Lesser Daedra
Summoning Daedra means casting a spell. Summoning them indefinetely means using Contant Effect ehchantment. Excluding Oblivion gates, are there any other means for Daedra to come and stay on the mortal plain, either for short, long or indefined time? And when they pass through the gates like in TES4, how long do they stay? Can they learn new spells, skills? When they die and return to Oblivion but later come back, do they keep the memories of their previous stay on Mundus?
Daedra Princes
Summoning Daedra Prince is by ritual on a X day. For how long? What are the limitation, restrictions, rules? Did this change after the events of TES4? Are there any other means for Daedra Prince to come and stay on the mortal plain, either for short, long or indefined time?
Just something I've been wondering.