I am also looking into the SetEssential function in this light, and have hit a bit of a snag. From what I can tell it is impossible to call this on an object you don’t know the explicit Base ID for. So, if I wanted to create a full actor copy, then set that copy to essential, I would have to know the editor base ID of that object or it would be impossible. (I know CreateFullActorCopy generates a new base ID anyway, so knowing the editor ID of the original actor probably wouldn't even matter.)
That is my current thinking anyway, but I wanted a 2nd opinion because this seems rather depressing.
Am I correct that there is no way to refer to an arbitrary actor’s base ID via script, without knowing it beforehand? I have been through all the stock CS functions (ignoring OBSE for now), and I can’t seem to find a way it can be done. Any form of reference to the base does not appear to function with SetEssential.
Is there any way to properly reference the generated Base ID from CreateFullActorCopy?