» Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:31 am
Near same thing for me. I got the goty from steam for chrstmas etc. My game does not freeze every 5 minutes but is often, and when it wants to and before I save game. It svcks.
I just built this system, but using my older video card. The game ran better in xp on my dual core amd rig and older drivers 182.06 and patch 015- well ran better on my abit kn8 and 4000+ too. I have the retail collectors ed. The game was always a lil glitchy, but not like now. I did not have the retail dlc's and always ran patch 015.
No matter if I have fraps running with the game or not recording or not. It seems to be running fine, and I lowered quality settings in game a lil to make up for my new high res monitor. I just turn around or walk up to something to check for goods or to read something it just freezes. If fraps is on, its says I am running 60fps or so, so My game quality settings must not be too high. It might come back might not. I wait 3 minutes or so. I can not ctrl alt f4 nothing to get back to my desk top- or I am not doing it right.
It is so aggravating. I have to hit my reset button and takes w7 20 minutes or so to load up what ever and calm down , and then turn off all my security and wait for it to calm down again before I can start to playing again. Sometimes I just give up and wish I did not waste another dime on this game. All I read it all started after patching for the dlcs. I feel stupid for spending more money on the game..
All of my drivers and system is up to date. Older vid card yes. But the game should work Right or better any way.. I get no bug reports. my system just freezes is all. And for no reasons I can think of.. This system other than vid card is maybe 3x more powerful than my last system. I do not understand it. I have never used w7 so, I do not know what the best drivers are or for my older card, I cant really test them and say I have good drivers to fall back to. It svcks. Borderlands [borderlands is not steam], bioshock and hl2 ep2 work fine on steam, only fo3 gives me problems, or of the games I am testing any way..
I have already done all I know or read for better game performance in w7. I turn off the areo or clear glass junk and other lil things. I should be chewing up fo3 with no probs.
My vid card is nvidia. I do not know if this fix will work for me or not.
I guess I can not play the game any more, I dont know.. It svcks..
Thanks- See ya..