I was looking for this at one point as well. SkyRanger-1 mentioned that such a mod would most likely conflict with OSR.
I sorta gave up after that. Good luck though
Yeah, I still don't fully understand why I will be getting 60 fps and then I turn 180 degrees and I am getting 15 fps. I mean... that is a HUGE difference.
I'm guessing it is due to mods, and I've tried OC'ing my processor even more. It's an i7-920 @ 4.1 ghz atm but that doesn't seem to help much either, as I can't go much higher than that. I also have a 5970HD and I overclocked that about 20% and it makes no difference in Oblivion. Gives ~10fps increase in just about every other game except this one, lol.
I would make a new thread about this, but I fear it is just something that cannot be helped. I'm using just about every cpu/gpu intensive mod there is.
I am in the middle of a forest, I can see no npc's or anything in either direction. It LOOKS the same to me in every way, there aren't more QTP3 textures one way or the other but I will still not get the same fps. I can be in a crevice in the forest, and I will turn around and my fps will dive down by 45 fps, turn around again and I will be at 60 again..
Is this just a fact of life with a modded Oblivion? I have just about the fastest computer you can buy, and Oblivion is the only game that I have ever dropped below 30 fps in, and it goes to 7 fps in the market district lol! Does the game process NPC A.I. in the direction your facing or something? All I can think of is it is CPU related, as OC'ing my gpu does absolutely nothing and neither does turning off full AA/AF.
Bah, I'm ranting. It would be real nice to know what the problem is here though and maybe a way to reduce it so I at least get ~25 fps at all times.