@Renee - Unfortunately, one of the marketing points of the game is its longevity.
I agree. As I said, I've been able to get about 360 hours per game character.
Even Morrowind's Xbox GOTY edition makes the claim of "100+ Hours of Exciting New Gameplay from the Bloodmoon and Tribunal Expansions". I imagine it won't be difficult to find similar claims made by Bethesda concerning Oblivion GOTY. Bethesda makes no effort to inform the purchaser, either before or after, that the game in fact 'breaks' if you play it too long. Imagine if every company acted as Bethesda. That 10 year/100,000 mile drivetrain warranty?
Dude. Seriously.

I don't know what you spent on your game, but I spent just over $20, and I feel I've gotten waaaay more than I paid for. You're acting like you just bought a new house or something.
Bah...you got 7 years and 85,000 miles out of it and that's more than most cars so just...deal with it...we're not fixing it. LOL. I'd LOVE to see a lawyer representing Bethesda try that approach. Makes me wonder why there are any cases won at all on behalf of the consumer if companies can just 'explain' their reasons for not fixing something and be done with it. /sarcasm
The sad thing is you're not really being sarcastic. Let me ask you, did you literally just join these forums just to post this?
I guess we'll see soon enough. I've contacted one of the partners of the lawfirm (the two have since parted ways) that handled the Activision class action lawsuit, informing them that I wish to initiate a class action against Bethesda.

Well good luck with that I guess! :facepalm: You know you're getting all huffy over (get ready) a VIDEOGAME, right!
Hey, look I was pissed when I lost my first game. I was pissed for about 20 minutes, that is. Then I moved on. That's how awesome this game is (I feel). I can just start it over, and I enjoyed doing so.
I recommend you (whoever you are; I get the feeling you're not even a gamer) put all this energy of yours to really doing something
productive. Go help the folks in Mississippi prepare for flooding, or sue one of the mayors down there for not getting their levees properly built. Or something! Something other than
trying to get us riled up over a videogame most of us love!