Dothan was the largest of the three cities, not much had survived the bombs but what did would become the subject of scavenging and shelter for the newly homeless. A regiment of the Brotherhood of Steel, which was formed in the west, moved into the area and cleared the way to what was the city hall to gain more information on Dothan and it's surrounding cities. Although the Brotherhood cleaned the area up drastically, Dothan still sheltered wastelanders, raiders, and mercenaries.
Enterprise suffered a larger amount of damage due to it's lack of distance from Fort Rucker. The city was merely piles of rubble in which only portions of the sewers were navigable. Super mutants which fled the west after their near extinction found this as a worthy home after running off the mutated dog's and coyotes that had overwhelmed the area. The sewers were claimed by the survivers which experienced a slightly less than lethal amount of the radiation from the bombings. They were what was to be called ghouls. The ghouls formed a network of posts throughout the city underground and continued to live their less then disirable lives there.
Much of Ozark was also rubble due it's closeness to Fort Rucker. Although the eastern end was suitable for life, it was overrun by the looters and unorderly. The looters there began to group together to fight off the mutated wild life that was quite plentiful in the area. Although these looters found comfort in the aid of others the nuclear fallout gave much more meaning to the phrase "survival of the fittest." If one of them wanted something the other had, they would try to take it by force, they were ruthless.
Towns are spread between the main cities and will be explained as they are explored, as will the grittier details of each city.
Southern Alabama is rich with wildlife and rodents. The need for the mutated cows to produce food is low, but as always in this wasteland water is scarce and in great need. Towns are roughly 30 miles from one another and would take much time to travel to and from on foot. Small towns are dotted throughout the area and between each city. Fort Rucker which was located in between Enterprise and Ozark was the home of minor nuclear missiles itself, explaining the extra destruction of the cities and towns closest to it. It is now a mere crater on the Southern Wasteland's surface.
I'm thinking of using a database program such as access to keep track of everything that has happened, such as cities, towns, and important personnell. I plan on making probably a couple hundred npc's to trade with, do missions for, get information from, and what not. Access will allow me to create an inventory for these traders as well as how much the items will cost. I will allow players to have up to 5 controllable characters working together, or as little as, of course, one. It might sound like it but I do not want this to be an RP with a dungeon master or whatever as I wan't to be able to enjoy it myself. This will take compentent and mature players. I could although figure up some sort of hit or miss weapon system depending on certain areas of the body in respect to the skills you choose (like VATS). I could also do the same with armor and damage resistance. I might even luck up and find one already made that would save me some time, or it can just be a free play with a bit of other goodies. This might be a bit too complicated I'm not actually sure. I was working on something similar for a Resident Evil RP and forgot to save it elsewhere before a format. Also depending on how complex we want it or how simply we want it, there might be need for a website. I haven't had any experience with creating a forum but if noone is willing and those interested in a more complex rp want it then I'll look into it. I will also search for some map programs so we don't have to use google maps. I'm actually a military trained topographer