I loved collecting a bunch of junk and things to line the walls and shelves of my house with

But my favorite thing to do was to collect the armor of helmets of people Ive killed and having their armor/helmet/weapon on display .
So what I was thinking way, for future Fallout games, that you could pick heads, hands, bodies, ect for my house to have on display.
Maybe even a weapon rack type thing that you get to chose what weapon you get to hang on your wall.
Also, the ability to pick up ANYTHING (Small enough to carry of course) because every time I see a cow skull, or a tricycle,and cant pick it up; l cry a little on the inside.
This also brings up a whole bunch of other ideas for home customization like:
The ability to take picture with that useless camera and have them on your wall.
The ability to make anywhere a home like a cave or something, and add doors, furniture, shelves, ect.
The ability to hire guards for your house.
Also, here are some of my other ideas:
First, when you go into vats and it zooms in on the face of you shooting, at least have him show some emotion (Depending on the character, like if hes evil, nice, ect) instead of just '_'
Second, the ability to have more than one companion at the same time, kinda like good ol' Fallout 1.
Third, the ability to ride a motorcycle/bike/car through the desert or city, and have your crew in the back seat shooting if your attacked aha
What do you think?