I have an idea to make the common world junk more useful. They should add two sub-stats to Charisma (or even just "floating" stats that aren't really tied to any particular character stat), called Intimidation and charm. they would be in direct relation to how your character looked/dressed. Then allow us to attach "junk" items to our armor via use of wonderglue, belts, surgical tubing/whatever. Certain items would have more intimidation/charm factor than others. For instance, bones (which are notably more rare) would have 5 or 10 intimidation, lawnmower blades and other sharp objects (scalpels, syringes, bone saws, etc) would have say.. anywhere between 1 and 5, same with cookwear/other metal objects. Maybe limit the ammount of items to 10 (thus allowing for a maximum of 100 intimidation or charm). other items, like teddy bears, lawn gnomes, toys, etc. would all add to charm. (also note that these items would add their applicable weight to said armor) Some items might even give slight bonuses to armor value, or maybe even slight stat bonuses.
Both of these stats would greatly effect not only conversation in game (with a high enough int/charm you could get different speech checks) but also possibly garner different reactions from humanoid enemies. high enough intimidation and they might have more of a chance to flee, high enough charm and they might start laughing/etc.
Honestly, I first was thinking just make intimidation a factor. i havent put too much thought into charm. I was just thinking "well, if there were ways to add to intimidation, there should be ways to subtract, and the opposite of intimidation is charm, or humility.. so maybe make charm a viable prospect.
Anyway, My idea is to not only make junk items a bit more valuable, but also add a new element to gameplay. Plus a new level of customization

I think it'd be cool to put brahmin skulls on your armor, or put pans all over your armor to make your leather armor have the same protective value as combat armor! etc.
I know it would take some work, but we have time