I think I'll get new Vegas. Because I like not too dark and gritty games but I'll admit that survival horrors are one of my favorite game types. Still there is more to do in new Vegas. But whatever gets a higher ign score will get me to buy. Fallout 3 got a 9.6, one less than red dead which I loved for all the side stuff. It looks like new Vegas has a lot of side stuff as well. But if anybody can name a few side things not side missions in fallout 3 I would greatly appreciate it.
IGN gives incredibly biased reviews and you should
never trust them. If you're going to base your opinion off of a review score, ignore the score altogether and just
read at least a handful of reviews. Not to say Fallout 3 didn't deserve the score, because it did, but you should never base your opinion off the score a single site, especially IGN, gives.
New Vegas looks like it will be improving on a lot of what was in Fallout 3. We don't know for sure how the game will be yet, but so far it looks like it will be better than Fallout 3. But it's best to wait until it's released to make a decision.