That's not a complaint but I think moderators are a little harsh when it comes to topics that have anything to do with "PC" in it.
Why saying "I will play the game at pc because i have a pc" is regarded as an offensive act,and specifically "console bashing" ?
And then threads are locked,posts are edited etc...
And why when people say "I will play the game on xbox360" it isn't regarded as PC bashing and nobody edit such posts ?
Different persons have different preferences,and someone might like a computer more than a console,or a console more than a computer.
That's something normal,that's how people are.
We can't be all exactly the same.
I don't understand why in an argument between pc gamers and console gamers,console gamers are always spared and it's the pc gamers that get warnings and their posts are edited.
If I write what I write in a civil and polite way,whithout being sarcastic,ironic or name calling anybody why is it bad to just say that I prefer x from y ?
Why am I regarded offensive for those that like y,if I just say that I like x ?
And those who like y more than x and are saying it they are not considered offensive too,and if they are then why I don't see their posts being edited ?
Simple question,I ask for a simple answer.