Let's just ignore paw-print's wind up, eh? It has very little content
proweler Posted Today, 06:03 AM
(Crimson Paladin @ Sep 5 2008, 03:02 AM)
It's not just the hunt that suggests a link to Hircine. What really seems to connect them is that the Bosmer supposedly turn into beasts for the hunt, and such is another aspect of Hircine. And either way, it is doubtful that Hircine doesn't have any hunts at all between bloodmoons, or he'd be more inactive than an Aedra.
He doesn't. People were doing that and more before
things were stabilized by Y'ffre. It's his knowledge that allows the Bosmer to circumvent it during a wild hunt. This knowledge however isn't limited to Y'ffre, aside from the Werewolves, Nocturnals Vampires can also do it.
That sounds like a powerful purpose to underwrite the concept of a need for the Earthbones - be interested to see where that comes from.
Crimson Paladin, you are quite correct. A number of the people who spend so much time contradicting what you say and who treat you with a contempt that is undeserved have got together on their website to plan attacks on things that you have posted.
A lot of what they say about the Lore is correct (unfortunately as that is their justification for the way they behave.) Really they ought to be ashamed of themselves but they are too immature and inexperienced to be able to properly understand the harm they do. And also they are hypocrits as they never had to put up with the kind of nonsense they dish out when they were learning stuff.
Too, a lot of the **** they throw around is because they are not as clever as they pretend so they are covering up for those bits they cannot remember. We can see clearly that their own overblown egos would not permit them to fail to state clearly and precisely where they get their info from - if only they could actually remember

The info about Dagon comes in part from Daggerfall and Battlespire - where the matter of how Daedra view mortals and hunts comes up - I think there might have been mention in Morrowind too. (now if only I could remember the exact books :rolleyes: )
Proweler's post
The Hunt of Mehrunes Dagon however resembles Hircines hunt more because there are the Hounds and the Hunter and a Quarry
sums it up quite well and when I first came upon the Hircine Quests in Solstheim I was a bit disappointed because the original Dagon-material felt more interesting, left hanging as it was. and there was another wonderful piece about a Green Glass church or village that was transported to Oblivion by an angry Daedra that fitted so well with that attitude. (there may be a book on that in Tel Fyr if you want to go book hunting)
You are correct that Hircine is a candidate for this (that crossed my mind more than once and I tried the notion here and in other Forums to see what people thought and to see if anyone could come up with a new slant on it) - but sadly I believe the Lormpyres are correct once again and that there is another aspect to it entirely.
Anything remaining - other possibilities would be purely specualative - if for example there were an agreement between Yffre/Jephre and a Daedra Prince ... and that unfortunately does not feel right.
The most amusing aspect of this is that the Lormpyres hate the Jephre thing (simply because of the name) and yet are happy to have a Yffre (same name older spelling/form presumably as an Aedra). Myself I prefer the Jephre and Yffre are separate entities route as (especially Jazz) Music, numbers and Chaos Theory fit together so interestingly - and Forest Rhythms themselves are too slow ... it's the perception and experience that 'quickened' beings have of Forests that makes Music about Forests fascinating.
Really I don't like the idea of a musician rooting himself in the earth - that does not add up.