This is what we have now:
STR: Blade Blunt Hand to Hand END: Armorer Block Heavy Armor SPD: Athletics Acrobatics Light Armor AGI: Security Sneak Marksman PER: Mercantile Speechcraft Illusion INT: Alchemy Conjuration Mysticism WIL: Alteration Destruction Restoration LUK
Perception could be used to do the following:
Highlight items in the grass/snow/swamp- shader effect at very close range only (~10 ft)
Make certain distinctions between enemies more apparent- this goes along with my persistant call for diversity within a single spawn type. So there can be multiple rats, boars, wolves, land dreughs, etc. And some types would have unique markings and such that warn you. Thing is, low perception, they blend away highly, high perception, they blend less. You can probably implement this as a simple alpha blend based directly on perception, meaning there's no yesterday/today effect, but rather that ANY TIME perception is raised (even through fortify), you receive immediate benefits from as little as one point.
Allow for increased assessment of enemies (not the same as above)- the higher your perception, the more details about an enemy you can discern, both in combat and when considering combat. All it takes is centering focus on the target, and it shows what you know. All "hard numbers" are shown with a +/- until your perception is high enough to be certain. At low perception (20), HP might be +/- 50 for an NPC. AT 50, it would be more like +/- 5...
Make hidden doors more (or less) apparent based on one's perception: again, shader/blending magic. The trap door is ALWAYS visible, mind you. it's just that at low perception, the cracks in the wood on it are much less visible, emulating what the character notices. With good eyes, you never NEED perception, you'll just notice that you probably WANT it.
Control the range at which you can "see" map marker locations- figure Oblivion's range to be like Perception 125 or so, and Perception 1 means you're close enough to the marker to activate it. Linear scale. This is what shows up on the oft-hated magic compass. Hey, it feels natural enough in FO3 for me...
Help you detect enemies. Same as above, but with MUCH lower range.
I would propose this rearrangement (PER is now Perception, while Personality is CHA for brevity, as it functions the same as Charisma)
STR: Long Blade Blunt Spear END: Athletics Block Heavy Armor SPD: H2H Short Blade Light Armor AGI: Security Sneak Acrobatics PER: Armorer Marksman Alchemy CHA: Mercantile Speechcraft Illusion INT: Enchant Conjuration Mysticism WIL: Alteration Destruction Restoration LUK
An explanation of my choices:
1. Armorer -> Perception: repairing armor is about attention to detail, noticing the little problems and fixing them. It has no real relationship to endurance, considering the worst you endure is a few hot, sweaty hours.
2. Marksman -> Perception: Agility doesn't make sense if perception is available. How much I can twist, contort, bend, or otherwise make all the little sudden movements... doesn't affect how well I can shoot an arrow. Especially from long-range. How well I can pick my target, feel the wind, and so forth? That matters heavily. So... Perception.
3. Alchemy: Considering how Alchemy works in The Infernal City, it just seems like intelligence is helpful, but not governing. Whereas perception might be useful in discovering the benefits, removing impurities, etc.
4. Acrobatics: not terribly SPEED related, it's more of the epitome of Agility.
5. Athletics: count up everything that is "Athletic", and far more of their success is about endurance than raw speed. Tour de France vs. 100m dash.
6. H2H: while strength matters for damage purposes, you gotta "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee". Faster guy has a better chance of evading hits and delivering his own.
The new skills are simply the ones I felt most viable for the slots available or transferable, and the ones that gave the most diversity. Short Blade is stealth, Spear comabt, and Enchant Magic, rebalancing the specialties.
Your thoughts/suggestions for what Perception in TES could look like?