I'm of the same view as Agent_c in this (though I never use CTB) at all. [IMO] Serious fights are no fun to gloss over.
(if that doesn't sound sensible (or like sense at all) ... check the last paragraph of http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1116559-playing-fallout-1/page__view__findpost__p__16400134 for an explanation.)
Cool, you are both entitled to play it as you feel is right for you, I noticed in that post you had a link for, the guy couldn't get used to top down view, personally I would have recommended FO Brotherhood of Steel as a starting point and then FO1,2 & Tactics in that order afterwards or a more modern Arcade Shooter like the new Lara Croft game to wet his appetite for the older iso games of FO. I'm well aware of what TBC is I just prefer a faster form of combat but both are tricky in their own ways and I'm sure both use different centres of the brain to calculate and translate those thoughts into a successful combat action, I just like things a bit faster, although for singular characters in FO1 & 2 as annoying to me as turn based is I like it more for one character, lots of characters I want to get it done faster, thats just me and other people while you and
other people just like living in a 1970s gameplay ethic, thats cool as well. At times, lets say in FO1 using TBC is harder, than anything like real time combat, because if I was using RTC all those Robots would be dead whereas using the annoying TBC I'm stuck waiting on the computer to draw me a lucky break with the right critical hit or the right movement of the enemies to my advantage, but TurnBasedCombat as I've stated before is very limited in comparison to anything approaching Real Time, but by all means sometimes it can be harder, but so damn annoying! But enuff off-topic talk this belongs if that other Thread on the go about the viablility of TCB, I think it was called TBC should we continue to live in the 70s.
but anyway I'm just having a laugh really hope Agent C takes it that way.