I figure it might even be an interesting read to some of you, and if you've got something to share, then why not share, right?

It's not quite done yet, though. A rather large part is as of yet unwritten, but I'll get around to that sooner or later. So to whom it might concern, enjoy!
When asked about her history, she wished she could say more. She really did. Her place of birth was a mystery to her, remembering only very little. With eyes closed and a bit of focus, she believes to remember her mothers face. Her dad was more of a notion than a face, an unseen presence. How can one forget her youth so profoundly? Were they even still alive? She could not have been much more than 2 or 3 years old when the lapse in memory occured. How many years had she lost?
Truth be told she didn't even know her real name, her birthname. When people had asked, she'd told them her name was 'Ann'. Why she'd chosen Ann she didn't know. Figured it was as good a name as any. Short and simple. Over the years the townsfolk and nearby settlers had started calling her 'Little Ann', which had then turned into 'Lilian'.
Regretfully, what she remembers best, and most of, were her years with the raiders. She was nothing more than a teenager - perhaps 10 or 11 - when they had picked her up in a small settlement called Aurora, a little north of Needles. She was a stragler back then - that much she remembered. No home and no family, a scavenger by necessity. She'd trek down to Needles sometimes to find bigger and better spoils in the larger settlement, but people there were less forgiving about her petty thievery and would chase her more than they did in Aurora.
But then came the raiders. She'd both seen and encountered raiders before, but never this many and never so ruthless. They sacked Aurora down to the last dweller and pet. The men were murdered in cold blood. The women were either violated and brought along, tied together in a column of slaves, or shot after the [censored].
The few children in Aurora were taken to become new members of the raider flock. Lilian being no exception. If not for her intense 'training' of escaping and avoiding angry settlers in Aurora and Needles. She gave quite a few of the remorseless raiders a run for their money, chasing her vigorously for many minutes, in and out of buildings, under and over. Through windows and cracks in the walls. The large heavy men was no match for her small and quick frame and her knowledge of all the best hiding spots.
For how long did the chase last, she sometimes wondered? They outnumbered her, though, and the strength in that came to an end when she, in her flight, ran headlong into an exceptionally large and dirty man who had set up a flank.
Kane. King Kane.
He heaved her off the ground with a single hand held under her right armpit. The sheer pain from his mighty grip was enough to make the young teenage girl squirm, let alone the pain of being lifted off the ground by one shoulder.
Hanging there, helpless, in this titans iron grip, she expected the beating of her life. Death would surely come within then next few minutes. Perhaps he was death himself? The pain from his grip fast became a searing, her shoulder feeling like it might pop out of its socket any time.
But death never came. Nor did the beating. Instead there came laughter. Deep and booming laughter, like a small thunderstorm, but composed and amused. The giant man was actually chuckling.
"What a slippery little thing you are." he finally said, in a deep raspy voice. "How curious, such a small and delicate thing being able to out-maneuver no less than five of my men for so long. You have some skill, sweetie. Some skill indeed. I think you might be a keeper." he continued, laughing as he finished the last sentence and set her down again, alleviating most of the searing pain in her shoulder.
"Finish things up here, we move in two!" The titan roared to his men.
One of the armor-clad raiders who had been chasing her came over, sweating and panting, and grabbed Lilian by her arm, wanting to drag her off to be chained with the other children. But his grip was short-lasted, for the huge man with the iron grasp grabbed the huffing raiders arm and tore Lilian free in an instant.
"No! This one will be riding with me!" King Kane growled at the startled raider. "Neither you nor any of the others will lay a hand on her, or I assure you that the next thing those hands will be touching, will be the insides of your own belly, when I've torn them off and shoved them down your own yap!". He went on furiously.
The smaller raider stumbled back, almost off-balance, with an expression of pure confusion on his face, flailing his arm wildly to escape the steel clutch of his strong leader. But he did not come free from the hold untill Kane let go willingly, scowling evily at his raider minion, who mustered nothing more than an approving nod.
Lilian found herself still standing infront of the giant brute and his lackey, mesmerized by the almost affectionate display the giant raider had shown in scolding her previous pursuer for grabbing her.
Perplexed she looked back at Kane and blurted "What do you want?" almost instinctively.
Kane looked back down on her and chuckled.
"Taking you to a new home, squirt. One better than this one, you'll see." He said, flashing the perhaps biggest smile Lilian had ever seen.
He turned his head and bellowed "We move!" before looking back to the young girl and extending his huge hand to her and smiled.
His curious mix of affection and intimidating presence truly was mesmerizing. He surely was not 'Death Himself' as she had first expected. But he was hardly an angel or saviour of any kind, either. Lilian had quickly learned to take care of herself and to stick to where she had her butt end covered. Right now Aurora seemed to be last of those places, and if this large mountain of a man was as sincere as he seemed, then perhaps going with him was the best course for the time being. Not that she had much choice, she figured, and carefully put her slender little hand into his cement-like grasp.
The following 11 years were spent with the raider band known as "The Raven Company" led by Kane, who retained his seat as the clan leader the whole time. He had taken Lilian as his own on that faithful day in Aurora. His initial inclination was to adopt her as his unofficial daughter, being greatly impressed with her display of agility and speed in outrunning his men. And to her he became like the father who she'd forgotten s? many years ago, a merciless protector and provider in a world with no mercy to spare.
But Kane was a harsh and stern man, shaped by the brutal realities of being a raider leader in the post apocalyptic wastes. The first many years Lilian really was like a daughter to him, but as the years went by and she steadily grew into a lady, rather than a young girl, Kane found it increasingly harder to distinguish her from the energetic little scamp when he had first found her, to the ripening woman she was growing into day by day.
Their relationship became increasingly strenuous, and began leaning more towards boyfriend and girlfriend than father and daughter. In essence, Lillian found it hard to really blame Kane, because she knew he was often fighting an inner battle to restrain his urges towards her, and that such self-discipline had not been a part of his life before they met. But as much as they both tried to keep their bond to a platonic level, it was to no avail.
Kane was a temperous man who was easily frustrated and had no practice in quelling his anger. When things went awry, he'd be sure that all involved would know. And Lilian, a young teenager fast growing into a ripe and attractive woman became a source of much frustration to Kane, and to a large degree; Kane's urges. But to Lilian Kane was still Kane. The big brute who protected her and took care of her among the rack-pack scoundrels of The Raven Company. His advances were not as welcome as he would have liked.
Conflicts arose between them, despite their attempts at fixing it. They started drifting apart, unwillingly, but inevitably. Things were said and done that they both regret. Things that Kane were mostly the catalyst and repenter for, and Lilian mostly the one suffering from.
Their feud escalated to a point where Lilian could no longer see the big, protective Kane behind his pale-grey eyes. Instead she saw only King Kane, the brute and ruler of the unclaimed wastes. It was both fear and sorrow that clasped her heart when she looked upon his gruff features. Too much so for her to remain at his side. Not for fear of her life, for she knew, even with the mounting conflicts between them, that he would never truly hurt her. But she had no more energy or will to stay by him. The conflict was too taxing. She had to leave him. Had to leave The Raven Company. Had to leave her Kane. Her replacement father.
These years are a different tale for another time.
Lilian left The Raven Company in secrecy. She ran away, for she knew that leaving the band officially meant to leave without your life. Noone left The Raven Company with the bands consent, without a bullet to the neck. But she did not escape unscathed. For Kane had found out her intent some days earlier, and threatened her to stay. It had ended in mutual consent, signed with a blade through her left cheek, horribly scarring her for life. She remained only long enough to tend the ghastly wound, and then slipped out at night, taking only her favourite clothing, items and necessary food and drink to survive at least a couple of days in the wastes.
She knew, also, that Kane would eventually find her. And if not him, then surely one of The Raven Company with orders to terminate her. Or bring her back alive, in which case she'd be sure to terminate herself, should all else fail. Kane was the last person on Earth she wanted to ever meet again. Then rather die.
So she wanders. From town to town, scavenging and scrounging whatever she can. She was never a raider by heart. She was forced into that life and had little options about it. She learned the things form them that she felt she could use, and closed her eyes to most of the brutality of the rest. Being Kane's girl she was given many leniencies within the band, and could avoid much of the more devious deeds and raids of The Raven Company. She was glad for that, for the slaughter, kidnapping, torture and occasional slavery was a horrible life to her. One that she would stay away from as much as possible, which in itself was quite a task in raider company.
It is good to be free. To be on her own, without Kane or the others lurking about. Knowing that now she could meet other people in the wastes and not fear for their life or safety. But on the other hand, she now also knew - and felt - fear for her own. For just as much as she did not have to worry about Kane lurking over her, so too would she now have to worry about him not protecting her. For the first time in 11 years, she'd have to truly put to use the skills and tricks she'd learned with the raiders.
She'd trained with them occasionally, learning how to handle a blade and inflicting mortal wounds with sharp objects. They'd even taught her how to handle a gun, but she never cared for it and was never very good at it. Her strength lay in remaining undetected. Unseen and unheard. Skills she had honed ever since a small child, foraging the cities and settlements. With The Raven Company she would often scout ahead when the band went on skirmishes. Rarely did she end up in an actual fight, and on the occasiones when she did, Kane would usually not be long to reach her side and make sure that whomever were causing her grief, would know pain and death in an instant.
Now, some twenty-years old, alone and poor in the wastelands, she'd have to put her faith and her life into those subtle skills. Stealth and elegance with a blade.