Get days passed?

Post » Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:31 am

Here's my mod Idea in a nutshell.

You get a spell that allows you to mind control other people.

While having followers would be redundant, my idea is special, as it allows you to dominate anyone, turning them into your obedient servants able to carry out your orders; but not just any orders.
Unlike most mods I would like to allow the player to issue missions to the controlled NPC without having them walk around looking for the items - instead they would be disabled for a time based on the mission, and their chances of success calculated and any items/whatever given to the player upon their return.

Since this is supposed to happen to any NPC I have to figure out a way to make sure any NPC can be disabled for a day. I don't know how to do that but I have a few theorys on how it might work.

My main idea would be to order the NPC through dialogue - once you tell them what to do they would then cast a special scripted spell on themselves that would disable them for a day and check their chances of success in the mission upon their return.

Is this possible?

Also, if you cast a spell on somebody, is it possible to addtopics to that specific NPC alone, or would I have to move them into a new faction or something?

Overall, my experience with oblivion scripting is limited - i'm not sure if there is an easier way or if this is the only way.

Any ideas?
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:05 am

GameDaysPassed is a function that returns the number of days the player has played (ingame time).

And yeah, ordering through dialogue should work perfectly as long as you script works. EvaluatePackage is a command that will make NPCs immediately start using an AI Package you assign them.

As for adding topics, you can do it for individual npcs. Under the conditions you can use GetIsId to check for individual IDs.
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El Khatiri
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