A friend at school who was involved in all sorts of RPG things like Magic, Warhammer, D&D, etc. was always talking about Fallout 1. So I couldn't resist, asked if I could borrow his cd and copied it. (Yes I know it's illegal but back in the day I didn't give a damn and being heavily familiar with the C64 cracking scene it was normal for me to get pirated material). As I progressed in the game I got hooked that weekend so I called in sick next week from school to play fallout (Yes, addiction is an evil horrible thing but I needed to complete this game. I couldn't care less if the world exploded. lol!). Anyways I lost my copy over time and saw Fallout 1 in the store one day for maybe 50 or 60 guilders (The Euro currency wasn't in circulation yet). So I had to buy it because I remembered Fallout's manual when I borrowed it with all the great stories on how nuclear fallout behaves depending on what sort of bomb was used and for the RPG experience itself of course.
Later I had read in a computer magazine somewhere Fallout 2 was soon to be released, back in 1998 I believe. Well I was the first in line to buy the sequel and so it mutated from there to Tactics and Fallout 3.

It's funny that I totally mist Wasteland because I had hundreds of games on my Commodore 64. It doesn't matter however, I had loads of fun with RPG's like Maniac Mansion, Sid Meier's Pirates, etc.