I'm having problems getting the NPC who wakes the player up starting the right GREETING and beginning the conversation. The placement of the NPC is happening properly in the Menumode code, the Player is woken up, but the NPC's greeting is a generic one that you'd get passing them in the street, and it doesn't start a conversation. If I click on the NPC, the correct conversation starts, but I really need to force it a bit earlier.
Looking at the RufioDieScript (I think that's the right name) I notice that there was a "LucienLachanceMurderRef.StartConversation Player" commented out, presumably because it won't work there in the Menumode block. Instead a variable is set, probably for use in another script I haven't tracked down yet. I'm guessing I do need the force-greet, but I can't find where LL does his. I suspect I'll have to fiddle with fQuestDelayTime to make sure the wanted conversation starts before anything else can be said, as I see that being changed in the DB scripts.
Has anyone else been down this path and found the secret incantation?
Edit: I finally tracked down a Find package targeting the player that does it. Now mine's working too.