove that float4 under the //animate grass line in that section and it should run!
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Carlos Rojas
Posts: 3391
Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:19 am

Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:47 am

No dice, matilija. Same error as before.
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Posts: 3335
Joined: Sat Oct 13, 2007 9:54 pm

Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 3:07 pm

No dice, matilija. Same error as before.

Ok, copy this into notepad, and save as ingame.fx, make sure to back up any working copy's of your ingame.fx that you have first and see if it works for you, I can remove the sewer wave code later, but I have turned off by default in this one anyway.....
// Original by Timeslip and LizTail, mods by harlanrm, phal and krzymar// To be used with MGE 3.8.2 rev. 175 and derivatives///////////////// SETTINGS: /////////////////// Change below to 1 to enable Vivec and Molag Mar sewer waves// WARNING massive fps hit!#define SEWERWAVE 0/////////////////////// END OF SETTINGS ///////////////////////Matrix TexProj;Matrix view;Matrix proj;Matrix world;float4x4 MatrixPalette [4] : MATRIXPALETTE;float3 SunVec;float3 SunCol;float3 EyePos;float3 SunAmb;float3 SkyCol;float ticks;float2 offset;float TexBlend;float2 rcpres;int FogCol;float3 FogCol2;float FogStart;float FogRange;float BlendStart;float BlendEnd;float GrassDist;float2 WindVec;float PixelWidth;float PixelHeight;float3 SunPos;float SunVis;float3 PlayerPos;float2 RippleOrigin;float WaterLevel;float AlphaMultiplier;float CausticIntens;texture tex0;texture tex1;texture tex2;texture tex3;texture tex4;texture tex5;sampler s0 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; addressu = clamp; addressv = clamp; };sampler s1 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; addressw = wrap; };sampler s2 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };sampler s3 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };sampler s4 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; addressu = clamp; addressv = clamp; };// For sampling the far water texturesampler s5 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = none; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };sampler s6 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = none; addressu = wrap; addressv = wrap; };sampler s7 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; addressu = clamp; addressv = clamp; };sampler s8 = sampler_state { texture = ; minfilter = linear; magfilter = linear; mipfilter = linear; bordercolor = 0x80808080 ; addressu = border; addressv = border; };//------------------------------------------------------------// water & dynamic ripples settings#if WAVEHEIGHT > 0	const bool fineWaterMesh = true;		// use tesselated circular water mesh? false uses simple mesh#else	const bool fineWaterMesh = false;	// use tesselated circular water mesh? false uses simple mesh#endifconst int waveTexResolution = 512;		// texture resolution for rain ripples and player wavesconst float waveTexWorldResolution = 2.50f;	// world size of each player wave texture pixelfloat waveTexWorldSize;	// set by MGEfloat waveTexRcpRes;	// set by MGEstatic const float3 watercolour = { 0.4, 0.45, 0.5 };static const float FLT_MAX = 340282346600000000000000000000000000000.0f;static const float FogRangeMinusStart = FogRange - FogStart;//Vivec sewer locationsstatic const float2 wLoc[70] = {{ 31264,-76720},{ 33984,-76720},{ 36475,-77984},{ 36475,-80874},{ 34353,-82760},{ 30896,-82760},{ 28680,-81402},{ 28680,-78402},{ 26691,-83885},{ 31532,-83885},{ 32660,-85299},{ 32660,-88532},{ 31738,-89185},{ 26742,-89185},{ 25889,-88253},{ 25889,-84932},{ 27184,-90285},{ 31763,-90285},{ 32660,-91785},{ 32660,-95020},{ 31602,-95570},{ 26855,-95570},{ 25850,-94616},{ 25850,-91243},{ 35480,-99921},{ 35480,-97983},{ 34643,-96940},{ 31180,-96940},{ 30195,-97817},{ 30195,-100692},{ 34486,-83885},{ 38970,-83885},{ 39820,-85033},{ 39820,-88125},{ 38376,-89185},{ 35170,-89185},{ 33000,-88139},{ 33000,-84723},{ 34051,-95575},{ 38922,-95575},{ 40080,-94434},{ 40080,-91394},{ 39058,-90285},{ 34122,-90285},{ 33260,-91206},{ 33260,-94578},{ 42231,-87890},{ 45301,-87890},{ 46452,-86788},{ 46452,-81930},{ 45493,-81103},{ 42112,-81103},{ 41195,-81970},{ 41195,-86650},{ 20311,-87940},{ 24228,-87940},{ 24880,-86725},{ 24880,-81855},{ 24065,-81030},{ 20300,-81030},{ 19545,-81962},{ 19545,-86767},//Molag Mar{ 107090, -59875},{ 107090, -63820},{ 114215, -59905},{ 114215, -63780},{ 108085, -58800},{ 113170, -58800},{ 108110, -64890},{ 113110, -64890}};//------------------------------------------------------------static const float _lightfactor = 1 - pow (1 - SunVis, 2);static const float3 _depthcolor = _lightfactor * SunCol * float3 (0.03, 0.04, 0.05) + (SkyCol + 0.5*FogCol2) * float3 (0.075, 0.08, 0.085);static const float cauststr = 0.0001f * CausticIntens * saturate (0.75 * _lightfactor + 0.35 * length (FogCol2));#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300	static const float _windfactor = length (WindVec) + 1.5;	static const float TwiceWaterLevel = 2 * WaterLevel;	#define PS_SM ps_3_0	#define VS_SM vs_3_0#else	#define PS_SM ps_2_0	#define VS_SM vs_2_0#endif//------------------------------------------------------------#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300	#ifdef EXPFOG		#define SCATTER 1	#endif#endif#ifdef SCATTER	#define FOGTYPE float4	#define REFFOGTYPE float4	float niceWeatherFactor;	//static const float ExpFogStart = max(0, FogStart);	//static const float ExpFogMult = saturate( FogRange/(FogRangeMinusStart) );	//static const float ExpFogRangeMinusStart = FogRange - ExpFogStart;	//float getFog(float dist)	//{		//return saturate( 1.01832*exp(-(dist-ExpFogStart)/(ExpFogRangeMinusStart))-0.01832 ) * ExpFogMult;	//	return saturate( exp(-(dist-ExpFogStart)/(ExpFogRangeMinusStart))  ) * ExpFogMult;	//}		//#define getFogAlpha(dist) (saturate( exp(-((dist)-ExpFogStart)/(ExpFogRangeMinusStart))  ) * ExpFogMult)		#define getFogAlpha(dist) (saturate( exp(-(dist)/FogRange)  ))			static const float3 scatter = {0.07, 0.27, 0.67};	static const float sunaltitude = pow(1.0+SunPos.z,10);	static const float sunaltitude_a = 2.8+1.2/sunaltitude;	//static const float sunaltitude_b = 0.75*sunaltitude;	static const float sunaltitude_b = 1 - exp2( -1.9*sunaltitude );	static const float sunaltitude2 = saturate(exp(-2*SunPos.z))*saturate(sunaltitude);	static const float3 newskycol = 0.35*SkyCol+float3(0.22,0.40,0.70);	float4 _getFog(float3 dir, float dist, bool coloradjust)	{		float fogdist;		float fog;		if(dist < 0) {			fogdist = 1;			fog = 0;			dist = 1E6;		} else {			fogdist = dist/FogRange;			fog = saturate( exp(-fogdist) );			fogdist = saturate(fogdist/4);		}					float3 fFogCol2 = ( lerp (FogCol2, SkyCol, 1 - pow (saturate (1 - 2.22 * saturate (dir.z - 0.075)), 1.15)) )*(1-fog);				if(niceWeatherFactor > 0.001 && (dist<0 || EyePos.z>WaterLevel-4)) {			float cos = dot(dir,SunPos);			float mie = (1.080/(1.2-cos))*sunaltitude2;			float rayl = 1-0.09*mie;						float atmdep = saturate(exp(-1.5*dir.z));						float3 att = atmdep*(scatter*(sunaltitude_a+mie));			att = (1-exp(-fogdist*att))/(att);						//float3 color = 0.125*mie + lerp(newskycol, float3(1,1,1), 0.75*fog)*rayl;			float3 color = 0.125*mie + newskycol*rayl;			color *= (1.4*atmdep+0.6) * saturate(sunaltitude_B);			color *= att;						color = lerp(fFogCol2,color,niceWeatherFactor);			return float4( color, fog );		} else {			return float4( fFogCol2, fog );		}	}//	static const bool underwater = (EyePos.z < WaterLevel-4);//	float4 getFog(float3 dir, float dist)//	{ 		//if(underwater && dist >= 0) {		//	float fog = saturate( ( FogRange - dist ) / (FogRangeMinusStart) )*(1-fog);		//	return float4( FogCol2*(1-fog), fog );		//} else {//			return _getFog(dir,dist,true); 		//}	//}	//float4 getFog_refl(float3 dir, float dist) { return _getFog(dir,dist,false); }	//float3 applyfog(float3 col, float4 fog) { return lerp(fog.rgb, col, fog.a); }	//float3 applyfog(float3 col, float4 fog) { return col*fog.a+fog.rgb; }		#define getFog(dir,dist) (_getFog((dir),(dist),true))	#define getFog_refl(dir,dist) (_getFog((dir),(dist),false))	#define applyfog(col,fog) ((col)*(fog).a + (fog).rgb)			static const float3 SunCollf = lerp(SunCol,getFog(SunPos,-1).rgb,niceWeatherFactor*sunaltitude2) * _lightfactor;			struct SkyVertOut {		float4 position: POSITION;		float4 pos: TEXCOORD0;	};	SkyVertOut SkyVS( float4 pos: POSITION ) {		SkyVertOut OUT;				OUT.pos = float4(pos.x,pos.y,-550-pos.z,1);		OUT.position = OUT.pos;		OUT.position.xyz = mul(OUT.position.xyz, (float3x3)view);		OUT.position = mul(OUT.position, proj);					return OUT;	}	float4 SkyPS( in SkyVertOut IN ) : COLOR0 {		float3 fog = getFog(normalize(IN.pos.xyz),-1).rgb;		return float4(fog,1);	}#else //no scatter	static const float3 SunCollf = SunCol * _lightfactor;		#ifdef EXPFOG		#define FOGTYPE float4		#define REFFOGTYPE float		//static const float ExpFogStart = max (0, FogStart);		//static const float ExpFogMult = saturate (FogRange / FogRangeMinusStart);		//static const float ExpFogRangeMinusStart = FogRange - ExpFogStart;		#define skyfogblend(z) (lerp (FogCol2, SkyCol, 1 - pow (saturate (1 - 2.22 * saturate ((z) - 0.075)), 1.15)))		#define applyfog(col,fog) (lerp ((fog).rgb, (col), (fog).a))		//#define getFog(dist) (saturate (exp (-((dist) - ExpFogStart) / ExpFogRangeMinusStart)) * ExpFogMult)		#define getFog(dist) (saturate (exp (-(dist)/FogRange)))		#define getFogAlpha(dist) (getFog((dist)))	#else		#define FOGTYPE float		#define REFFOGTYPE float		#define getFog(dist) (saturate ((FogRange - (dist)) / FogRangeMinusStart))		#define getFogAlpha(dist) (getFog((dist)))	#endif#endif//------------------------------------------------------------float4 RenderShader (in float2 TexCoords : TEXCOORD0, in float3 Light : TEXCOORD1, in float4 Height : TEXCOORD2) : COLOR0 {	clip (Height);	float3 Result = tex2D (s3, TexCoords).rgb * Light;	return float4 (Result, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------struct StatVertIn {	float4 pos : POSITION;	float4 normal : NORMAL;	float4 color : COLOR0;	float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;};//------------------------------------------------------------struct StatVertOut {	float4 pos : POSITION;	float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;	float4 color : TEXCOORD1;	float3 normal : TEXCOORD2;	FOGTYPE fog : TEXCOORD3;	float blend : TEXCOORD5;	float emissive : TEXCOORD6;};//------------------------------------------------------------StatVertOut StaticVS (StatVertIn IN) {	StatVertOut OUT;	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;	// Define % to Fog	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);	#ifdef EXPFOG		float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		#ifdef SCATTER			OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);		#else			OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));		#endif	#else		float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);		OUT.fog = getFog (dist);	#endif	// Define % to Blend	OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	// Lighting	OUT.normal = normalize (IN.normal.xyz * 2 - 1); // Decompress	OUT.normal = normalize (mul (OUT.normal.xyz, (float3x3)world)); // Rotate normals but don't translate them	OUT.color = IN.color;	OUT.emissive = IN.normal.w; // Emissive stored in 4th value in normal vector	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------struct StatInstVertIn {	float4 pos : POSITION;	float4 normal : NORMAL;	float4 color : COLOR0;	float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;	float4 m1 : TEXCOORD1;	float4 m2 : TEXCOORD2;	float4 m3 : TEXCOORD3;	float4 m4 : TEXCOORD4;};//------------------------------------------------------------StatVertOut StaticInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {	StatVertOut OUT;	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;	// Pack instance transform	float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);	// Define % to Fog	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);	#ifdef EXPFOG		float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		#ifdef SCATTER			OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);		#else			OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));		#endif	#else		float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);		OUT.fog = getFog (dist);	#endif	// Define % to Blend	OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	// Lighting	OUT.normal = normalize (IN.normal.xyz * 2 - 1); // Decompress	OUT.normal = normalize (mul (OUT.normal.xyz, (float3x3)world)); // Rotate normals but don't translate them	OUT.color = IN.color;	OUT.emissive = IN.normal.w; // Emissive stored in 4th value in normal vector	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 StaticPS (StatVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	float4 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords);	// Lighting	float3 normal = normalize (IN.normal);	float3 diffuse = saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol * IN.color.rgb;	float3 ambient = SunAmb * IN.color.rgb;	Result.rgb *= saturate (diffuse + ambient + IN.emissive);	// Fogging	#ifdef EXPFOG		#ifdef SCATTER			Result.rgb = applyfog( Result.rgb, IN.fog );		#else			Result.rgb = lerp (IN.fog.rgb, Result.rgb, IN.fog.a);		#endif	#else		Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);	#endif	// Blending	Result.a = saturate (IN.color.a * Result.a * AlphaMultiplier) * IN.blend;	return Result;}//------------------------------------------------------------struct StatRefVertOut {	float4 pos : POSITION;	float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;	float4 color : TEXCOORD1;	float3 normal : TEXCOORD2;	REFFOGTYPE fog : TEXCOORD3;	float height : TEXCOORD6;};//------------------------------------------------------------StatRefVertOut StaticReflectionVS (StatVertIn IN) {	StatRefVertOut OUT;	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);	// Define % to Fog	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		float3 EyeVec = float3 (worldpos.xy, TwiceWaterLevel - worldpos.z) - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		#ifdef EXPFOG			#ifdef SCATTER				OUT.fog = getFog_refl(EyeVec*float3(1,1,-1),dist);			#else				//OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / ExpFogRangeMinusStart));				OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart));			#endif		#else			OUT.fog = saturate (				getFog (dist) / 				(0.001 + saturate ((FogRange - (EyePos.z - WaterLevel) / (0.001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / (FogRangeMinusStart)))			);		#endif	#else		float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);		OUT.fog = getFog (dist);	#endif	//// Define % to Blend	//OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	// Lighting	OUT.normal = normalize (IN.normal.xyz * 2 - 1); // Decompress	OUT.normal = normalize (mul (OUT.normal, (float3x3)world)); // Rotate normals but don't translate them	OUT.color = IN.color;	// Figure hight of pixel in world coordinates	OUT.height = worldpos.z;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------StatRefVertOut StaticReflectionInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {	StatRefVertOut OUT;	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;	// Pack instance transform	float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);	// Define % to Fog	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		float3 EyeVec = float3 (worldpos.xy, TwiceWaterLevel - worldpos.z) - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		#ifdef EXPFOG			#ifdef SCATTER				OUT.fog = getFog_refl(EyeVec*float3(1,1,-1),dist);			#else				//OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / ExpFogRangeMinusStart));				OUT.fog = saturate (exp (-(max (0, worldpos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart));			#endif		#else			OUT.fog = saturate (				getFog (dist) / 				(0.001 + saturate ((FogRange - (EyePos.z - WaterLevel) / (0.001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / (FogRangeMinusStart)))			);		#endif	#else		float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);		OUT.fog = getFog (dist);	#endif	//// Define % to Blend	//OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	// Lighting	OUT.normal = normalize (mul (IN.normal.xyz, (float3x3)worldmat));	OUT.color = IN.color;	// Figure height of pixel in world coordinates	OUT.height = worldpos.z;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 StaticReflectionPS (StatRefVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Clip to water plane	clip (IN.height + 4 - WaterLevel);	#ifdef SCATTER		clip (IN.fog.a - 0.001);	#else		clip (IN.fog - 0.001);	#endif	float4 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords);	clip (Result.a - 0.5);	// Lighting	float3 normal = normalize (IN.normal);	Result.rgb *= saturate ((saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol + SunAmb) * IN.color.rgb);	// Fogging	#ifdef SCATTER		Result.rgb = applyfog(Result.rgb,IN.fog);	#else		Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);	#endif	return float4 (Result.rgb, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------struct LowestLandVertOut {	float4 position : POSITION;	float4 pos : TEXCOORD0;	float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD1;	float3 light : COLOR0;};//------------------------------------------------------------LowestLandVertOut LowestLandVS (in float4 pos : POSITION) {	LowestLandVertOut OUT;	OUT.position = mul (pos, world);	OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, view);	OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, proj);	OUT.pos = float4 (pos.xy - offset, pos.zw);	// Calculate texture coordinates	OUT.texcoords = OUT.pos.xy / 600;	// Lighting	OUT.light = saturate(-SunVec.z * SunCol);	OUT.light = saturate (OUT.light + SunAmb);	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 LowestLandPS (in LowestLandVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Define % to Fog	float dist = length (IN.pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);	float3 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords).rgb;	Result *= IN.light;	// Fogging	float fog;	fog = getFogAlpha (dist);			Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, fog);	return float4 (Result, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------struct WaterVertOut {	float4 position : POSITION;	float4 pos : TEXCOORD0;	float2 texcoord1 : TEXCOORD1;	float2 texcoord2 : TEXCOORD2;	float2 texcoord3 : TEXCOORD3;	float4 screenpos : TEXCOORD5;	#if WAVEHEIGHT > 0		float4 screenposclamp : TEXCOORD7;	#endif	float w : TEXCOORD6;};//------------------------------------------------------------WaterVertOut WaterVS (in float4 pos : POSITION) {	WaterVertOut OUT;	OUT.pos = float4 (pos.xy - offset, pos.zw);	// Calculate various texture coordinates	OUT.texcoord1 = OUT.pos.xy / 3900;	OUT.texcoord2 = OUT.pos.xy / 1104;	OUT.texcoord3 = OUT.pos.xy / 892;	#if WAVEHEIGHT > 0		float time = ticks / 2;		float height = tex3Dlod (s1, float4 (OUT.texcoord2, time, 0)).a - 0.5f;		float height2 = tex3Dlod (s1, float4 (OUT.texcoord1, time*0.56, 0)).a - 0.5f;		float dist = length (EyePos.xyz - OUT.pos.xyz);		//float addheight = WAVEHEIGHT * (lerp (height, height2, saturate (dist / 8000)) - 0.5f) * saturate (1 - dist / 6400) * saturate (dist / 200);		float addheight = WAVEHEIGHT * (0.65*height * saturate (1 - dist / 8000)  + height2) * saturate (1 - dist / 6400) * saturate (dist / 200);		float4 newPos = pos + float4 (0, 0, addheight, 0);		OUT.pos.zw = newPos.zw;		OUT.position = mul (newPos, world);		OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, view);		OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, proj);		OUT.w = OUT.position.w;		OUT.screenpos = mul (newPos , TexProj);		newPos = pos - float4 (0, 0, abs (addheight), 0);		OUT.screenposclamp = mul (newPos , TexProj);	#else		OUT.position = mul (pos, world);		OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, view);		OUT.position = mul (OUT.position, proj);		OUT.w = OUT.position.w;		OUT.screenpos = mul (pos, TexProj);	#endif	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float3 GetFinalWaterNormal (float2 texcoord1, float2 texcoord2, float2 texcoord3, float dist, float2 IN_pos_xy) : NORMAL {	// Calculate the W texture coordinate based on the time that has passed	float time = ticks / 2;	float3 tex1 = float3(texcoord1, time*0.56);	float3 tex2 = float3(texcoord2, time);		// Blend together the normals from different sized areas of the same texture.	float2 far_normal = tex3D (s5, tex1).rg;	float2 close_normal = tex3D (s5, tex2).rg;	#ifdef MGE_DYNAMICRIPPLES		// add ripples		#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300			close_normal.rg += tex2D (s2, texcoord3).ba; // rain			close_normal.rg += tex2D (s8, (IN_pos_xy - RippleOrigin) / waveTexWorldSize).ba * 2 - 1.5; // player		#else			close_normal.rg += (tex2D (s2, texcoord3).ba // rain			 + tex2D (s8, (IN_pos_xy - RippleOrigin) / waveTexWorldSize).ba) * 2 - 2; // player		#endif	#endif	//float2 normal_R = lerp (close_normal, far_normal, saturate (dist / 8000)) * 2 - 1;	float2 normal_R =  0.65*(close_normal * 2 - 1) * saturate (1 - dist / 8000) + (far_normal * 2 - 1);#if SEWERWAVE == 1 && SHADER_MODEL >= 300	//Add wave effect for each sewer location	for (int i=0; i<70; i++) {	// float2 tempCalc = IN_pos_xy-wLoc[i];	// if (length(tempCalc)<1280) {	//performing this calculation once per iteration (instead of twice) dramatically improves performance	float2 tempCalc = pow(IN_pos_xy.x-wLoc[i].x,2)+pow(IN_pos_xy.y-wLoc[i].y,2);	normal_R.rg += sin(fmod(sqrt(tempCalc),128)/(128/6.283185307) - 8*ticks)/max((tempCalc)/20480,4);	// float2 tempCalc2 = pow(tempCalc.x,2)+pow(tempCalc.y,2);	// normal_R.rg += sin(fmod(sqrt(tempCalc2),128)/(128/6.283185307) - 8*ticks)/max((tempCalc2)/20480,4);	// }}	//Big waves headed toward ghostgate	normal_R.rg += sin(fmod(sqrt(pow(IN_pos_xy.x-20000,2) + pow(IN_pos_xy.y-40000,2)),6144)/(6144/6.283185307) + ticks)/12;#endif	return normalize(float3(normal_R,1));}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 ReflectionShader (in WaterVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Calculate eye vector	float3 EyeVec = EyePos.xyz - IN.pos.xyz;	float dist = length (EyeVec);	EyeVec /= dist;	// Define % to Fog	#ifdef SCATTER		float4 fog = getFog_refl(-EyeVec, dist);	#else		float fog = getFog (dist);	#endif		// Calculate water normal	float3 normal = GetFinalWaterNormal (IN.texcoord1, IN.texcoord2, IN.texcoord3, dist, IN.pos.xy);	float2 Tex = IN.screenpos.xy / IN.w;		// reflection / refraction strength factor, wind strength increases distortion	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		//float2 reffactor = ((dist / 100 * _windfactor) + 0.1) * (normal.xy);		//float3 reffactor;				//reffactor.x = dot(-normal, float3(view[0][0],view[1][0],view[2][0]));		//reffactor.y = dot(-normal, float3(view[0][2],view[1][2],view[2][2]));		//reffactor.z = 1 - reffactor.y;		//reffactor *= ((dist / 100 * _windfactor) + 0.1).xxx;				// Distort refraction dependent on depth		float2 reffactor = 0.01 * _windfactor * normal.xy;	#else		// Distort refraction dependent on depth		float2 reffactor = 0.02 * normal.xy;	#endif	float2 newscrpos = Tex + reffactor.yx;			// Sample depth texture	float depth = tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w;	newscrpos = Tex + saturate (depth / 100) * reffactor.yx;	// Sample refraction texture	float3 Refract = tex2D (s4, newscrpos).rgb;	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		// Get distorted depth		//depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w);		depth = tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w;		if(depth < -1) depth = 1E6;		depth /= dot (-EyeVec, float3 (view [0][2], view [1][2], view [2][2]));		float depthscale = saturate (exp (-(depth) / 800));		float shorefactor = pow (depthscale, 25);		#ifdef SCATTER			float3 depthcolor = applyfog(_depthcolor,fog);		#else			float3 depthcolor = lerp (FogCol2, _depthcolor, fog);		#endif		// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on water depth		Refract = lerp (depthcolor, Refract, 0.8 * depthscale + 0.2 * shorefactor);		// Sample reflection texture		float3 Reflect = {0, 0, 0};		// float totalalpha;		if (EyePos.z < WaterLevel - 4) {			Reflect = _depthcolor;		} else {			#ifdef WATERBLUR				float blurwidth = (1 - EyeVec.z) * 0.005;								float2 scrpos = 				#if WAVEHEIGHT > 0					IN.screenposclamp.xy / IN.w				#else					Tex				#endif				 + float2(-2.5 * reffactor.x, 0.0015+abs (reffactor.y));				// unfolded blurring allows for better optimization				float2 shift = blurwidth * float2 (1, 0);				Reflect += 0.100 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb				 + tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);				shift = blurwidth * float2 (0.67, 0.33);				Reflect += 0.115 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb				 + tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);				shift = blurwidth * float2 (0.33, -0.33);				Reflect += 0.135 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb				 + tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);				shift = float2 (0.0, blurwidth * 0.67);				Reflect += 0.150 * (tex2D (s0, scrpos + shift).rgb				 + tex2D (s0, scrpos - shift).rgb);				 			#else				Reflect = tex2D (s0, 				#if WAVEHEIGHT > 0					IN.screenposclamp.xy / IN.w				#else					Tex				#endif				+ float2 (-2.5 * reffactor.x, 0.0015+abs (reffactor.y)));			#endif		}		#ifdef SCATTER			//Reflect = applyfog(Reflect, fog);			Reflect = lerp (Reflect, applyfog(Reflect, fog),saturate((EyePos.z-WaterLevel)/7168.0));			float3 adjustnormal = lerp (float3 (0, 0, 0.1), normal, pow (saturate (1.05 * fog.a), 2));		#else			Reflect = lerp (FogCol2, Reflect, fog);			float3 adjustnormal = lerp (float3 (0, 0, 0.1), normal, pow (saturate (1.05 * fog), 2));		#endif		adjustnormal = lerp (adjustnormal, float3 (0, 0, 1.0), (1 - EyeVec.z) * (1 - saturate (1 / (dist / 1000 + 1))));		float fresnel = dot (EyeVec, adjustnormal);		fresnel = 0.02 + pow (saturate (0.9988 - 0.28 * fresnel), 16);		float3 Result = lerp (Refract, Reflect, fresnel);		// Specular lighting		float reflection = saturate (1.0025 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));		float3 spec = SunCollf * (pow (reflection, 150) + 0.07 * pow (reflection, 4));		// smooth transition at shore line		#ifdef SCATTER			Result = lerp (Result + spec * fog.a, Refract, shorefactor * fog.a);		#else			Result = lerp (Result + spec * fog, Refract, shorefactor * fog);		#endif	#else		// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on water depth		Refract = lerp (Refract, _depthcolor, saturate (depth / 1500 + 0.3));		float3 Reflect = tex2D (s0, Tex - float2 (2.5 * reffactor.x, -abs (reffactor.y))) / 2;		float fresnel = saturate (dot (EyeVec, float3 (0, 0, 1)) * 1.5);		float3 Result = lerp (Reflect, Refract, fresnel);		//Specular lighting		float reflection = saturate (dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));		float3 spec = SunCollf * pow (reflection, 150);		// Additional Specular		spec += pow (dot (normal, float3 (0, 0, 1)), 100) * SunAmb / 12; // gives water a shiny look		// smooth transition at shore line		Result += spec;		Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, fog);	#endif		return float4 (Result, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 NonReflectionShader (in WaterVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Calculate eye vector	float3 EyeVec = (EyePos - IN.pos.xyz);	float dist = length (EyeVec);	EyeVec /= dist;	// Define % to Fog	//float fog = saturate ((FogRange - dist) / FogRangeMinusStart);	float fog = getFogAlpha (dist);		// Calculate water normal	float3 normal = GetFinalWaterNormal (IN.texcoord1, IN.texcoord2, IN.texcoord3, dist, IN.pos.xy);	float2 Tex = IN.screenpos.xy / IN.w;		// reflection / refraction strength factor, wind strength increases distortion	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		float2 reffactor = 0.008 * _windfactor * normal.xy;	#else		float2 reffactor = 0.02 * normal.xy;	#endif	// Distort refraction dependent on depth	float2 newscrpos = Tex + reffactor.yx;	// Sample depth texture	float depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w);	newscrpos = Tex + saturate (depth / 100) * reffactor.yx;	// Sample refraction texture	float3 Refract = tex2D (s4, newscrpos).rgb;	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		// Get distorted depth		depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, newscrpos).r - IN.w);		depth /= dot (-EyeVec, float3 (view [0][2], view [1][2], view [2][2]));		float depthscale = saturate (exp (-depth / 800));		float shorefactor = pow (depthscale, 25);		// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on water depth		Refract = lerp (_depthcolor, Refract, 0.8 * depthscale + 0.2 * shorefactor);		float fresnel = dot (EyeVec, lerp (normal, float3 (0, 0, 1), (1 - EyeVec.z) * (1 - exp (-dist / 2500)))) * fog;		fresnel = 0.02 + pow (saturate (0.9988 - 0.28 * fresnel), 16);		float3 Reflect = (FogCol2 + SkyCol) * 0.4;		if (SunVec.z > 0.9) {			Reflect = FogCol2 * 0.55;		}		Reflect = lerp (FogCol2, Reflect, fog);		float3 Result = lerp (Refract, Reflect, fresnel);		// Specular lighting		float reflection = saturate (1.0025 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));		float3 spec = SunCollf * (pow (reflection, 150) + 0.07 * pow (reflection, 4)) * fog;		Result = lerp (Result + spec, Refract, shorefactor * fog);	#else		// Make transition between actual refraction image and depth color depending on water depth		Refract = lerp (Refract, _depthcolor, saturate (depth / 1500 + 0.3));		float fresnel = saturate(dot(EyeVec,float3(0,0,1)));		float3 Reflect = SkyCol / 2;		float3 Result = lerp (Reflect, Refract, saturate(fresnel*(depth+2)));		//Specular lighting		float reflection = saturate (1.0025 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (-SunPos, normal)));		float3 spec = SunCollf * pow (reflection, 150);		// Additional Specular		spec += pow (dot (normal, float3 (0, 0, 1)), 100) * SunAmb / 12; // gives water a shiny look		Result += spec;		//Fogging		Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, fog);	#endif	return float4 (Result, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 UnderWaterPS (in WaterVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Calculate eye vector	float3 EyeVec = (EyePos - IN.pos.xyz);	float dist = length (EyeVec);	EyeVec /= dist;	// Calculate water normal	float3 normal = -GetFinalWaterNormal (IN.texcoord1, IN.texcoord2, IN.texcoord3, dist, IN.pos.xy);	float2 Tex = IN.screenpos.xy / IN.w;		// Define % to Fog	// #ifdef EXPFOG	// 	float fog = exp (-2 * dist / FogRange);	// #else	// 	float fog = saturate (1 - (dist / FogRange));	// 	fog *= fog;	// #endif	float fog = getFogAlpha (dist);	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		// reflection / refraction strength factor, wind strength increases distortion		// float2 reffactor = -((dist / 20 * (_windfactor)) + 0.25) * float2 (		//	dot (normal, float3 (view [0][0], view [1][0], view [2][0])), 		//	dot (normal, float3 (view [0][1], view [1][1], view [2][1]))		// );		float2 reffactor = 0.016 * _windfactor * normal.xy;	#else		float2 reffactor = 0.05 * normal.xy;	#endif	// Sample depth texture	float depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, Tex + reffactor.xy).r - IN.w);	float depthfactor = saturate (depth / 150);	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		depth = max (0, tex2D (s7, Tex + depthfactor * reffactor.xy).r - IN.w);	#else		depth = tex2D (s7, Tex + depthfactor * reffactor.xy).r - IN.w;	#endif	// Sample refraction texture	float3 Refract = tex2D (s4, Tex + depthfactor * reffactor.xy).rgb;	depthfactor = saturate (depth / 150);	// Specular lighting	float reflection = saturate (1.005 * dot (EyeVec, reflect (float3 (-SunPos.x, -SunPos.y, SunPos.z), normal)));	float3 Specular = saturate (1.5 * SunCollf) * (pow (reflection, 120) + 0.07 * pow (reflection, 2));	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		Refract += Specular * depthfactor * fog;	#else		Refract += Specular;	#endif	// fresnel factor	// float fresnel = saturate (dot (EyeVec, normal / float3 ((1.0 + 0.5 * normal.z).xx, 1)));	float fresnel = saturate (dot (EyeVec, normal));	fresnel = 0.4 * pow (saturate (1.3 - fresnel), 8) * fog;	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		if (SunVec.z > 0.9) fresnel *= 0.6;	#endif	float3 Result = Refract * (1 - fresnel * depthfactor);	// Realistic Fresnel	// fresnel = saturate (0.015 / max (0.01, fresnel - 0.645) - 0.02);	// Refract = tex2Dproj (s4, IN.screenpos + float4 (reffactor.xy, 0, 0) / (1.001 - fresnel)).rgb;	// float3 Result = lerp (Refract, FogCol2, fresnel);	return float4 (Result, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------struct LandVertOut {	float4 pos: POSITION;	float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD1;	float3 position: TEXCOORD2;	FOGTYPE fog : TEXCOORD3;};//------------------------------------------------------------LandVertOut LandscapeVertexShader (float4 pos: POSITION, float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0) {	LandVertOut OUT;	// Define % to Fog	#ifdef EXPFOG		float3 EyeVec = pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		#ifdef SCATTER			OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);		#else			OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));		#endif	#else		float dist = length (pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);		OUT.fog = getFog (dist);	#endif	// Lower vertices that are close to the camera to ensure they are always below it	float disp = lerp (200, 0, saturate (dist / 2000));	pos.z -= disp;	// OUT.pos = mul (pos, worldviewproj);	OUT.pos = mul (pos, world);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	OUT.texcoord = texcoord;	OUT.position = pos.xyz;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 LandscapePixelShader (in LandVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Normalize incoming normal	float3 normal = normalize (tex2D (s1, IN.texcoord).rgb * 2 - 1);	// World Texture	float3 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoord).rgb;	// Detail Texture	float detail = tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 1064).g + 0.5;	detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 333).g + 0.5;	detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 90).g + 0.5;	// Lighting	Result *= detail * saturate ((saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol) + SunAmb);	// Define % to Fog	#ifdef EXPFOG		#ifdef SCATTER			Result = applyfog( Result, IN.fog );		#else			Result = lerp (IN.fog.rgb, Result, IN.fog.a);		#endif		return float4 (Result, 1 - IN.fog.a);	#else		Result = lerp (FogCol2, Result, IN.fog);		return float4 (Result, 1 - IN.fog);	#endif}//------------------------------------------------------------struct LandRefVertOut {	float4 pos: POSITION;	float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD1;	REFFOGTYPE fog : TEXCOORD2;	float height : TEXCOORD3;};//------------------------------------------------------------LandRefVertOut LandscapeRefVS (float4 pos: POSITION, float2 texcoord: TEXCOORD0) {	LandRefVertOut OUT;	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		//// Lower vertices so there are fewer seams visible in the reflection		// pos.z -= 20 * saturate (1 - (pos.z / 100));		float3 EyeVec = float3 (pos.xy, TwiceWaterLevel - pos.z) - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		// Define % to Fog		#ifdef EXPFOG			#ifdef SCATTER				OUT.fog = getFog_refl(EyeVec*float3(1,1,-1),dist);			#else				//OUT.fog = saturate (exp ( -(max (0, pos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / ExpFogRangeMinusStart));				OUT.fog = saturate (exp ( -(max (0, pos.z) / (0.0001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart));			#endif						#else			OUT.fog = saturate (				getFog (dist) / 				(0.001 + saturate ((FogRange - (EyePos.z - WaterLevel) / (0.001 + saturate (-EyeVec.z))) / FogRangeMinusStart))			);		#endif	#else		// Lower vertices so there are fewer seams visible in the reflection		// pos.z -= 100;		// Define % to Fog		OUT.fog = getFog (length (pos.xyz - EyePos.xyz));	#endif	// OUT.pos = mul (pos, worldviewproj);	OUT.pos = mul (pos, world);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	OUT.texcoord = texcoord;	// Define height of pixel for clipping to water plane	OUT.height = pos.z;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 LandscapeRefPS (in LandRefVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Clip to water plane	clip (IN.height + 4 - WaterLevel);	#ifdef SCATTER		clip (IN.fog.a - 0.001);	#else		clip (IN.fog - 0.001);	#endif	// Normalize incoming normal	float3 normal = normalize (tex2D (s1, IN.texcoord).rgb * 2 - 1);	// World Texture	float3 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoord).rgb;	// Detail Texture	float detail = tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 1064).g + 0.5;	detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 333).g + 0.5;	detail *= tex2D (s2, IN.texcoord * 90).g + 0.5;	// Lighting	Result *= detail * saturate ((saturate (dot (-SunVec, normal)) * SunCol) + SunAmb);	// let reflections fade to water color	#ifdef SCATTER		Result.rgb = applyfog(Result.rgb,IN.fog);	#else		Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);	#endif	//return float4 (Result, saturate (3.5 * IN.fog));	return float4 (Result, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------struct GrassVertIn {	float4 pos : POSITION;	float3 normal : NORMAL;	float4 color : COLOR0;	float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;};//------------------------------------------------------------struct GrassVertOut {	float4 pos : POSITION;	float2 texcoords : TEXCOORD0;	float3 color : COLOR0;	FOGTYPE fog : TEXCOORD1;	float4 screenpos: TEXCOORD4;	float blend : TEXCOORD5;};//------------------------------------------------------------GrassVertOut GrassVS (GrassVertIn IN) {	GrassVertOut OUT;	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;// Animate grass	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);	//distance to grass for range	float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);	float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;	float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;	float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;	float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;	float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;	float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;	//grass offset for bendingfloat2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);//interactive grassif ( gdist < 100 ) {	//bend	worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/(25+gdist) * 3500;	worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;} else {	worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;}	// Define % to Fog	#ifdef EXPFOG		float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		#ifdef SCATTER			OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);		#else			OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));		#endif	#else		float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);		OUT.fog = getFog (dist);	#endif	// Define % to Blend	OUT.blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - dist) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	// Texture Projection	OUT.screenpos = mul (worldpos, TexProj);	// Lighting	OUT.color = (SunCol * 0.25) + SunAmb;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------GrassVertOut GrassInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {	GrassVertOut OUT;	// Pack instance transform	float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;	// Define % to Fog	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, worldmat);	#ifdef EXPFOG		float3 EyeVec = worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz;		float dist = length (EyeVec);		EyeVec /= dist;		#ifdef SCATTER			OUT.fog = getFog (EyeVec,dist);		#else			OUT.fog = float4 (skyfogblend (EyeVec.z), getFog (dist));		#endif	#else		float dist = length (worldpos.xyz - EyePos.xyz);		OUT.fog = getFog (dist);	#endif	OUT.blend = 1 - (saturate ((GrassDist - dist) / (GrassDist / 5)));	OUT.blend += 0.4;	OUT.screenpos = 0;// Animate grass	//distance to grass for range	float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);	float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;	float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;	float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;	float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;	float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;	float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;	//grass offset for bendingfloat2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);//interactive grassif ( gdist < 100 ) {	//bend	worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/(25+gdist) * 3500;	worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;} else {	worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;}	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	// Lighting	OUT.color = (SunCol * 0.25) + SunAmb;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 GrassPS (GrassVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	float4 Result = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords);	// clip (Result.a - 0.4);	// Lighting	Result.rgb *= IN.color;	// Fogging	#ifdef EXPFOG		#ifdef SCATTER			Result.rgb = applyfog( Result.rgb, IN.fog );		#else			Result.rgb = lerp (IN.fog.rgb, Result.rgb, IN.fog.a);		#endif	#else		Result.rgb = lerp (FogCol2, Result.rgb, IN.fog);	#endif	// Blending	Result.a = saturate (Result.a * AlphaMultiplier) * IN.blend;	return float4 (Result.rgb, Result.a);}//------------------------------------------------------------struct BlendDepthVertIn {	float4 pos : POSITION;	float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;};//------------------------------------------------------------struct ScreenVertOut {	float4 pos: POSITION;	float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;};//------------------------------------------------------------ScreenVertOut ScreenQuadVS (in BlendDepthVertIn IN) {	ScreenVertOut OUT;	OUT.pos = mul (IN.pos, world);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	OUT.texcoord = IN.texcoord;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 BlendDepthPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// return float4 (tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord).rgb, 1);	float3 color = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord).rgb;	float depth = tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord).r;	depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(PixelWidth, 0)).r, depth);	depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(-PixelWidth, 0)).r, depth);	depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(0, PixelHeight)).r, depth);	depth = min( tex2D (s0, IN.texcoord + float2(0, -PixelHeight)).r, depth);	//// Display depth buffer for testing	// depth = 1 - saturate (depth / FogRange);	// return float4 (depth, depth, depth, 1);	// Define % to Blend	float blend = saturate ((BlendEnd - depth) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart));	//// Display blend for testing	//return float4( blend, blend, blend, 1 );	return float4 (color, 1 - blend);}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 ClearDepthPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	return float4 (FLT_MAX / 2, 1, 1, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------// float blur_weights [4] = { 0.47442968, 0.23392642, 0.02804153, 0.00081723 };float blur_weights [7] = { 0.199471, 0.176033, 0.120985, 0.064759, 0.026995, 0.008764, 0.002216 };float2 TwelveKernel [12];//------------------------------------------------------------float4 HorizontalBlurPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	float4 Original = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord);	float3 Blurred = 0;	float total_weight = 0;	// Early out to prevent night sky blur - tetchy	if (Original.a >= 0.9999) {		return Original;	} else {		for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {			float4 Current = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + TwelveKernel [i]);			float weight = saturate (Original.a * Current.a);			Blurred += Current.rgb * weight;			total_weight += weight;		}		Blurred = (Blurred + Original.rgb) / (total_weight + 1.0);		return float4 (Blurred, Original.a);	}}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 VerticalBlurPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	float4 orig_color = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord);	// return float4 (orig_color.a, orig_color.a, orig_color.a, orig_color.a);	// Early out to prevent night sky blur - tetchy	if (orig_color.a >= 0.9999) {		return orig_color;	} else {		float2 offset = float2 (0, PixelHeight);		float4 color = 0;		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 6) * blur_weights [6];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 5) * blur_weights [5];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 4) * blur_weights [4];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 3) * blur_weights [3];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset * 2) * blur_weights [2];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord - offset) * blur_weights [1];		color += orig_color * blur_weights [0];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset) * blur_weights [1];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 2) * blur_weights [2];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 3) * blur_weights [3];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 4) * blur_weights [4];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 5) * blur_weights [5];		color += tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord + offset * 6) * blur_weights [6];		float blur = saturate (color.a * orig_color.a);	//// Don't let the sky get too blurry// test no longer needed - tetchy	// if (orig_color.a <= 0.0001) {	// blur = max (0.75, blur);	// }		color.rgb = lerp (color.rgb, orig_color.rgb, blur);		return float4 (color.rgb, orig_color.a);	}}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 CopyAndSetAlphaPS (ScreenVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	float3 color = tex2D (s4, IN.texcoord).rgb;	return float4 (color, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------struct RenderDepthVertOut {	float4 pos: POSITION;	float4 position: TEXCOORD0;	// float4 col: COLOR0;	float2 texcoords: TEXCOORD1;};//------------------------------------------------------------RenderDepthVertOut GrassDepthVS (GrassVertIn IN) {	RenderDepthVertOut OUT;	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;// Animate grass	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);	//distance to grass for range	float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);	float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;	float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;	float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;	float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;	float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;	float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;	//grass offset for bendingfloat2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);//interactive grassif ( gdist < 100 ) {	//bend	worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/(25+gdist) * 3500;	worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;} else {	worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;}	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	OUT.position = OUT.pos;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 GrassDepthPS (RenderDepthVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	// Apply alpha testing	float alpha = tex2D (s3, IN.texcoords).a;	clip (alpha - 0.5);	return float4 (IN.position.w, 1, 1, 1);}//------------------------------------------------------------RenderDepthVertOut GrassDepthInstVS (StatInstVertIn IN) {	RenderDepthVertOut OUT;	// Pack instance transform	float4x4 worldmat = float4x4 (IN.m1, IN.m2, IN.m3, IN.m4);	OUT.texcoords = IN.texcoords;// Animate grass	float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);	//distance to grass for range	float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);	float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;	float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;	float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;	float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;	float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;	float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;	//grass offset for bendingfloat2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;float2 bend_direction = (worldpos.xy - EyePos.xy);//interactive grassif ( gdist < 100 ) {	//bend	worldpos.xy += (bend_direction)/abs(bend_direction)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/(25+gdist) * 3500;	worldpos.xy += (gdist)/100*( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;} else {	worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;}	// Projection	OUT.pos = mul (worldpos, view);	OUT.pos = mul (OUT.pos, proj);	OUT.position = OUT.pos;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------struct CausticsVertOut {	float4 pos: POSITION;	float2 tex : TEXCOORD0;};//------------------------------------------------------------CausticsVertOut CausticsVS (in BlendDepthVertIn IN) {	CausticsVertOut OUT;	OUT.pos = mul (IN.pos, proj);	OUT.tex = IN.texcoord;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------float4 CausticsPS (in CausticsVertOut IN): COLOR0 {	float3 color = tex2D(s4, IN.tex);		float depth = tex2D( s7, IN.tex ).r;	float fog = getFogAlpha(depth);	float blend = saturate( (BlendEnd - depth) / (BlendEnd - BlendStart) );		float3 eyevec = float3(view[0][2],view[1][2],view[2][2]);	eyevec += (1/proj[0][0] * (2*IN.tex.x-1)).xxx * float3(view[0][0],view[1][0],view[2][0]);	eyevec += (-1/proj[1][1] * (2*IN.tex.y-1)).xxx * float3(view[0][1],view[1][1],view[2][1]);		float3 uwpos = EyePos + eyevec * depth;	uwpos.z -= WaterLevel;	float sunraypath = (uwpos.z / SunVec.z);	float caust = tex3D (s5, float3( (uwpos - SunVec * sunraypath).xy / 1104, ticks/2) ).b;	color *= 1.00 + caust * blend * ( max (-uwpos.z, 0) * saturate(exp (uwpos.z / 400)) ) * fog * fog * cauststr;		return float4(color,1);}//------------------------------------------------------------ScreenVertOut WaveVS (in BlendDepthVertIn IN) {	ScreenVertOut OUT;	OUT.pos = mul (IN.pos, proj);	OUT.texcoord = IN.texcoord;	return OUT;}//------------------------------------------------------------static const float waveTexRcpRes2 = 1.5 * waveTexRcpRes;//------------------------------------------------------------float4 WavePS (in float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0): COLOR0 {	float4 c = 2 * tex2D (s6, Tex) - (1.0).xxxx;	float4 ret = {0, c.r, 0, 0};	float4 n = {		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (waveTexRcpRes, 0)).r, 		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (-waveTexRcpRes, 0)).r, 		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, waveTexRcpRes)).r, 		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, -waveTexRcpRes)).r	};	float4 n2 = {		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (waveTexRcpRes2, 0)).r, 		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (-waveTexRcpRes2, 0)).r, 		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, waveTexRcpRes2)).r, 		tex2D (s6, Tex + float2 (0, -waveTexRcpRes2)).r	};	n = 2 * n - (1.0).xxxx;	// n2 = 2 * n2 - (1.0).xxxx;	float nsum = n.x + n.y + n.z + n.w;	// dampened discrete two - dimensional wave equation	// red channel: u (t)	// green channel: u (t - 1)	// u (t + 1) = (1 - udamp) * u (t) + a * (nsum - 4 * u (t)) + (1 - vdamp) * (u (t) - u (t - 1))	//		= a * nsum + ((2 - udamp - vdamp) - 4 * a) * u (t) - (1 - vdamp) * u (t - 1);	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300		ret.r = 0.14 * nsum + (1.96 - 0.56) * c.r - 0.98 * c.g;	#else		ret.r = 0.10 * nsum + (1.96 - 0.40) * c.r - 0.98 * c.g;	#endif	// if (abs (ret.r) < 0.01) ret.r = 0;	// if (abs (ret.g) < 0.01) ret.g = 0;	// calculate normal map	ret.ba = 2 * (n.xy - n.zw) + (n2.xy - n2.zw);	ret = 0.5f * ret + (0.5f).xxxx;	return ret;}//------------------------------------------------------------static const float playerWaveSize = 12.0f / waveTexWorldSize; // 12 world units radius//------------------------------------------------------------float4 PlayerWavePS (in float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0): COLOR0 {	float4 ret = tex2D (s6, Tex);	float wavesize = (1.0 + 0.055 * sin (16 * ticks) + 0.065 * sin (12.87645 * ticks)) * playerWaveSize;	ret.rg *= saturate (2 * abs (length (Tex - RippleOrigin) / wavesize - 1));	return ret;}//------------------------------------------------------------Technique T0 {	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used to render the reflected landscape	Pass P00 {		#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300			AlphaBlendEnable = true;			SRCBLEND = SRCALPHA;			DESTBLEND = INVSRCALPHA;		#else			AlphaBlendEnable = false;		#endif		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300			CullMode = CCW;		#else			CullMode = None;		#endif		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM LandscapeRefVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM LandscapeRefPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used to render the landscape	Pass P01 {		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		CullMode = CW;		FogEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM LandscapeVertexShader ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM LandscapePixelShader ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used to render the water in SM 2.0 mode	Pass P02 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		CullMode = CW;		FogEnable = false;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM ReflectionShader ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used to render the water in SM 3.0 mode	Pass P03 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		CullMode = CW;		FogEnable = false;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM ReflectionShader ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering distant statics	Pass P04 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = CW;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering the water from underneath	Pass P05 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		CullMode = CCW;		FogEnable = false;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM UnderWaterPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering water in non - reflective mode	Pass P06 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		CullMode = CW;		FogEnable = false;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaterVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM NonReflectionShader ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering reflected statics	Pass P07 {		#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300			AlphaBlendEnable = true;			SRCBLEND = SRCALPHA;			DESTBLEND = INVSRCALPHA;			AlphaTestEnable = false;		#else			AlphaBlendEnable = false;		#endif		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = CCW;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticReflectionVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticReflectionPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering the lowest possible land out into infinity	Pass P08 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300			AlphaTestEnable = false;		#endif		CullMode = CW;		FogEnable = false;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = false;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM LowestLandVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM LowestLandPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering distant statics with HW instancing	Pass P09 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = CW;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticInstVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering reflected distant statics with HW instancing	Pass P10 {		#if SHADER_MODEL >= 300			AlphaBlendEnable = true;			SRCBLEND = SRCALPHA;			DESTBLEND = INVSRCALPHA;			AlphaTestEnable = false;		#else			AlphaBlendEnable = false;		#endif		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = CCW;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM StaticReflectionInstVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM StaticReflectionPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering grass	Pass P11 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering grass with instancing	Pass P12 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassInstVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for blending what Morrowind draws with what MGE draws	Pass P13 {		AlphaBlendEnable = true;		SRCBLEND = SRCALPHA;		DESTBLEND = INVSRCALPHA;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = false;		ZWriteEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM BlendDepthPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for horizontal blurring	Pass P14 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = false;		ZWriteEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM HorizontalBlurPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for vertical blurring	Pass P15 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = false;		ZWriteEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM VerticalBlurPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used to copy a texture to the screen while also setting alpha to 0	Pass P16 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = false;		ZWriteEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM ScreenQuadVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM CopyAndSetAlphaPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering grass depth	Pass P17 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassDepthVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassDepthPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering grass depth with instancing	Pass P18 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM GrassDepthInstVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM GrassDepthPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for rendering the underwater caustic lighting	Pass P19 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = false;		ZWriteEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM CausticsVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM CausticsPS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for calculating waves	Pass P20 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = false;		ZWriteEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaveVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM WavePS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used for creating ripples around PC	Pass P21 {		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		CullMode = None;		ZEnable = false;		ZWriteEnable = false;		VertexShader = compile VS_SM WaveVS ();		PixelShader = compile PS_SM PlayerWavePS ();	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	// Used to set up the render state	Pass Zero { // 22		AlphaBlendEnable = false;		AlphaTestEnable = false;		FogEnable = false;		FogColor = ;		ColorVertex = false;		Lighting = false;		ZEnable = true;		ZWriteEnable = true;		ZFunc = LessEqual;		StencilEnable = false;		ColorWriteEnable = red | green | blue;		CullMode = CCW;		ShadeMode = gouraud;		ColorOp [0] = selectarg1;		ColorOp [1] = disable;		AlphaOp [0] = disable;		AlphaOp [1] = disable;		ResultArg [0] = current;		Texture [0] = null;		Texture [1] = null;		Texture [2] = null;		Texture [3] = null;		Texture [4] = null;		Texture [5] = null;		Texture [6] = null;		Texture [7] = null;		TexCoordIndex [0] = 0;		TexCoordIndex [1] = 1;		TexCoordIndex [2] = 2;		TexCoordIndex [3] = 3;		TexCoordIndex [4] = 4;		TexCoordIndex [5] = 5;		TexCoordIndex [6] = 6;		TexCoordIndex [7] = 7;		TextureTransformFlags [0] = 0;		TextureTransformFlags [1] = 0;		TextureTransformFlags [2] = 0;		TextureTransformFlags [3] = 0;		TextureTransformFlags [4] = 0;		TextureTransformFlags [5] = 0;		TextureTransformFlags [6] = 0;		TextureTransformFlags [7] = 0;		MagFilter [0] = Linear;		MinFilter [0] = Linear;		MipFilter [0] = Linear;		Clipping = true;	}	//------------------------------------------------------------	//Used for rendering the sky	Pass W // 23	{		AlphaBlendEnable=false;		AlphaTestEnable=false;		FogEnable=false;		CullMode=None;		ZEnable=false;		ZWriteEnable=false;		#ifdef SCATTER			VertexShader = compile VS_SM SkyVS();			PixelShader = compile PS_SM SkyPS();		#endif	}}

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Josh Trembly
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Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:13 am

That didn't work, Matilija. I have no idea what it might be, but I've tried copy/pasting everyone's .fx files and it never works, which is why I asked someone to just upload their ingame.fx to a filehost (like zshare or something) so I could try that since I've pretty much tried everything else and can't imagine what I might be doing wrong.
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carrie roche
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Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:42 pm

That didn't work, Matilija. I have no idea what it might be, but I've tried copy/pasting everyone's .fx files and it never works, which is why I asked someone to just upload their ingame.fx to a filehost (like zshare or something) so I could try that since I've pretty much tried everything else and can't imagine what I might be doing wrong.

......heh, I just realized, I'm probably using a different version of mge than you, I'm using Phal's latest beta, which version are you using? If you are using phal's v5, than redownload that, and just replace the d3d8.dll, and see if thats your problem, I know when I first d'ld it I didn't replace it because I didn't realize it was different than his v4 version, but it sure is......anyways, best advice I got. :?
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Eibe Novy
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Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:55 pm

That didn't work, Matilija. I have no idea what it might be, but I've tried copy/pasting everyone's .fx files and it never works, which is why I asked someone to just upload their ingame.fx to a filehost (like zshare or something) so I could try that since I've pretty much tried everything else and can't imagine what I might be doing wrong.

Find line 1263, delete it.

Find line 1552, delete it.

float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

What was wrong is:
Search for
//Animate grass

there is a line
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

in 2 of those 4 instances.
Move this line above "//animate grass" line.

You skipped moving it. I've foreseen that could happen, so I asked moving it. ;)
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luis dejesus
Posts: 3451
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Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:54 pm

vtastek, line 1263 is a } and line 1552 is just a break (no text)

Did you mean for me to delete lines 1262 (return float4 (Result, 1);) and line 1553 (return float4 (Blurred, Original.a);)?

I'm confused about the second part of your instructions, too. You want me to move float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world); above //Animate Grass but only in two of the instances. Which two? The first two I am assuming and I will try that.
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:10 pm

vtastek, line 1263 is a } and line 1552 is just a break (no text)

Did you mean for me to delete lines 1262 (return float4 (Result, 1);) and line 1553 (return float4 (Blurred, Original.a);)?

I'm confused about the second part of your instructions, too. You want me to move float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world); above //Animate Grass but only in two of the instances. Which two? The first two I am assuming and I will try that.

I downloaded the version you posted. Have you changed it since?

If you start over, yes move the float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world); just above //Animate Grass line and paste the grass code suggestions without the float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world); part. Obviously if it is not below //Animate Grass line, you can't do that. ;) This happens in two of those instances. Because of this, there is a possibility to have worldpos defined for a second time which produces an error. I checked in MGEgui, you can paste the code and hit validate. It will show the errors.

Redefinition of worldpos line 1263

This program will help.
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Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:11 pm

I just did as you instructed, vtastek. I started over, then made the changes you suggested. Once again, starting from Phal's latest.

Here it is. It still doesn't work and still gives me the same errors: http://www.zshare.net/download/788576056b9451b0/

I'm using notepad++, by the way. I had been using it awhile ago for other things, but never got around to installing it on this computer. Now I have, so feel free to give me line numbers, though if you do please also specify if you are counting on the line numbers changing when I delete them.
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Angel Torres
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Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:27 pm

I just did as you instructed, vtastek. I started over, then made the changes you suggested. Once again, starting from Phal's latest.

Here it is. It still doesn't work and still gives me the same errors: http://www.zshare.net/download/788576056b9451b0/

I'm using notepad++, by the way. I had been using it awhile ago for other things, but never got around to installing it on this computer. Now I have, so feel free to give me line numbers, though if you do please also specify if you are counting on the line numbers changing when I delete them.

There are 4 intances of grass code.

Search for
//Animate grass

there is a line
float4 worldpos = mul (IN.pos, world);

in 2 of those 4 instances.
Move this line above "//animate grass" line.

Then it will look like this, all 4 instances:
//Animate grass		float height = clamp(IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;		float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;			float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;	float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;	float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;	float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;		worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;

then change that part with

// Animate grass		//distance to grass for range	float gdist = length(worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy);	float height = clamp (IN.pos.z, 0, 100) / 100;	float2 wind = WindVec * 2.5 + 0.25;	float2 pos_ticks1 = worldpos.xy / 1000 + ticks;	float2 pos_ticks2 = worldpos.xy / 750 + ticks * 2;	float2 pos_ticks3 = worldpos.xy / 500 + ticks * 3;	float2 pos_ticks4 = worldpos.xy / 200 + ticks * 4;	//grass offset for bending	float2 bend_ticks1 = (worldpos.xy - PlayerPos.xy)/1000 * 1/gdist;	//interactive grassif ( gdist < 100 ) {	//bend	worldpos.xy += (bend_ticks1)/abs(bend_ticks1)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/(25+gdist) * 3500;} else {	worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;}

This time, you accidentally delete the last line.


When you changed the code it should end like this:
	worldpos.xy += (bend_ticks1)/abs(bend_ticks1)*(cos(bend_ticks1)) * height * 1/(25+gdist) * 3500;} else {	worldpos.xy += ( sin(pos_ticks1) + cos(pos_ticks2) + sin(pos_ticks3) + cos(pos_ticks4) ) * height * wind * 10;}}

You probably included the last "}" when editing.
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Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:26 pm

Woo! Finally got interactive grass working. :3 Thankyou -so much-, guys.

Here's a link for anyone that can't get the copy/pasted .fx's in this thread to work:

The effect is quite nice. I think the grass meshes could be optimized a bit for this kind of thing, but as it stands it's far better than no interaction at all. It's unfortunate that this effect is limited to the player character as well (I knew it would be of course), but I suppose checking for the positions of every NPC in a cell would get a little... erm... intensive.
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:39 pm

Wow, can't wait to try this.
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Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:29 pm

Thanks Enzo Dragon for sharing the .fx and thanks to tomerk ofcourse :)
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Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 3:31 pm

I suppose one has to make a version that works with Hrnchamd's MGE now as well. Back to drawing board. Shouldn't be to hard I hope.
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Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:08 am

Wow, this is awesome. Amazing what I've missed
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:25 pm

I feel really silly for asking this, but what is actually required for this to work? In my eagerness to try this out, I simply downloaded the ingame.fx and replaced my current file with it. The results were... not pretty -_- I'm assuming that the main problem is an incorrect version of mge, but I can't seem to figure out which version is required, and where it can be found...

Edit: Never mind, I found the latest version and it works now, sorry >.<
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