I never got to, and probably never will play Fallout 2. I like the way the story sounds, but I'm a little iffy on the combat and graphics for it's time. One very cool thing I noted was that the only working vehicle in the wasts was the Highwayman. Sadly, Bethesda didn't include something like the car in Fallout 3, but with all the mods out since the game came out, you'd think that someone'd make it.
Now, I don't even know how to use the GECK, so please correct me if I'm wrong for anything, but is it possible to make a car in Fallout? Like Nightvision Goggle mods, we could use energy cells or Microfusion Cells for fuel. I don't know about driving mechanics, but if the motorcycle mod could do it, I'm sure someone could make a car. Mowing Raiders in the wastes would prove infinite fun.