What the...?
scn TestObjectref Containerref ObjectIDlong ItemCount ; let ItemCount := Container.GetItemCount ObjectIDlong FormTypefloat ItemHealth ; (health:float) reference.GetCurrentHealth - (nothing) reference.SetCurrentHealth nuHealth:floatfloat ItemCharge ; (charge:float) reference.GetCurrentCharge - (nothing) reference.SetCurrentCharge newCharge:shortref ItemOwner ; (owner:ref) reference.GetOwner - (nothing) referenced-item.SetOwnership Ownerstring_var RetStringBegin Function {Container, ObjectID, FormType} let RetString := "%e" ;let RetString := sv_Construct "Found at %n
" Container If (FormType == 33) ; Weapon - Breakable, Ownable, Charged let ItemHealth := ObjectID.GetCurrentHealth let ItemCharge := ObjectID.GetCurrentCharge let ItemOwner := ObjectID.GetOwner let ItemCount := Container.GetItemCount ObjectID let RetString := RetString + sv_Construct "
(W) %5.0f - %n's %n H %f, C %f" ItemCount ItemOwner ObjectID ItemHealth ItemCharge ElseIf (FormType == 20) ; Armor - Breakable, Ownable let ItemHealth := ObjectID.GetCurrentHealth let ItemOwner := ObjectID.GetOwner let ItemCount := Container.GetItemCount ObjectID let RetString := RetString + sv_Construct "
(A) %5.0f - %n's %n - H %f" ItemCount ItemOwner ObjectID ItemHealth EndIf SetFunctionValue RetStringEnd
I Looped over Player.GetItems 33 and Player.GetItems 20 in an OnActivate Block (surely the block doesn't matter here) and got all null values for GetCurrentHealth, GetCurrentCharge, GetOwner
I got errors for "Attempting to call a function on a NULL reference or base object."
With the existance of GetBaseItems, I assumed that GetItems returned references. Was I wrong? If so, is there a way to get the references?
Now let's review http://obse.silverlock.org/obse_command_doc.html on these functions.
GetCurrentHealth - returns the current health of the calling reference
(health:float) reference.GetCurrentHealth
SetCurrentHealth - sets the current health of the calling reference
(nothing) reference.SetCurrentHealth nuHealth:float
GetEquippedCurrentHealth - gets the current health of the object in the specified equipment slot
(health:float) reference.GetEquippedCurrentHealth slot:short
SetEquippedCurrentHealth - sets the current health of the object in the specified equipment slot
(nothing) reference.SetEquippedCurrentHealth nuHealth:long slot:short
GetCurrentCharge - returns the current charge of the calling reference
(charge:float) reference.GetCurrentCharge
SetCurrentCharge - sets the current charge of the calling reference if it is less than or equal to the maximum charge
(nothing) reference.SetCurrentCharge newCharge:short
GetEquippedCurrentCharge - returns the current charge of the object in the specified slot
(charge:float) reference.GetEquippedCurrentCharge slot:short
SetEquippedCurrentCharge - sets the current charge of the object in the specified slot
(nothing) reference.SetEquippedCurrentCharge nuCharge:long slot:short
According to ShadeMe on http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1005280-obse-syntax-base-objects-vs-refs/page__view__findpost__p__14545792:
-SNIP- ... getObjectHealth must be called on an inventory object, and on either a reference or a base record. Same for getCurrentHealth but it can't be called on a base object for obvious reasons. Also, active attributes of inventory objects ( like health and charge ) can only be accessed ( when in a container/inventory ) if it happens to be equipped. -SNIP-
If what ShadeMe says is true, why do the functions GetCurrentHealth, SetCurrentHealth, GetCurrentCharge and SetCurrentCharge exist? What are they for? How do I use them? My need's won't allow for equipping each item and using GetEquippedCurrentHealth, SetEquippedCurrentHealth, GetEquippedCurrentCharge and SetEquippedCurrentCharge.