Probably a High Elf as they have the most magicka i believe?
In that case I have two recommendations for you. The safe way is Atronach and in the early levels before you get access to tons of potions or very powerful self made restore Magicka potions your blade will come quite in handy. By level 20, however, you can easily get 100% absorb Magicka. This means that your natural weakness to all elements is instantly negated. Instead, any spells thrown at you get absorbed straight into your Magicka pool. If, however, you want more of a challenge I recommend Apprentice. This will give you an insane (albeit not as insane) boost as Atronach and your weakness to the elements becomes worse (with the weakness received from apprentice) but with careful playing this isn't so bad. You'll have quite a bit of Magicka, the ability to naturally regenerate it, but you'll have to be wary of being hit by spells.
Furthermore I recommend that you wait until 17+ to do anything further than Apprentice rank in the Mages guild and before closing Oblivion gates. This means that in Oblivion gates you can save before you grab the Sigil stone and have access to Fortify Magicka Sigil Stones at their maximum level. You can then enchant any clothing/armor you have with Fortify Magicka 50. Easily pushing your Magicka pool by several hundred more. The Mages guild I recommend that you wait until your mid twenties. It makes getting 100 Spell Absorption very easy. Hope this advice helps.