Warning, there are a few references to previous games, do not read on if you dont like spoilers.
1. General
A. Children and a better intro. I'll assume this will happen, as they made it in fallout 3. Imo, the oblivion intro was downright rubbish. The morrowind one was good, from a role playing perspective.
B. Being able to see my feet. This annoyed me in every single fallout and TES game T_T I dont wanna look to the ground and do a 360 and not see my freaking legs.
C. Morrowind style travelling around. I dont mind instant travel boats, or instant travel carriages, or teleporting, just not the instant travelling on foot.
D. Mission checkpoints! (as in, autosaves when certain objectives are complete etc).
E. Co-op! And online co-op for the PC (As I would have to squint if my 21 incher was split in half lol) I dont think this one will happen though.
F. Owning stuff and buildings of people that you kill. If people want to kill everyone and ruin their game like a kid, so be it. Bethesda, if you really dont want someone to die, just give them invincibility if they are that important.
G. I wish people wouldnt assume im gonna steal something when I pick up another guys thing. When I pick up a drink at the store and take it to the counter, the woman at the desk doesnt call the cops.
H. A hardcoe mode like in new vegas. That was hella cool.
2. Combat
A. Sword combat needs to be improved, it is very repetitive. When having a battle with another big group of ally's I have to stay back in case I hit an ally by accident. That happened a LOT.
B. Fallout bullet cinematic implemented in to arrows (Only while sneaking and not in combat, otherwise this could get annoying).
C. Decapitation! I'll assume Skyrim will have it as it was introduced in fallout 3.
D. More varied weapons and armour. I dont like the Fur ,Leather, mithril, silver etc system. I'd like more individual weapon types. Long bows that are more powerful but longer to reload. Opposite for short bows etc
E. I think I may have heard about this feature some where on another website... dual wielding?
F. More actual weapons. Crossbows, throwing knives, polearms, halberds etc.
3. Economy
A. Dunno if any of you have ever played mount and blade, but I liked the system it used, where the merchant would pay more for something that he didnt have/less of, and would pay less if he had lots of the thing that your selling.
B. Make hunting and treasure hunting actually worth it. Make pelts and gems worth more gold please. However, this could be easily modded.
Not much more to say on the economy...
4. Map/Graphics
A. Bigger, plox :]
B. Longer view distance with vegetation. I didnt like the suddenly appearing vegetation as I was strolling through the countryside.
C. Longer detail distance with trees.
D. More trees. I know oblivion was made in 2006, but at times the countryside felt like a green desert. Hell, look at what crysis did.
E. Sharper shadows [^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^]
F. More varied dungeons. Imo, this was oblivions weakest point, the dungeons felt unimaginative and repetitive.
5. Misc/Stuff that doesnt fit in to anything else
A. Hyperthreading support. Me being an intel user (I7 920) I cant wait till the technology is used more often in the future to push it to the limit.
B. BIG issue. Voice acting! the imperial city felt like it was being voice acted by 5 people.
C. More unique spells. I would like more varied effects.
D. Im not the biggest fan of the level scaling, I dont mind a little bit, but I still want certain areas to be full of harder monsters and other areas of weaker ones.
E. Ive just had a flash back. Anyone remember dark messiah? Anyone played it? By god, I loved the grapple. It made the game so good. Maybe... just maybe.... I can zoom up unto buildings in skyrim and run round rooftops and climb up trees to pick off enemies from distance with my crossbow... OMG!
Hope you enjoyed reading. This is just my opinion, dont be hostile please, or my pet rock will wet itself again