TESV for consoles

Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:52 pm

To several PC users I've seen posting; please stop spreading misinformation about console versions of the game. People will pick whatever platform suits them best. Whether you like this or not, it *will* be a console version for many people.

I get that you're angry at the state of PC gaming, but you'll have to live with it. Times change, technology moves on. The console gaming market isn't hugely successful simply because it appeals to those who don't know better, whilst a smaller group of "intelligent" gamers go for a PC. To assume so displays such arrogance. I know this justifies your own sense of self worth, but it doesn't make it true.
I was going to say that I dont understand all this defence of the platorm with a terminal intensity, but I guess I do. Your chosen platform is under fire in this day and age, and you dont want to see it die. The only thing I can say really is that it's just something you're going to have to live with. But just because you choose not to like consoles, doesnt mean they're any less valid.
Regarding mods; not everyone likes them. I personally don't. I get that a lot of people do, and I dont resent anyone for it. I dont want to get into a massive debate here on the pros and cons of each platform. It's been done to death across many a web forum and subject. The bottom line though is that people will choose what they want according to their own preferences.
Personally, I use my PC for online gaming and my 360 for any "serious" gaming I want to do. By that I mean games that I intend spending a large amount of time on.

I can't wait for Skyrim, and much to the chagrin of many of you I will be buying it for the 360. Having read this though, please don't assume I'm doing so from making some sort of error of judgement, or not really understanding the "benefits" the PC version has to offer. I make the decision knowing full well the capabilities of both platforms, as do so many others.
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:51 am

Console war waiting to happen...
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:34 pm

No matter which platform you buy it for it will still be great, I had both Morrowind and Oblivion on my Xbox's, How ever, I have recently gotten into PC gaming so TES V on PC is a must for me.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:58 am

I've played both OB and MW on both my PC and my xbox, so it really doesn't matter to me. no matter what, the game is gonna be great
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meghan lock
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:52 am

I've only played on PC, so I don't have any perspective on newer consoles. I have actually considered buying a 360 just so I can get some use out of my 40" 1080p. TESV just might be that catalyst I need.

Wait, will this perhaps be a 720 game? Help a brother out...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:25 pm

Firstly the thread should be deleted. Nobody cares and its a time for joy not silly childish arguments. Chances are this is a troll anyway.

Secondly you're an idiot if you don't like mods. Ive always played console and only recently had a pc that could play oblivion and I intend on playing TES V on a console. However, there is a vast number of different types of mods. If you don't like mods that change the gameplay, thats cool. As an example there are however mods that change textures to make oblivion look like a 2 year old game instead of a 5 year old game and much more.

Consoles are inferior to PC's. Graphics wise and control wise. Maybe some people prefer consoles (I am indifferent) thats cool but it doesn't change the fact that graphics are better, mods are amazing (not really an opinion more of a fact) and that you have more control with a mouse and a keyboard.

Either way I'll be playing on my console.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:03 am

The game was just announced. Let's not get all into platform bashing - I don't care what side of this lame argument you are on.
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