I've been mucking around making a quick 5 minute mod this evening, and I'm trying to create dialogue for a child NPC of my creation (PPchildcaucasianmale).
Now, I've set all the conditions in the GREETING topic of a Quest I made to hold the dialogue (PPkidspeak), so theoretically, when you talk to the kid, it should respond with the GREETING and chain of dialogue I've set up.
However it relates to something found in the 'quest' GenericKids (or something like that, I paraphrase the exact name of the vanilla content it relates to).
Any theories?
I based the NPC off an existing ID, but obviously changed it about, removed AI Packages (all of them including the Dialogue ones). I tried creating my own dialogue package, but nothing.
The brat just refuses to speak up.
What am I doing wrong? :S