I had a few mods that would mysteriously stop dead. The script would just stop working. Sometimes this took a few weeks to happen sometimes only a few days.
I discovered that a calculation I was doing was trying to (on rare occasions) divide by zero.
SIMPLE example of what I am talking about:
set Numb to ( 10 + player.getav encumbrance ) / player.getav strength
Seems ok but under some circumstances the players strength CAN be brought down to ZERO.
So the lesson to me was Dividing by Zero is the silent killer but sometimes it is not obvious.
To solve this I did this sort of thing:
set Numb to player.getav strength
if Numb > 0
set Numb to ( 10 + player.getav encumbrance ) / Numb
set Numb to 0
I will do this from now on with ANY calculation that divides unless I am absolutely positive no Divide by zero can occur.
Is this issue talked about in the Wiki? I did a search here on the Bethesda CS forums and did not find it