I am not very skilled with modding. I am unsure of my approach to make this work for people who do not already have forests in Falensarano or those who have them already without doubling.
My take on this:
A. Vibrant Morrowind 4.O included 'Gardeners of Morrowind' where Ayse had created the Falensarano Forest.
B. Vibrant Trees 2.0 increased the tree count in Falensarano Forest.
Then to work this for everyone I need to pack the resources for every change in cells which I consider Falensarano Forest. How would I best do that (pack the trees and such up)?
I would need to release a 'Vibrant Trees 2.0 Fix' for Vibrant Morrowind 4.O and have them uncheck Vibrant Trees 2.0
I would need to release a Falensarano Forest mod for people who don't have a forest there.
Can anyone offer insight or advice on this project before I begin?
edit: I assume just checking off Vibrant Trees 1.0 option instead of Vibrant Trees 2.0 would have the same effect