So hi everyone I am new here and I dont know if this or similar topic was posted before...
I played and ended many times the fallout series games such as fallout 1,2,3 and tactics
and I love them..( God bless Tim Cain and others creators).
I always wanted to see fallout as a motion picture specially the first one.
Yes, this atmosphere, this story, this plot...a world class work! This have a great potential for a motion picture!
Just imagine the scene when vault dweller confronted with the master in lower level of the cathedral
with all this present day CGI effects it would be awsome as hell!
Of course if the hollywood dont do the tipic low-based [censored] adaptation of all fallout franchise...
Damn why the people from hollywood thinks that they can write better the story than the original?
Ok maybe if they send the script for James Cameron or Chris Nolan they can do from fallout an outstanding movie
but who knows?
The question is if anybody feels that do a great movie adaptation of fallout is possible?
Personally I hope so and that we dont need to wait a for it an century...