I gotcha.
Your're essentially recreating my Bashed Delayers ( except maybe you don't want to merge them. )
That's pretty simple and straight forward.
First, open TES4Edit with the orginals and the patches.
After it finishes loading, right click anywhere in the right-hand pane and select "Create Merged Patch".
Type in the name you want the new esp to be (as it says, do not enter an extension).
Right click on the new esp and select "Add Masters".
Check Oblivion.esm. Do not select any others.
Expand the original esps and right click on each script and \ or quest that the delayers change.
Select "Copy as override into..."
Check your new esp. Click OK.
Click yes to add the original as a master.
After you've added all the changes to your new esp, I suggest you close TES4edit and save your new esp.
(At this point, I always manually override the load order and put the new esp between the orginals and the patches, but I do not think it is actually necessary. It makes it reall easy to see where you need to change the records.)
Reopen TES4Edit and check all the originals, the patches, and the new esp.
Now you should be able to drag and drop the changes from the patches into your new esp.
Close and save.
Oh, right. Thank you! I have your delayers already. Thank you for being so helpful and patient though. I really wanted to add these guys to your plugin, but missing masters makes that a little difficult. I could do something about it, but I do not feel like diving into TESSnip for this. I will just suffer two delayers plugins.
Wow, I did not know there was a "create merged patch." Cool. I have spent many, many hours with TES4Edit, but I missed that feature. That needs to be tucked away into my mental toolbox, thanks again.
If you are thinking about updating your mod later, I am using for of the delayers from the http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25859 upload at TESNexus. In particular, I have installed the delayers for Viconia, HoD, The Forgotten Shields, and GoK.