Backhanded review, but a positive one. :shrug:
(He's right, the narrator is awful.)
Sorry Giz, I think I've missed your point on this one (I know you usually have great ones...) I mean the games a nice bit of eye candy (and yeah, I agree on the narator too) even if it does look far too much like H&MM.... I cant seem to find anything on sales figures though.
I'm not saying 3rd person games can't be good (we both know the truth to that argument

) but at the end of the day, its not us that needs to be convinced here - its Marketing. With a game like Fallout is now (non strategy RPG), the expectation of the Market I think is FP, and the expectation of the Marketing team is only FP will sell. I think its going to take some amazing game to break that mould and expectation, that game is going to have to hide from the marketing department long enough not to have it forced into FP, and I just can't see that game being made at the moment.
(now when maybe all games are DL and anyone can be their own games publisher at the same level as the big guys, thats when TP might be able to retake its crown. With Steam and iTunes leading the way, that day is clearly coming).