4. Problems within the game (low performance, glitches, bugs, CTDs (crashes to desktop), blue screens, computer restarting.4.1 Crash to desktop when entering sewers.This is most often connected with using one of FX cards combined with too old drivers (or too new?). Mostly FX5200 and FX5500. To fix this, either run the official patch (found at the main site) or http://www.oldblivion.com to downgrade graphical settings. Also, download http://www.nvidia.com/object/winxp_2k_81.98.html for FX cards. Make sure you uninstall the old ones. If this doesn't fix it, use one of the fixes listed below for random crashes.
4.2 Very low framerate (FPS) after exiting sewers.Outdoors graphics is alot more stressful for your graphics card than dungeons and other interiors. This may cause bad framerate if you have a slow card. Most oftenly, this is again connected with FX cards, which, after entering a dense Shader 2.0 area, begin to literally crawl. Solution is the same as above, download official patch, lower graphical settings, download the latest drivers (this goes also for low level ATI GPUs, such as Radeon 9500, 9550, 9600 vanilla, X200, X300, X500, X600 plain, X1300, X1400, and nvidia GPUs, such as Geforce FX series, 6200TC and TD, 6600 plain, 7300 (not GT), 7400) For those, lower graphical settings, download latest drivers from nvidia.com and ati.com, and follow the tweaks listed below.
4.3 Random Crashes To Desktop (CTDs)This is probably the biggest issue of the game, and can be caused by numerous things.
First, make sure any of unofficial mods aren't causing this. For this, see 6.2 Conflicting/malfunctioning unofficial mods.
Second, if you are running any background apps, they will likely to cause problems with the game. Its best to use the clean boot procedure when you are running Oblivion: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/331796/
Next, drivers. Its important you have updated video, sound and (any) motherboard drivers.
Places to download video drivers:
For ATI: http://www.ati.com/support/driver.html
For nvidia: http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp
Places to download audio drivers:
Realtek: http://www.realtek.com.tw/
CreativeLabs: http://us.creative.com/support/downloads/
C-Media: http://www.cmedia.com.tw/?q=en/driver
SoundMAX: http://forms.anolog.com/Form_Pages/soundMAX/soundMAXtechSupport.html
Terratec: http://supporten.terratec.net/index.php?name=EZCMS&page_id=17&menu=538
You can find your motherboard drivers at your chipset/motherboard manufacturer web-site, or you probably got the CD with drivers.
And, download the latest version of Directx 9.0c from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=2da43d38-db71-4c1b-bc6a-9b6652cd92a3&DisplayLang=en
One thing Oblivion is especially sensitive about, is codecs and codec packs. If you have
any codec pack, its best to uninstall it for the time being, just to see if thats whats causing the crashes.
Also, Nero codecs have been known to cause problems within the game. To delete the unnecesary codecs, and keep the good burning software, delete the following folder: C:/Program Files/Common Files/Ahead/DSFilter
To get rid of non-windows codecs all together, you can use http://nightmare2013.brashendeavors.net/. It will leave only windows default codecs, which should work fine with Oblivion (see his word on it for more info, also, there is a thread about it http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=266291)
Some other useful tips to get rid of random crashes:- Scan your system with anti-virus (such as Avast or AVG anti-virus) and anti-spyware (such as Spybot Search & Destroy or Ad-Aware SE Personal)
- Run a disk defrag
- Clean your temporary files folder (Start>Run>%temp%>delete everything in there)
- If you have on-board audio, I'd recommend getting a real sound card, something like Soundblaster Audigy.
- Rename/Delete the oblivion.ini located in My Documents/My Games/Oblivion
- Turn off vsync in Options
- Turn off write combine in Control Panel>Display>Settings>Advanced>Troubleshooting
- Turn down sound hardware acceleration one notch in DXDIAG>Sound
- Turn off HDR
- Rule out heating issues by aiming a room fan at the inside of the case while playing (see more about hardware overheating in 4.5)
- Rule out other gpu-psu-hardware issues by seeing if the same error occurs when running in 640x480, low textures, all sliders off/low (just for diagnosing, see more in 4.5 about hardware issues)
- If you have an AGP card, try setting bios/setup (F1 or DEL key at reboot) to 4X AGP speed as a test.
- Uninstall & Reinstall (without the patch, then with)
- Put Windows Media Player as your default MP3 player
Also, it has been reported that some drivers, such as ATI Catalyst 6.8 drivers, can cause random crashes in game. To fix this, switch to a older/newer version. Its possible that the newer versions will also have such problems, its always good to try different drivers.
If nothing here helped you with your crashes, check other crash-related questions here, or post your problem in Oblivion Hardware & Software Issues Forum, with a full dxdiag. To post a dxdiag, click Start, then Run. Type dxdiag and hit enter. After it loads, click Save All Information, save it on dekstop, open it and copy paste the content to your post. And please post
4.4 CTDs when loading cells
Basicly, everything goes same as for random crashes. Clean boot, driver update, codec reset etc.
Also, you might rule out RAM malfunction by running http://www.memtest.org//
4.5 Crash to desktop/BSOD(blue screen)/computer restart after few minutes of playingThis issue is almost always connected to a hardware part malfunctioning and/or overheating. However, by default, XP is set to restart with Driver crashes. To Rule out driver related reasons, it would be wise to start by deactivating automatic reboot on system failure to properly diagnose the problem.
Three most common issues are: Processor (CPU) overheating, Graphics card (GPU) overheating, or Power Supply (PSU) not delivering enough power, which causes restarts. Other issues also include malfunctioning memory, which you can check with Memtest86 posted in above question 4.4.
To check CPU/GPU temperatures, download and install http://www.majorgeeks.com/download4181.html. You can also check GPU temperatures in various control panels, such as ATI Catalyst Control Center, ATI Tray Tools or nvidia Coolbits.
You can check CPU temperature in BIOS, but that won't help you much since it will show the idling temperature, which can grow more than 20 degrees when in game.
To check the real CPU/GPU temperature, open Everest Home Edition while running Oblivion (you can switch tasks with ALT+TAB) and read out the temperature thats now under stress.
Anything above 65 degrees Celsius for processors isn't good, and above 90 for most graphic cards can cause problems.
Solution to both problems are improving cooling. First, clean the dust from both fans, and CPU heatspreader, and rub it with some thermal paste (obtainable at your local hardware shop). If this doesn't help you much, its best to buy some alternative cooling. Look for coolers (both CPU and GPU) from Zalman, Arctic Cooling, Thermaltake or Coolermaster.
Next, your power supply. Too weak or malfunctioning PSU (Power Supply Unit) is often an issue, because most people are looking to buy a low-budet low-quality high-wattage PSU, thinking it will be more than enough. This is where the troubles start. PSU is one of the most important parts in your computer, and if its not a quality unit, it can cause a lot of problems and even damage other parts.
Most often the issue with unsufficient PSUs is a computer reboot, because it can't offer the power amount your parts require under a maximum stress, such as Oblivion. The best solution is to throw that low-quality unit through the window, and start shopping for something more reputable, better quality.
When looking to buy PSU's, there are several important thing you have to look at. Most important is PSU brand, and its amperage (how much power is it delivering) on the 12v rail. Less important is the wattage, which you can calculate for your computer with this http://www.extreme.outervision.com/psucalculator.jsp.
With brands, there are those recommended, and those to avoid at all cost. You can read a good article about it http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1045259.
Next, driver conflicts. This issue can be also caused by malfunctioning or conflicting drivers. The best procedure would be to download http://www.drivercleaner.net/professional.php, and with it uninstall all video drivers, and then install new ones (you can find driver links in part 4.3). All that in Windows Safe Mode (hit F8 repeatedly when computer starts).
Also, try switching between driver versions, to see if your card responds better to some.
And, in the end, if nothing of the above helps you, you might have a malfunctioning graphics card, which is not so rare, especially with some overclocked versions of 7600GT and 7900GT cards from eVGA, XFX and other manufacturers that make stock overclocks. Those cards are usually broken, but see if underclocking them to stock values help. In the end, if you have a warranty, you can return it and get a new one.
4.6 Odd graphical glitches/artifacts/weapon flickeringArtifacting, odd colors and other graphical anomalies are most often caused by overheating or malfunctioning graphics card. For overheating you can buy one of Arctic Cooling or Zalman GPU coolers, which normaly work much better than stock coolers.
Malfunctioning graphics card can rarely be helped, your best chance is to return it for a new one if you have the warranty for it. Also, for advanced users, you might try to underclock it a bit, to see if it fixes it.
Weapon flickering/blinkingAssociated with video drivers, the solution is to either reinstall your current drivers or to update new ones. Before you do, clean your old drivers with http://www.drivercleaner.net/professional.php in Safe Mode. Links to ATI and nvidia drivers are in part 4.3
4.7 Quest-related bugs and crashesAlot of these are covered in two patches, the http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_patches.htm (http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_patchnotes6.htm) and Kivan and Quarn's http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=552943
Others you can solve with a console command:
- Open the construction set and load oblivion.esm
- go to Character > Quests...
- in the list look for your quest
Quests are organized most of the time, but it can be pretty confuzing, if your quest is a miscalleneous one look for questnames starting with MS, fighters guild quests start with FG, mages guild quests with MG, thieves guild quests with TG and dark brotherhood quests with Dark.
If you've found your quest look at the top of the left side of the window and click the Quest Stages button. Under index you'll find the different stages, pick out the stage you need (probably the last one) and remember the number and the questname (you might have to write it down).
type this in the console to set the queststage:
SetStage questname queststage
4.8 Crash when equipping a bow stronger other than iron/steel/elven (silver, glass, ebony etc.)Not a very common issue, this is solved by a mod brash made: http://oblivion.brashendeavors.net/mods/Bow_Reach_Fix.zip. You can read the discussion about it http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=387087
4.9 I'm getting a 'Corrupted save game' message when trying to load a saved gameSaves get corrupted when it crashes when you save a game. If you are smart and have more saves, load an older save , or to enable a save that game auto-backs up. Simply go into your saves folder (My Documents/My Games/Oblivion/Saves), and rename either autosave.bak or quicksave.bak to .ess, and load it from the game. This will likely send you back to an older save, but it should work.
And always use more save slots.
4.10 My character moves extremely slow/strafes in one direction/doesn't move.We get atleast a few of these each day. It is caused by a controller/joystick/gamepad plugged in. Unplugg it, and set bUseJoystick=0 instead of 1 in oblivion.ini found in My Documents/My Games/Oblivion.
4.11 Black screen when enabling HDR on nVidia cardsThere still isn't a fix for everyone who are experiencing it, though the solution Luchaire provided seems to work for some, and that is better than nothing. You can find the thread and possible solution http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=517690
Also, if you randomly get black screens with HDR on, try writing "CAL" into console (Clear Adapted Lighting). This might be issue with a HTFpcb mod, so deactivate that for permament fix.
4.12 Framerate decrease after playing Oblivion for a longer period/when loading cellsThis happens to some users, and there is still no solution other than have all of your background apps off (use http://support.microsoft.com/kb/331796/ procedure for that), and when it gets too bad, simply reenter the game.
To fix a big framerate drop when after going from interior to exterior, simply quicksave and quickload. For players with only 512mb of RAM, writing PCB in console after cell transition might also help.
Reducing the texture size may also help. It solved it for me.
4.13 Slowdowns to 1-2FPS near Oblivion gates or some spells/magic effects with ATI cardsThis happens only with Radeon X800 and lower cards, with Anti-Aliasing on. And it only happens to some (it doesn't happen for me, I run a Radeon X800XL with 6.7 Catalyst drivers, while I had that problem with some older drivers).
The permament solution for this is turning off so called Refraction Shader in oblivion.ini (My Documents/My Games/Oblivion)
Set bUseRefractionShader=0 to fix this. The tweak also produces an anomaly, black boxes with effects using those shaders (near Oblivion gates).
However, I believe when running latest ATI drivers you shouldn't be getting this issue.
4.14 In-game sound glitches/popping/cracklingMostly connected with Realtek audio chips
To fix this, download the latest drivers for your sound device, driver links are posted in part 4.3
Also, try turning hardware acceleration slider by a notch to the left (you can find it under sound tab when you run Directx Diagnostic Tool)
Also, you might want to download the latest Directx version (microsoft.com)
Or, buy a sound card.
4.15 Can't enable HDR/Can't enable HDR and AA same timeCan't enable HDRThis option is only available for users with shader 3.0 cards:
nvidia 6000 and 7000 series
ATI X1000 series
If you have one of these and still cannot enable HDR, make sure your AA isn't on, and update video drivers.
For users with Shader 2.0 cards, there is Timeslip's http://timeslip.chorrol.com/FakeHDRDownload.html option, which gives very similar graphical effect. Discussion about can be found http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=450060&hl=fakehdr
Can't enable HDR and AA same timeThis option can't be enabled by default on any card, but it can be enabled on ATI Radeon X1000 cards using http://support.ati.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=894&task=knowledge&questionID=21960. You'll have to force AA through CCC or Tray Tools, and enable HDR in Oblivion. ATI Catalyst drivers support it from version 6.10
This can't be enabled (hardware limitation) on nvidia 6000 and 7000 series cards (G80 cards will apperantly have this option). They have the FakeHDR (posted above) + AA option, though.
4.16 Minimizing issuesOblivion is known to crash when you ALT+TAB out of it. This might not happen with dual-core processors, but its a pretty common error. To fix this, once you ALT+TAB to desktop, use Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) to switch between tasks. Crash won't happen.
If your game minimizes randomly, its probably due to a background program. Do a http://support.microsoft.com/kb/331796/ procedure to fix that.
4.17 I can't open Oblivion because of a d3dx9_27.dll error.Caused by a too old Directx version, you can find the solution http://support.gamesas.com/asp/resolution.asp?sid=113557060917083131168246&pid=1462&pnm=Oblivion&seid=3932&pos=Windows+XP&top=Installation&rid=23513
4.18 Slow/Frozen Doors, Fire, Spell etc. animations bug. The problem involves freezing/stuttering of secondary animations such as: fire, spell effects (on self and target), doors/gates/lids, corpse smashers, extentable bridges, traps of all kinds, fog, sparks from weapon impacts, butterflies, fireflies. Affected animations are sometimes completely frozen or PAINFULLY slow. In the case of doors, lifts, and bridges this can prevent further progress.
Current Thread and Player-made fixes for PC only (sorry Xbox crowd):
Victims of the bug should go to that thread and use one of the fixes in the first post. Also, do us all a favor and send an email to bethesda's tech support (link provided in first post as well) detailing the problem and linking the thread. They have YET to acknowledge the problem...so the more people that do it, hopefully the better the chances they finally will do something about it in the future.
4.19 I can't use the cheat console and I am using Windows Media Center Edition.You need to unplug the receiver for your remote control:
Also, open My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini (it is the Configuration File named "Oblivion") and make sure bAllowConsole is set to 1. You can do a quick search for the term using CTRL+F.
If you're using Vista and still having problems, check out http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927824/enMS Knowledge Base article (thanks to TheCrux).
4.20 I want to use my X360 controller for my PC, but it's not working well.Check this thread:
4.21 My mouse/keyboard becomes nonfunctional after 5-10 minutes.This has become a very frequent problem as of late, likely having to do with codec issues. Here is an ongoing thread with suggestions and possible solutions such as setting the latest Media Player 10 as the default for mp3 files to using a utility such as the K-Lite Codec Pack.
Read posts #14 and #23 in particular or just read the whole thread. And here is the link for the K-Lite Codec pack:
It's likely that Nightmare's Codec Reset Utility does the same thing as K-Lite's
4.22 Enemy is always following me, but I don't see anything/anyone, and I can't sleep to level up. Common case/bug/glitch from leaving enemies behind that have seen you. The most surefire way to get out of this situation:
1.) Go to your safehouse and store your stolen valuables in your chests. Save.
2.) Go into any town and hit a guard...yes, hit him, and then agree to go to jail. Do the time and when you get out, the enemy's "radar" will be reset and you're free.
4.23 Why have several of my skills reset after using showracemenu function in the console to change my character's features?Many of you may want to change your character's looks later on in the game after the initial sewer exit adjustments. The showracemenu function allows you to do this, but will reset many of your skills if you ever press "Done" after adjusting your character. Why? I don't know. You must be careful with this...the correct way to change you character's features using the showracemenu:
1.) Save your game first. Make a seperate manual save.
2.) Open console (~) and type showracemenu
2.) Make your changes
3.) After making your changes and with the console still open, hit ESC and make another manual save.
4.) Then load up that new save and check your stats/skills and make sure they're the same.
Whatever you do,
DO NOT EVER press Done. If you already screwed this up, hopefully you have a save you can revert back to. Otherwise you will have to use other console cheats to get your stats back up and it's a rather tedious process.
4.24 Bloom enhancing/performance tweaks/useful mods and tweaksI won't make this long since soon there will be a whole dedicated topic about it, or so I'm told

Bloom enhancingUnder [BlurShader] part in your .ini you'll find lines with which you can enhance the bloom effect
More accurately, twiddle with these values to increase it.
fAlphaAddExterior=0.2000 (How much bright things mix with surrounding colors.)
fAlphaAddInterior=0.7000 (increases bloom brightness)
After increasing those values, your sky will probably be to bright. To decrease its brightness, lower this setting:
fSkyBrightness=0.0100 (makes sky less effected by the blooming)
Also, there is the http://timeslip.chorrol.com/FakeHDRDownload.html option (by Timeslip and the crew)
Performance tweaksFor tweaking oblivion.ini, you can use tweak guide from http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html
Useful mods and utilitiesOne of best mods for framerate gain is http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=507506&hl=low+poly+grass mod, if you're using grass, ofcourse. Big FPS increase.
Also, Timeslip's http://timeslip.chorrol.com/obmm_download.html can be of much help if you have alot of mods.
Also, for handling your saves, http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionUtilities.Detail&id=3