Outstanding breakthru! :thumbsup:
FYI: looking at the mesh, it appears that only the water.dds, the 32 'water## (2).dds' files, and Water_Reflection.tga textures are utilized - why include all the other textures (some appear to be unaltered stock bethesda textures)?
The 'Textures\Water\original' folder contains the 32 water normals for MGE's water (the versions included up to v3.8.2-rev.0160) and you've got the rev.0161 versions in the 'Textures\Water' folder - those really aren't needed, and in any case would normally belong under the 'Textures\MGE' folder hierarchy.
I'm pretty sure that MGE is not required for this mod to function, so why include MGE water normals? :blink:
Dropping those extra textures should help reduce the size of the archive.