But I was so disapointed when I realised there is no way to play a female character! Being an hardcoe gamer girls as I am, I was very excited to play Brink, but now, I'm not so sure. I mean, it is 2011, how hard is it to put bobbies on an avatar? No, seriously I know it is not that simple, I'm a junior game designer myself, but a game that put that much care on customisation should have a female option, even if it is only 1 body type. If halo can do it...
Anyway, I know gamer girls usually don't play AAA games, but remember that more women over 18 play videogame that guys under 18. Even better, 40% of gamers are girls.
(ok, I know, technically Farmville is a game so they count towards the 40% but meh, anyway)
It is like going in circles, the less attention game designer will give to women, the less they will care about hardcoe games.
I know it is too late for a female character une Brink, but I just wanted to point ou that it svcks.