If I were to subscribe to Game Informer in the following days, would I still get the February issue?
Like I told Suffca via PM, you might, but you need to subscribe like RIGHT NOW. I can tell you that, from past experience, Game Informer takes painfully long to process your subscription (30 days or more), and if you wait any longer chances are good you wont get the next issue on time. Hell, I'm not even sure you'll get the next issue on time if you subscribe right now, but it's your best shot. For example, I ordered my subscription on March 21st, the same month the April issue came out. I did get the May issue the following month, but that was not until much later in the month, around the 28th of April. So basically, no matter what, you will get the next issue, but it will be reeeeeeaaaaallllyyy late.